Public Shipyards


    Formerly known as Weishaupt
    Sep 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Wired for Logic
    Building a new super-station and intend to include multiple public shipyards, in initial construction and testing an issue with this was noticed:

    A shipyard can be made public by placing the Faction Permission Module (I like to call it the 'P Block') adjacent/touching the Shipyard Core Anchor block (just like making any other access point or activated block public). The issue/bug occurs when a vessel attempts to disembark from the shipyard as the Shipyard Core Anchor is no-clipped but the Faction Permission Module catches and creates a collision.

    I'd suggest several obvious solutions to this: allow any blocks touching the Shipyard Core Anchor block to also no-clip (though this could be complicated/abused), allow a Faction Permission Module touching the Shipyard Computer to make the entire shipyard public, or allow linking between the Faction Permission Module and other blocks as used with logic and other systems (this would be my personal preference and potentially improve other assets).

    Thanks for your time or any additional commentary/input, someone please let me know if I should go as far as creating a tracker ticket for this or whatever,

    - Weishaupt
    Aug 8, 2013
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    I'd like to see the faction permissions block be linkable like the factories and logic systems. Then you wouldn't need one at every door, ruining your flush designs with that giant P in the wall xD
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    I'd like to see the faction permissions block be linkable like the factories and logic systems. Then you wouldn't need one at every door, ruining your flush designs with that giant P in the wall xD
    Very much this. Not having to have a permission module next to every block would solve a lot of construction constraints.

    Also if access control lists or some other more fine-grained control method ever becomes a thing, having a few centralized permission modules would make administration that much easier, compared to the nightmare of having to individually adjust every module.

    The only possible drawback I see is: Currently the permission module can double as a visual indicator where you are allowed to go, and what action is or isn't restricted. Of course one could simply continue placing permission modules the way it is now, but I could also envision a texture overlay effect similar to damage textures, or maybe some shader/lighting effect, to indicate "centrally permissioned" blocks.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1443203040,1443202358][/DOUBLEPOST]As to the actual issue, my first instinct was the obvious choice would be to have the permission module next to the shipyard computer instead of the shipyard anchor. However, you could be allowed to dock your ship for repairs, but not operate the shipyard itself, which are indeed separate functions that should have separate permissions.
    Honestly I have no idea how this could be solved other than having permission modules apart from the blocks they control, EDIT: or a radical change to the way shipyards are set up, ie. no anchor block at all, and the docking permission managed in a different way.
    Last edited:


    Formerly known as Weishaupt
    Sep 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Wired for Logic
    In the mean time you could have either a door and pathway open to your core or you can undock the ship and use a jump drive. Also, don't forget to post that Permission block c v link idea in the suggestions forum if you have not already done so.

    This forum area:
    For some reason I didn't see that section until I logged in and refreshed after posting! Will totally re-post there, thanks for the nudge in the right direction!