[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Hay u probly havent read my applacashen yet but if u need help sletting ppl feel free to ask me :)
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Name: Kaegx

    Personalty: Badass, Quiet , lone-ranger

    Biography:My brother once tried to kill me and held a gun to my head \"YOUR A DEMON\" he said, he then shot me in the shoulder. I fainted due to the blood leak. I woke up in a hospital, I got out of the hospital and drove a ship far far from that sector and found myself in \"EXTERNIA.\" I have taken apart my speeder ship, and have been left with few pieces, I will now sell few parts and make a harvester and harvest few space stations and cactus due to their high value. From then on I will make or join a faction, to try and forget what my brother has done to me, to forget the past... This is just the beginning.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Name(Cahracter): westcompany


    Personality: I am an angry, egocentric person. Sadly it is true. But i am trying to change. Sometimes, when it is needed, i try to do the hero, generally dieing in action, but i am also pretty handsome, when i\'m in the right mood. I am just being realistic. I don\'t want to be a liar.

    BIO: Dammit. As a westcompany inc. Employee i was sent in this newly discovered universe. Well you know, the Corporation has some good scientists working. I had a Ship, the USS Mother of Invention, but it was obliterated by a goddamn huge ship. FOR GOD SAKE THAT WAS A SHOT! anyway, i was jailed, my crew was executed and my equipment was stolen. Now, as a first thing, i need to escape from this damn ship. then, we\'ll see wich corporation has the really big weapons. I wil unleash the power of the fleet of the Westcompany inc., in order to eliminate the opposition. Whenever i will get to the shop, i will start the building of it, and the two colossus will fight to the death. But for now, for now I\'ll wait. I\'ll wait and get more and more moneys, until i can begin the mission I was sent for: make the Eternia corporation undersand who the chief is.

    In The Name Of The Westcompany inc., i will destroy the Eternia corps.

    oh, right, just another thing. For whoever wants to Delete from the existance the Eternia corps., the Westcompany inc. is always looking for Employees, even tho you might not want another corporation.

    Anyway, the Westcompany inc. DSDP (Depp Space Domination Program) is almost ready, as long as i know. I\'ll wait. But i tell you, Eternia: don\'t challenge us, you might, and will, regret it.

    Plan: #1 Escape Hail. #2 Run Away with a ship. #3 Start building the Westcompany inc. fleet. #4 get to 40000000 credits. #5 Build the USS Thunders from Heavens #6 Destroy Victus, the Juggernaught and finish off the rest of the Eternia corps. #7 Start a proper Westcompany inc. Empire. #8 wait for the rest of the Westcompany inc. Departments to insediate this universe. MISSION COMPLETE!

    Other: Prepare to fear the Thunders from Heavens. Really. If each block is a cubic meter, then the ship itself is 15 km long. I havent built it, my friend did. And i am not jocking. if you see it, run the fuck away. Each missile can obliterate half a planet. It has five missiles sistems. Just to warn you. See you in hell!
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Character Name: Nero Neala Lt.Col UNSC (ret.)

    Age: 28

    Personality: loyal, hardcore, and slightly sadistic

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    ........recording 1c011a............. Daily Log, Nero Neala. for prostierity sake, ive decided to record a bit of my history, since it seems ive been sent on a god forsaken mission to retrieve this westcompany guy simply cause he exsist\'s. ONI can be a real pain in my ass sometimes. but oh well. I suppose I should start at the begining of my career in the unsc. I was recruited out of new mombassa, went to reach for odst program and then trained as a pilot. thru all this i took an extranet college course in engineering, so i could fix any pelican or drop pod i might be stuck with. UNSC is infamous for its hand me down policy unfortunatly. But anyway im rambling. from there i was sent to harvest, i was dropped to support the spartans in first contact. i 20. It was brutal. If that damned sergeant hadnt been with me...ah i cant even remember his name now, but he saved my cherry ass. ill never forget that. i just hope first contact with this erternia corporation will go better. ive lost track again.... oh well. My objectives coming up will be to infiltrate the mother of invention, capture this westcompany guy and bring him back to New Harvest outpost 339..........end of log 1c011a........ recieving 3d011a......It was damned ambush, i followed westcompany into eternia only to be ambushed and captured by this prion ship hai. of all things, a prison ship. and whats worse oni seems to have known this would happen, as soon as i re-entered normal space and came under fire my subspace comm\'s with oni mysteriously cut off and my rescue was canceled....bastards, as far as i can tell the utah was completely destroyed, and i dont know if anyone else was cptured or if they even made it to the escape pods. i see the westcompany target, ill see if i cant bunk with him, maybe i need to rethink my allegiance with unsc and oni. i think im going to write a resume next. Nero Signing off.....end of 3d011a, transmission lost......

