[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 22, 2013
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    I don\'t feel something like this is needed, while it may be neat in a RP sense, it kinda takes away from one of StarMade\'s main features, the ability to build your own ship. Plus a ship that is kitted out with a faction module and it taged with a faction shows up as that faction on navagation. About the whole death star deal, if the enemy can build one, you can build one it takes them just the same amount of effort as it takes you, besides they are big and slow, few fast ships with some powerful guns could threaten one.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    As far as this kind of thing goes, I\'d prefer leaving ship building up to the people. All Eternia ships will display an E on it. We have a Rebel commander, and I\'m leaving it to him how he will distinguish his ships. Eternias military will be, for the most part, very uniform. There will be changes to some, and a few specialty ships will be here and there, but for the most part if your Nav says \"fighter\" it will be the same one you\'ve seen before.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Server will be going through a Beta phase soon, as we are nearing completeion. The ten best applications will be accepted into beta, and watched closely for how they act. These people will also be granted certain advantages for helping with the beta. You may at any time go back and edit your application to improve it (but you might have to let me know you edited it.) Also, any custom ships you think the Eternia military/rebels should have can be sent to me via PM and I\'ll check it out.

    Also, new faction is going to make it\'s way into the server.. Not much is known about them, but on the far edes of the galaxy some small colonies have gone dark.. We have yet to encounter aliens, and these may be the first.

    I\'ll be hiring graphics artists as well! So if anyone wants to take that job, please PM me.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Character Name: Markus Korriman

    Age: 17

    Personality: Straightforward, no-nonsense, and unpleasantly frank when the need arises- otherwise, a fairly average fun-loving and goofy teenager.

    Bio: ((I\'ve always sucked at these.))

    Markus was born into a middle-class family, and spent his entire early life in space. Employed by a salvage company at age 15, he has spent the last 2 years keeping his head down and avoiding contact with the Empire. Recently, however, his sense of marality has kciked in, and he\'s setting out to change the Empire - by whatever means necessary. While dedicated, he realizes he\'ll nee help, and for the last 2 months, he has been attempting to raise support for a resistance movement. Found and imprisoned on the Hail, he\'s now dedicated to escaping and returning to his efforts.

    Plans once your in the server: Be reasonably peaceful. Unless, of course, you support the tyrannical oppressors! In that case, wreak havoc. Or try, anyway.

    Other: Eternia (must fall).
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this):muyoshi

    Age: 15

    Personality: Friendly and fun but likes to do things alone

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Muyoshi was born in a little and peaceful planet that had nothing exceptional.His planet had its own language,and that\'s why he doesn\'t speak english very well.He designed a lot of spaceships and he secretly build one.While he was testing it,pirates attaked his planet for its resources.Muyoshi escaped the planet just before it explode and went into space.He was very sad,and had nowhere to go.He found a shop and while he was repairing his ship,the Eternia fleet arrived.They were looking for pirates,and they thought muyoshi was a pirate.They arrested him.Muyoshi has now a choice to make:explain he is not a pirate and join Eteria\'s army,or try to escape and stay free.

    Plans once your in the server:Build a ship,then build a bigger ship,and then...maybe a space satation.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Character Name: Flip (nickname, explained in bio)

    Age: 19

    Personality: logical, creative, sarcastic

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    Solarian was born into a seclusive tribe ((see note 1)) on frozen planet Aires just three years before the Eternia Empire set foot into space. It was a relatively peaceful time. A few years later, the Eternia fleet jumped into orbit around Aires for the first time. Dozens of shuttles landed on the surface, one heading straight towards the tribes main town. There were some talks, though none of what went on was heard by or cared about by a still almost infant Solarian. Soon the ships left, and life continued as before. Just a few months after his sixth birthday, though, the Eternian fleet returned. Unbeknownst to him, their earlier visit had secured Aires for mining by the Eternian fleet in return for a better home through integration into the Eternian Empire. The tribe had not wanted this, but then, there was nothing they could do while the Juggernaught hung over their heads. This time, hundreds of shuttles landed, and the tribe boarded.

