[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 22, 2013
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    It looks fine to me, you don\'t have a name section, but I did see a name in your bio. I don\'t have the power to accept you, just saying I don\'t see any outstanding problems.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You need to read the lore again, its the first paragraph. Your bio needs to match up with the lore, all players start as a prisoner on the ship Hail.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You got two problems with your application, you need to reread the rules and you need to reread the lore. Every player starts as a prisoner on the ship Hail, your bio needs to explain how that happened to your character. Also to answer your question to my knowledge we can bring whatever ships we want to, provided you got the credits to buy the ship.

    Edit: Ah that\'s what I get for not reading all the posts, take your time in fixing the application. I\'m going to leave this all here just to make sure you figure it out.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You also need to reread the lore your bio needs to match up with it, all players start has a prisoner on the ship Hail. That being said you could also stand to flesh out your bio abit more.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Found a few problems, one of them is a fairly common mistake,and easy to fix, reread the rules. We don\'t need your in-game name, we need the game of your character (which you will be known has in-game). Also while your bio technically passes, I would say its a good idea to work on it a bit more, let us know more about your character. Things like who he is, his history, any family, make him seem more like a real person.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    Can\'t wait for the session tonight. Need someone killed? Just ask. Evolution
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Character Name: Hazerd

    Age : 14 [Boy] (im mature only if not p-ed off)

    Personality : Hot head, hard worker

    Bio : A couple years ago i had crash landed into a planet, i had forgotten every thing from eating to walking over the next 5 years i have re learnt eating sleeping, and flying my ship. My ship is my everything. I fight for the cause i believe in, to get rid of the Eternia Scum in these sectors. And together, with others in a similiar position to mine, we will destroy the Eternia Empire and bring them to there knees.

    Plans once in Server : I plan to build a grand ship, maybe team up with others and attack and keep pounding the Eternia over and over.

    Other: I LIKE TO HAVE FUNNNN!!!!

    Please consider my THX :)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Ahhh ok, I think there was an error in communication. I will gladly talk with Crusade as well and see what he thinks
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Re-read the main post. You forgot something that is EXTREMELY important.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You also need to reread the lore, everyone starts as a prisioner on a ship called the Hail.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Personality: Comical, lacks the ability to realise the intensity of the situation he is in.

    Name: Ex-Captain Huntley Moore [Huntley likes people to call him Captain though]

    Age: 22

    Homeworld: Victus


    Huntley worked on his own land after retiring from the old Victus Military slowly building up the supplys to improve his starship to migrate somewhere nicer... somewhere where he could take full advantage of the advancements in Victus\' space engineering improvements, time his country game him something back after putting him through numerous missions, he dispised his country and planned to exploit it as much as he could...

    it was during the attack on Victus when Huntley fired up his starships engines to try to escape, to of no avail, he was disabled by fighters and left to hurtle through space before being forcibly docked to the Hail and placed in restraints after a unfortunate biting attempt... he slowly plotted to escape during the coming weeks until he came up with his master plan...
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 22

    Personality: Easy going, funny, friendly

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Thy Venesil- Company miner left for dead on deep space mission. Sustained critical injuries and was rebuilt by an advanced life form. He now seeks to travel the universe and find the ones that sought to end his--Squirrel!

    (He is still a work in progress with the advanced life forms, hes the first gen cyborg :/ )

    Plans once your in the server: Looking to make new friends, RP, build awesome spacecrafts and planet bases.

    Other: none
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Roshi

    Age: 16

    Personality: Indifferent, easy-going, cool.

    Bio: Roshi was birthed Roshaw Erikson aboard the SS-Capricorn, a mining and expedition ship belonging to a wealthy entrepreneur, and his company. Later in life, starting at a competent age of twelve, he was taken under the wing of an older bay-engineer known as Coro. At the start Roshaw struggled to understand the entirety of the ship, how it worked and functioned, but as he progressed he found the work to be rather simple. Enjoying most of the rest of his life as a simple worker, he gathered little to no experience in other things.

    Two years after, Coro passed away. Roshaw griefed for some days, but afterwards resume his regular agenda. The Commodore of the ship ordered for Roshaw to be sent work in the lower levels of the ship\'s engineering bay alone, so he did. The work was exhausting, usually Roshaw would return to his quarters drained. However after months of the routine, the boy found glitches to it which would make it rather easy for himself while unknown to him creating a very slow-acting time-bomb in one of the enginee\'s reactors.

    A year after, at the age of sixteen, Roshaw was checking the engine\'s status. They were odd, indicating an expected failure in one of the reactors. Just as he went on to tend to the problem, he felt the ship trembling. Moments after the Commodore\'s voice was on the intercom and was announcing an attack, that all shields were up, and to ready. The ship wasn\'t well armed, and losses were expected. However after some minor attacks a very large ship appeared over an asteroid. Shots were fired, pods which broke into the ship\'s hull and released waves of soldier.

    The inexperienced workers merely had enough time to put on space-suits before finding out they had been boarded. With fear they rushed to their loved ones, Roshaw in the hurry. However Roshaw was snatched just as he was exiting the bay hall and taken aboard into the enemy ship. After the whole mess was over, Roshaw was forced into slave labour as an asteroid miner. For weeks he worked, until he awoke to a scandal. It was a raid. An Eternia ship had appeared in orbit and confronted the pirates, leading to a very fierce battle in which they boarded the ship and took most who did not retaliate as prisoners.

    ... Roshaw was one of those. Following the arrest, and hearing of a new beginning, he resigned his former whole name and shortened into a short; Roshi.

    Plans on the Server:

    1.) Work a term on the military.

    2.) Gather some supplies to craft a ship.

    3.) Find a faction.

    4.) See what happens...

    Other: Eternia.