Positive Review: Mikeland AUS Server

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    Feb 10, 2015
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    Is this an admin reviewing their own server? That does net some cheese points tbh.
    In fact that is the person who owns the server is writing the positive review. So extra points in my eyes.
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    Jan 27, 2013
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    Right, for a while i have been following this whole SNAFU.
    And i must say i am really quite impressed with the lengths that Mikelands AUS will go to in order to discredit a negative review; including:
    -Mustering a swarm of new players with little experience in the StarMade community to make positive 'reviews' (commonly known as sock-puppeting.)
    -Reviewing his own server. (You expect people to take you seriously?)
    -Banning the plaintiff from open discussion (That's a good one. It happens far too often. It also proves how you prefer to ignore the negative.)
    -The most damming of them all: Lying.
    Unless you're some Schema-level genius, you can't tell what's docked and whats not docked. That's the truth. There are no logs of such. I know this because i run a starmade server myself. I have run several. You have abused your power merely because someone had irritated you; you have called upon the masses to white knight for you by spreading lies and mis-information.
    It's nice to see that people have the guts to call you out on your vile acts, and i applaud SuperWookie.
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    Feb 10, 2015
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    Unless you're some Schema-level genius, you can't tell what's docked and whats not docked.
    There is a way to do stuff just fine and it is to dock things constantly the same way when there is no server lag. I have never had a issue with undocking ships EVER on any other server. Expect as I mentioned on mikeland where one of our ships was undocked and then stolen soon after. Only to learn later that it was K10wn who did it as I watched him do it to other ships of ours. (K10wn being the main admin in charge on the server.)
    Jul 9, 2013
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    I should clarify that you can't see what's docked or not docked from logs.
    You indeed can. There is a dock event recorded anytime a ship is docked or undocked (or used to be with the old docking system). If there is a docking timeout and a ship becomes undocked because of this, this is also recorded in the logs.


    [2015-05-13 21:53:29] [DOCKING] NOW UNDOCKING: Ship[Calavera-1](73764); Server(0); DOCKED TO TYPE: 289; curpos: (121.0, -44.5, 121.0)
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    Feb 10, 2015
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    It's a simple fact that the ban list for our server contains only 5 accounts after 2 years. These few seem to have screamed the loudest and have tried their best to discredit the server staff, especially myself.

    If you come onto our server and want to exploit the bugs in the game, or fly around in a big lump of exposed systems, you will be hassled by the admins. Don't correct your actions and you will be removed for the good of the server. Play fair and within the rules and you will never have an issue like the majority of the players have found.

    SuperWookie was removed from the server due to his own actions. He seemed to think it was ok to destroy ships that were docked to protected homebase stations by exploiting a game bug (more than one other player complained). The server logs showed the ships he destroyed were docked. I could repeat the docking bug on demand once I found how he was doing it. This bug has been explained to AndyP on slack, and will not be explained in open forum for obvious reasons. This docking bug appears to be corrected with the new rail docking system.

    Cloak ships had always been banned on MikeLand until very recently. The rule on them was relaxed so they may be used for unarmed spy ships only. The ones removed in game did not meet the minimum requirement setout in the rules. An offer is there to have an admin come check out your cloak ship to ensure it meets the rules BEFORE you use it. The mechanic behind cloaking in the game is flawed to say the least. When this mechanic is reworked, the rules on cloaking will be reconsidered.

    K1own I can call out your lie again. When we lost a ship to that so called bug you said you made a post on the bug tracker and it was rejected because no one could repeat it. You had NO idea how it was done or even if it was true. You only claimed to have saw some player do it when you requested and that is ALL that was ever mentioned of it. You keep claiming you can see it all in the logs but that is also a lie and will not work on people who in fact host servers. Your lie may work on the players who you accuse of cheating on the server. But here it will not.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    K1own I can call out your lie again. When we lost a ship to that so called bug you said you made a post on the bug tracker and it was rejected because no one could repeat it. You had NO idea how it was done or even if it was true. You only claimed to have saw some player do it when you requested and that is ALL that was ever mentioned of it. You keep claiming you can see it all in the logs but that is also a lie and will not work on people who in fact host servers. Your lie may work on the players who you accuse of cheating on the server. But here it will not.
    You were asked to repeat this bug, and could not do it. I did manage to repeat the bug once, but could never do it again, nor could the testers on the bugtracker, hence it was rejected.

    The bug SuperWookie was exploiting is not the same bug. This I could reproduce without fail. I've not seen this bug since the docking update.
    Feb 10, 2015
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    You were asked to repeat this bug, and could not do it. I did manage to repeat the bug once, but could never do it again, nor could the testers on the bugtracker, hence it was rejected.