    The time spent aboard the shuttle was lost to the timelessness of space, though certainly it was less than a month before the ship landed on a new world. A few years passed, all of which were fairly miserable to Solarian. Due to his upbringing he didn\'t find many friends, and those he did find were distant. He ran away in search of a better life. It wasn\'t long before he found himself amongst yet another small, secluded group where he could feel at home. But different from his old and peaceful tribe, this group were made of dedicated bounty hunters.

    Despite feeling at home with the group, he never told them his real name. According to his culture, almost forgotten since they left Aires, they thought ones name should be kept only among a trusted few, since their name was important indicator of their future. In lack of a proper name, those who knew him simply called him Flip, due to his exceptional acrobatic skills. He exceeded early expectations in his younger years during training and thus accelerated himself into advanced classes where he met his best friend, Den. Den was the only one he ever told his real name, as well as its meaning - Child of Sunlight.

    Years passed until they reached the final step of their training - to go and complete a bounty on their own. On this mission the duo met up with Timmothy. The mission would be short-lived. Betrayed by an unknown source, the three were arrested and sent to the prision ship \"Hail\". Certainly, the trio had no intention of signing on with the military, and so began their plans for escape.

    Note 1: Keep in mind that this is still relatively advanced. For a comparative measure, tribal indicates a lack of the large cities you would expect of an advanced age and a more limited use of space travel.

    Plans once your in the server: Escape the ship with my friend Den and restart our colony.

    Other: Eternia

    Edited because better story and stuff :D
    Jun 20, 2013
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    *NOTE: These are not the beta accepted. These are accepted for after beta.*


    Commander Error

    Review the lore:




    Beta accepted:

    Traxie, Java, Yashagoro, Damiann, and Dendrake. *Please contact me via chat or PM so I know your online.*

    More will be accepted tomorrow.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Sir Reginald Clockwork

    Age: 15

    Personality: Inteligent, Takes care of his friends, Honorable and Loyal

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Reginald comes from the once royal family, Clockwork. For years the Clockwork family designed ships for private companies. However, the day the Juggernaughtwas completed, their company was taken over by Eternia. To make sure that they did not revolt, Eternia took the only son of the family, Reginald, as a prisoner. He was put on the ship \"Hail.\" One day, the higher ups offered Reginald a choice. He could join the Eternia military, or stay in jail. He spent days pondering what to do. Finally, in the interest of his family... He decided to join the military........ but only until he could get his family to safety. Then, who knows what he will do?

    Plans once your in the server: I plan on keeping up my family tradition by building an armada of ships.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Character Name: ssthehunter


    Personality:Laid back and friendly except when riled up.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    SS was born on a merchant ship, The Capitalist, and raised on it his whole life, setting foot on planets only to help his parents gain contracts. As he grew up, he managed to acquire enough credits to purchase a small freighter, The Slipspacian\'s Hope.

    For the longest time, he was just another spacer pulling routine cargo trips along the space lanes.... Until Eternia came into power. They decided to claim the space lanes as their own. SS, along with several other spacers decided to fight back. They armed their freighters with \"Found\" military grade weapons and fought back.

    In the first few battles SS pulled several risky stunts, destorying the majority of the enemy force, earning him the nickname of The Hunter. However, after a couple of fights, he along with the survivors were subdued and sent to the Hail. From there, he plots his escape.

    Plans once your in the server: Find a nice place to call home. Then build a big ship and blast the Eternia forces to hell. Then take a vacation. Or ten.

    Oh , its time for vacation? ehh.... Eternia can stay a bit longer.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    (This is an application for 2 people, the part in brackets is the second person, and the part in no brackets is me, sorry for any inconveniance :3)


    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Boness (Bramblestar129)

    Age: 14 (14)

    Personality: Social, I try to help others if they need it, kind? :3 (Social, Kind, Won\'t go alone)

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Boness is my character in everything, He has assisted me through many roleplays and plays the part of Deaths apprentice. In this case, Boness has angered Death by meddling in mortal affairs, and has had his power stripped away from him, and sent to space for an eternity.