    Plans: to rp with westcompany and try and create a small force to follow me into battle of course following the server guidlines for such. and to generally just have fun roleplaying and playing starmade. i want to have fun and make fun for all others on the server.

    other eternia
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Username: GalinndanDawnfire

    Character Name: Galinndan

    Age: 21

    Personality: I am usually very tolerant and caring. However, there are times when I am pushed over the edge and end up killing someone with my tolerance. Also rather intelligent, but new to the world of military space.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Galinndan\'s family is as old as the universe. They own successful mining and refinery stations on asteroids accross the galaxy. Whenever Galinndan showed signs of becoming anything other than an owner of one of the family companies, his parents would beat him. The only thing that got Galinndan through these hard times and even harder family members was the knowledge that his parents would give him his own ship.

    On his 18th birthday when his parents bought him this promised ship, Galinndan named it Apocrypha, after his family\'s extensive library, and then ran off because he knew that there would only be so much he could learn staying under the thumbs of his family.His parents being cruel and unsupportive towards him, Galinndan wishes to do all that he can to prevent others from being oppressed. With the only shoulder to cry on being his own, Galinndan\'s quest above protecting others is the pursuit of knowledge.

    His pursuit of knowledge lead him to conflicts with the Eternia Empire, and he was successful in the liberating of several camps of indigenous lifeforms that held secrets of the universe. Some of these secrets were able to aid Galinndan in becoming an increasingly successful rebel. His valor and willingness to stand against the empire was able to inspire similar courage in others. Even with all of these beings wishing to join him in his efforts, Galinndan chose to fly solo. This quest for knowledge and, to a lesser extent, justice, was his and his alone.

    Unfortunately, one man cannot do much against an entire empire. Galinndan was eventually captured and placed into the prison ship Hail as punishment for his crimes. Here he has made attempts at banding the prisoners together in order to escape. Lately he has been hearing rumors about prisoners being recruited due to a lack of soldiers, and seeks to use this as his means of rebuilding his beloved Apocrypha.

    Plans once your in the server: To protect and serve those oppressed by the Eternia Empire, and to seek out the secrets of the Universe.

    Other: If there is any secret that I should like to find in my lifetime, it is that of the key to the fall of Eternia.

    (Sorry for the initial lore conflict, I have recently been playing a lot of Elder Scrolls)
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Name: Malte Arthur Refslund
    Born: 1998 24. july

    Personality: Kind, Trusty, Helpful, Stubborn, Hopeful, Open-Minded, Brave, Spontaneous, Born Leader, Sneaky, Reasonable, Keeps promises, Tactical

    Character Biography:
    Year: 4058U3
    Age: 44
    Friends: Got killed in war
    Name: Frank Vestarns
    Nickname: PhantoM
    Gender: Male
    Education: Factory work, Ship work, Pilot, Miner

    I were in a transport ship, when suddenly we got attacked by pirates. The pirates took everything, and my family. My destiny is to get my family back, and fuck up pirates. But for sure I cant fight them all alone.

    Plans once your in the server: Make some money, find a faction. Raid pirates, make a base. Find my family.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 23, 2013
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    PM\'d you about graphics and stuff. Let me know soon if you\'re interested. :)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    looks like we are getting lot\'s of applications, cant wait to see you all on the server
    Jun 19, 2013
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    You had four categories for people, but for the denied part, you didnt explain why. I dont understand what was wrong with my application.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Character Name Cassadin Lythar

    Age: 25

    Personality: Firm Principles, Strong Willed, Great Problem Solver.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): After the fleet lay in ruins the last surviving ship \"GFN Erebus\" and its Crew are now lost in an unknown part of the universe with no way to return to where they came from, Now determined to start a new life here and revive the defeated fleet Cassadin Lythar has taken over control and sets his eyes on a nearby Abandoned Station to which they can call home.

    Plans once your in the server:
    Make a faction,
    Earn money, either through mining or Mercenary work
    Buy back the \"GNF Erebus\"



    The GNF Erebus is our flag ship, and while the weapons system is classified the ship costs 60mil, so I\'ll have to save a long ass time,
    this is why I\'m looking for a server i can put time in to RP, and a server thats not going to keep crashing or lagging