Painfully reminded this morning of why this proposal is so frustrating.
Power works.
This morning I logged into a MP server to do a bit of shipbuilding and get a defensive fleet of drone fighters out around an outpost of mine. I have lots of mats there, and some good BPs - this'll be EZ, right?
But there was some kind of bug preventing my (previously firing) turrets from firing and a random pirate was lurking nearby at missile range keeping my PD turrets busy nonstop (which
were working for some reason), so I wanted to fix my anti-ship turrets and get rid of him before spawning in ships that might get hit in the crossfire. Tried some resetting, relogging, deleted and replaced some stuff - no dice. So after 15 minutes of failed troubleshooting... I decide to scrap my whole ship and respawn it to try and fix the issue.
Of course I can't scrap a proper ship in a shipyard because of 6 turrets and 3 drones. So 40 minutes and 3 error disconnects later, the ship and all docked entities are successfully salvaged. But I want to recycle the parts of course, and about 1/3 of the materials ended up in the ship's hold before I remember to switch cargo. So that of course dumps into space. My bad.
No worries - let me just pick those... NOPE. Crashed the whole server trying to pick up a small pile of dropped materials! So now I've lost almost an hour doing what we were told
almost two years ago shipyards would do in a minute, in addition to the time lost trying to address the problem before scrapping/respawning. Well, that's pretty much my play time for this morning - so much for spawning those fighters. Not even sure what was wrong with my missile turrets in the first place; they're normally so hyperactive.
Got to get to work now though. Hopefully tomorrow works out better, but that's about 50/50 cause days like this are... more the norm than not in my experience. Yay.
But let's go ahead and spend anywhere from 3 to 12 months rebuilding the (WORKING) power system and all of the systems dependent upon it.

Sorry, I know, I get it - long term planning - but it's upsetting.