[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 26, 2013
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    I used to play minecraft every now and then before this, and I\'ve been playing this for a few days now. I just made my first actual ship yesterday after using a salvager for a while.

    Really, I\'m just trying to find a good server.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Right I seen a few others make the same mistake that you made, its pretty major and will get you denied. Figure that I should point this out to someone at least once on here. This sever is a roleplaying one, thus the RP part in the name, I\'m sure you know what it is, if not just ask.

    You want your application to explain a few things, first is your character\'s name. This is not your username per say, while it could be minus any numbers. My username is Damiann47, but I like to use the name Daris Breaker for any characters I make for RP type stuff. Second you want to give your character a personality, for this just simple words do, like loyal, or distrustful all you need to do is give a broad statment on how your character acts. I suggest you try to make a character similar to yourself, makes it easier to play since you generally act like yourself.

    The third and most important part is your character\'s bio, this is where you tell us what your character\'s history is, any faimily, the smaller details like that. ALWAYS READ THE LORE, your character needs to fit in the world that the creator made, if you make a futuristic cyborg in a fantasy setting you will be rejected. In this case there is a millitary organization called Eternia, they pretty much took over most parts of known space. You the player are a prisoner on a ship called the Hail. Your bio in the case of this server needs to lead up to how you got imprisioned in the first place, feel free to get creative with this.

    Everything else is just how it is, explain what your plans are on the sever simple as that. One last thing often times an application requires you to put something in it to prove that you read the rules, like putting the word \"Danger\" in the other section of the application, go back and make sure you read the rules.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Hey guys. Not reading applications today. Lot\'s of work with beta. I\'ve determined that the server will not be 24/7 until out of beta. During beta I will host two hour sessions. If you cannot in any way make it to these sessions because of time differences, let me know and we\'ll try to work something out.

    Scheduel is going to be on the main post.

    Also: Feel free to add me on skype. My skype is Zamorak789.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    The Eternia server will always be updated. If there is an update, download it. If server is outdated, contact me and let me know.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    This way we can get everyone on at the same time, brainstorm together, and RP together. It also allows people to plan when to come on, timezones can be a bitch.

    This will only be for beta.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Figure I\'ll post this here, could use this ship on the server for either Eternia or the rebels, if not nothing stops me from using it anyway, heh.

    Earlier I was working on designing a complete stealth ship, a ship that can run the radarjammer and cloak at the same time without draining too much power. I found a way to do that, plus the ship can also move without draining too much power as well. The best part is I was able to fit some lock-on missiles, I killed two pirates in the standard Isanth without any problems. The glory of the ship is that it doesn\'t use hulling or shields for defense but stealth, course if it gets caught it won\'t stand a chance against most weapons. I intend for it to be used for low-risk hit and runs, if the pilot can remember to recloak after firing since using any weapons takes the ship out of a cloak.Since I can\'t figure out how to post pictures on this site, here is a link to it. http://s1051.photobucket.com/user/Damiann47/media/starmade-screenshot-0003.png.html
    Jun 20, 2013
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    There\'s a picture button you can press and enter a url.

    It may be able to stealth but if that\'s caught then you are screwed :P

    I\'ll be building some ships for my faction, although it\'ll be a little while before they\'re on the server.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    glad someone else had the same idea I had been saving a bunch of ships into the catalog
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Well you see... wait you don\'t haha!

    Edit: Ok then guess I should explain further, I don\'t plan to have this ship fly out alone mostly as a supplement for the main force. Think like recon, or harassment of the enemy its a small agile ship that should be able to get in and out quickly. It can be used for other things then just combat, strap some salvage cannons to it and send it out to mine Don\'t have to arm it or take up space for hull and sheilds, first thing saturday I\'m going to modify my ship into a stealth one.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Character Name: Mani Mel

    Character Age: 24 (Player Age:27)

    Personality Traits: Reclusive, quiet, kind, respectful, knowledgeable, protective.

    Bio ( Character ): Mani was a rather simple mine worker that recently got married and was but a week short of boarding the ship that would take him and his newly wed wife to another planet to live. The Transport ship was intercepted by an Eternia patrol. One of the passengers was a known criminal and his actions caused the ship to come under fire and eventually caused those that survived the situation to be imprisoned. Mani was torn from his wife\'s hands and shackled to be locked away along with the criminals in which he had no clue existed until one of them pulled a firearm on the Eternia personel that boarded the transport ship.

    Arriving at the Hail, Mani was sent to one of the lower quarters and stayed there for a good while. During a typical day, something happened which caused fuss on the ship ( Referencing Traxie\'s Bio ). One of the walls of the lower levels broke away, the area decompressing quickly, bodies being pulled into space as some ships commenced an assault on the Hail. A Suited up guard ran by only to be grabbed by a thick hand through Mani\'s cell bars, cracking the man\'s neck backwards, he grabbed the security card to unlock the cell and dawned the space suit from the guard, making his way from the Hail, into the cold reaches of space.... amongst bodies of dead prisoners that were sucked into the vacuum during the attack.