    Glory to eternia.

    (Bramble was from another dimension, a wormhole opened and took everyone away from her, her planet, her family.. She was forced to build and to make enemies and allies to return to her beloved planet, however first, she needs to get her barings..)

    Plans once your in the server: Build ships capable of removing chunks of planets with mining lasers, non hostile ships... Until enough cash is gathered for us both to build motherships.

    Other: Not sure if I can applicate for 2 people, but Bramble dosn\'t know much about this game, however she knows the basics and is a nice person in general, don\'t expect griefing or cheap attacks from her. Or from me, i\'m usually the guy who waits before using his weapons :3
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Ign: Mikey365



    Bio: Im a 15 year old boy that right now is attending Highschool 10th grade. I have two dogs Both German Shorthair Pointers(Love them). I speak two fluent languages English and Hungarian(But I can only Speak Hungarian). Im a Straight \"B\" average student, love History and Reading. I live in Florida(East Coast Baby). Im a Strong joker and like to have a few laughs from time to time. I like when people call me Mikey(If they know me). Favorite Pc games are- Mabinogi,Dota2,Leauge of Legends,Minecraft, and last but not least Starmade(Even though im a Noob at it)

    Plans once your in the server: Build a ship, Make some friends, And just have a good time while playing fairly.

    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 21

    Personality: Pompus, Ruthless

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Having been expelled from New Eden, Caramelize has arrived in the Eternia Galaxy. Upon arrival, he found the ruling class to be both weak in both physical strength and in their resolve. He then took it upon himself to create his new empire here, knowing that once he plants his roots, all will fall to his power, and determination.

    Plans once your in the server: 1) Mine 2) Manufacture power hull 3) Create drydock 4) Create fleet worthy of taking the empire

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 22, 2013
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    If I may add a suggestion, maybe replace some of the glass with hardened hull, it acts like a weak spot in this case since glass has the defense of normal hull. Course I don\'t know where the more vital parts of the ship are, so the glass could be fine where it is since it does make the ship look more real.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Character Name: Vortek

    Age: 14, though 27 days in robot time.

    Personality: Efficient, hard working, intelligent.


    *Begining Transmission*

    My creators had no intention for me to develop a personality. They wanted a simple robot who could help making there lower class lives a little easier. Being in poverty though, they had to work hard to survive. There lives went on monotonously until Eternia hit space. The whole planet had there eyes on them, thinking they were heros. The military funded them for they great work, but there arrogance grew and there greed was unquenched. As they began to look down upon the people of Victus, I understood what was going on. I knew that to survive I would have to side with the greater power.

    Unfortunatly, my creators were less fortunate, for they did not have the knowledge i had. They choose to uprise, which was a fatal mistake. There deaths would not have moved a regular AI, but I was created differently. I had grown human, keeping with my robotic talents though. I am hear today transmitting my story like I do every day at time 135,1:33 aboard the the prison frigate \"Hail\". I am in the backround helping find who will help my and many others aboard the ships cause to take back what is rightfully ours. I hope that someone can hear my story, I hope that someone has similar intentions, and I hope that we will be able to rise up together to take down the brutal Eternia. I hope, and that is what makes me unique.

    *End of Transmission*

    Plans once on server: Escape with the others and fly to a diserted planet to set up a rebel base. I hope to start a city so we can live in peace while also trying to save others under the reign of Eternia.

    Other: I am a Class 42D robot Huminoid capable of hosting other robots and computers and turning on holographic camoflauge for looking human. I am unable to taste, but if I was able to, I think I would enjoy pies.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Sorry about the misconception; I thought we were supposed to RP out of the Hail in our biography. Anyways, it\'s been amended now, thanks.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    you know...with this meany break outs the hail will be the worest prision ship ever...
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Updated my applications hopefully its more in line with the story sorry about the misunderstanding.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    i kinda put more backstory about chris\'s life BEFORE everyone else showed up on the hail.