    Plans: Hope that he drifts towards a station or maybe a nearby wreckage of a ship that could be rewired to work. If he acquires a ship, he\'ll try to return to his home planet and seek out his wife... if not... he\'ll have to fight for survival in the harshness of space.

    ( Find a ship, make some credits, maybe a friend or two on the way, stay low and out of sight of the Eternia folks and continue the search for his wife.)

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this):James Vein Jr.

    Age: 26

    Personality: Sarcastic, Good natured, Agreeable, determined

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    Hello, I am GrayDawn. I was once an engineer working for the Eternia Corporation. I started off building simple mining ships when the Eternia Corporation first started traveling into space and mining, but when I heard that Eternia Corp. was starting a weaponry division i immediately decided to join for weapons were my specialty and my passion. I was soon incorporated into the \"Juggernaught\" project and spent Countless hundreds of hours working on the massive ship.

    The Juggernaught was nearly completed when i learned what it\'s true purpose was. I immediatly decided it had to be destroyed. I descussed the issue with my closed friends among the other engineers working on the project and executives from Eternia Corp. in charge of the project. We decided that we would plant Dis-Integrater explosives throughout the ship and rig it to explode the first time the cannon was fired. But we were betrayed.

    Soon after we started setting the explosives throughout the ship just weeks before it was finished one of the other engineers. My closest friend and only brother, Eric Vein, as well as my father James Vein Sr., Betrayed us. He told the Eternia Corp. leaders of our plan and gave names of everyone involved. The executives that were involved were immediately executed and myself and the other engineers were all arrested and placed on the prison ship Hail.

    I have cast off my family name. The name given to me by the ones that betrayed me, and have taken on a new name. Now I must find a way to escape and destroy the ship I spent so long helping to build.


    GrayDawn, creator and soon to be destroyer of the Juggernaught

    Plans once your in the server: Escape the Hail and create or join a faction so i can help to build an armada to assault and destroy the Juggernaught and the Eternia Corporation .

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Age: 22

    Personality: Passive, courageous, determined

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Hello, Captain Ryder White here. I was once the great captain of a vessel known only as \'The Obliterator\'. Then, after fending off numerous and daring attacks from the pirate horde, we smashed into a planet.

    By sheer luck, and after countless hours collecting priceless minerals off of the face of the planet, a glorious ship known as Hail landed. Little did i know it was a prison ship, a jail for scum and grime of the universe. I pleaded to be let out for I had done nothing wrong but the guards were as stubborn as a mu...

    And that was the last known recording of Ryder White.

    Plans: Either fight to become accepted into the Eternia Military or escape from the dastardly ship. One day i will find out who out me here, one day.

    Other: Death to those who come across me, for \'The Obliterator\' will rise again!
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Name: Cadmus Argarin

    Age: 31

    Personality: Cold, robotic, generally quite passive and non-combatant. My time aboard the Hail has molded me into a lethal if provoked, but sensible person.

    Bio: In the early years of your galaxy\'s formation, our race, the Allicons, lived peacefully. Our people drifted through space in our massive Homeships, aiding those in need and harvesting the mineral-rich asteroids on the outer rim for their powerful psionic crystals. I was the officer in charge of the communications bridge on the Homeship Persephone, home to 15,000 of our finest scientists, doctors, and their families. We had been sent by the Fleet Council to prospect and explore an uncharted region of space on the edge of what is now Eternian space. We were an intelligent species with an unyielding passion to learn about the galaxies around us. Our quest for knowledge, however, was our undoing, it blinded us to the dangers of outsiders. Several years ago my people came into contact with your species after attempting to aid a heavily damaged frigate class vessel near the edge of your galaxy. We were intrigued by it\'s intricate design and systems, and found that there were several unknown lifeforms aboard that appeared to be injured. We proceded to pull the ship into ours for analysis and medical support. No sooner had we sealed off our main hanger bay, we recieved a transmission from a large vessel... >>:This is the Eternian Destroyer Keldon. You are in direct violation of Intiative R.C.11253 and have captured a military frigate. Release it immediately, or be fired upon:
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Character Name: Shootmybrain


    Personality: calm

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): My character is a newly approved pilot and has been chosen to explore the galaxies and discover what that has not been, as he is still young and inexperienced, he will sought out the help of other factions to aid him in his journey.

    Plans once your in the server: Build a hopefully awesome ship and explore as well as join a faction and participate in battles.

    Other: I\'m still new to this game so i hope that i can learn by playing with others! :D
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Since I got accepted into the closed beta I felt like posting this here, if you want to see a taste of what Evolution\'s bounty hunting power will be then click on dis link here: http://star-made.org/content/esi-evolution-starship-industries

    Also, Evolution is recruiting :D