    The bug SuperWookie was exploiting is not the same bug. This I could reproduce without fail. I've not seen this bug since the docking update.
    Yet as Wookie claimed you have no proof of this "bug" yet are still perfectly sure that is what happen.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Yet as Wookie claimed you have no proof of this "bug" yet are still perfectly sure that is what happen.
    The bug was explained directly to AndyP and others on slack and they seemed to understand how it was happening. I'm going to assume nothing was done about it due to the rollout of the new docking system in the next update anyway.

    Explaining how to exploit a bug is not something that should be discussed in an open forum!
    Feb 10, 2015
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    The bug was explained directly to AndyP and others on slack and they seemed to understand how it was happening. I'm going to assume nothing was done about it due to the rollout of the new docking system in the next update anyway.

    Explaining how to exploit a bug is not something that should be discussed in an open forum!
    Would it even matter? As you stated the new docking system fixes it.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Would it even matter? As you stated the new docking system fixes it.
    This is not what I said. I said I've not seen it happen. This does not mean it is fixed and could still be possible to do under the right circumstances.
    Feb 10, 2015
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    The bug SuperWookie was exploiting is not the same bug. This I could reproduce without fail. I've not seen this bug since the docking update.
    If it is the case you have failed to see it again and I assume you tested it a bit to see if it reproduced and it clearly has failed to. Then other people knowing of the possible glitch will allow more people to test it and see if it is even real.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    If it is the case you have failed to see it again and I assume you tested it a bit to see if it reproduced and it clearly has failed to. Then other people knowing of the possible glitch will allow more people to test it and see if it is even real.
    The people who need to know about it do. This does not include you.

    No, I have not tested for it since the docking update. When I receive reports of ships mysteriously becoming undocked again, then I will force the circumstances needed to reproduce the bug to see if it still exists.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    SuperWookie was removed from the server due to his own actions. He seemed to think it was ok to destroy ships that were docked to protected homebase stations by exploiting a game bug (more than one other player complained). The server logs showed the ships he destroyed were docked. I could repeat the docking bug on demand once I found how he was doing it. This bug has been explained to AndyP on slack, and will not be explained in open forum for obvious reasons. This docking bug appears to be corrected with the new rail docking system.
    You indeed can. There is a dock event recorded anytime a ship is docked or undocked (or used to be with the old docking system). If there is a docking timeout and a ship becomes undocked because of this, this is also recorded in the logs.


    [2015-05-13 21:53:29] [DOCKING] NOW UNDOCKING: Ship[Calavera-1](73764); Server(0); DOCKED TO TYPE: 289; curpos: (121.0, -44.5, 121.0)
    I'd love to see these logs of yours. Also, if the bug was supposedly recreate-able on demand but has been fixed with the rail update, you should be able to tell us the bug and let us test for ourselves, shouldn't you?

    This docking bug appears to be corrected with the new rail docking system.
    EDIT- How about you go test it and tell us if it still exists after the rail update? Or, better yet, how about AndyP comes in here and tells us if you're telling the truth?
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    Feb 10, 2015
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    The people who need to know about it do. This does not include you.

    No, I have not tested for it since the docking update.
    So far that seems like the magical logs they requested and you did not provide. But back to topic. You had no proof via your magical logs that Wookie did this glitch you claim is still real and may still be possible to do and you ban him on that notion. So HOW did you know he did this glitch that no one else seems to know about?
    Jul 9, 2013
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    The logs show the docking events of the entity. The last docking event in the logs before it was destroyed was a dock to the station. There was no undock or dock timeout event between this and when it was destroyed. This same pattern of docking events were also present for the previous instances where other players had complained. This is why a ship was left there that I certainly knew was docked waiting for him to repeat what he had been doing.

    Anybody who has taken the time to read these long boring logs knows they are overwritten usually within 24 hours of being made. MikeSheen has written a script since Wookie was removed to copy these logs to another location daily so there is a few weeks of logs at hand. The logs of what Wookie did on all occasions were overwritten the day after they happened. They were checked within hours of the events and complaints were made to see what had happened. You can't show what isn't there when they are asked for 3 or 4 days later. This will not happen again since Mike added his script to keep logs for a longer time period.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    The logs of what Wookie did on all occasions were overwritten the day after they happened. They were checked within hours of the events and complaints were made to see what had happened.
    Wow, how convenient for you.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Just to clear this up

    The exploit used to undock ships was "load order",
    our (and this is Lancake and me) contact with rabid concluded in the base most likely being build over the sector border.

    Because of this systems are not fully initialized depending on the load order,
    as systems built from a base in other sectors may not get loaded at all or in time.

    The assumption and also one snippet from a log we have seen (forgot where it was supplied from) stated the base was not initialized and the docking timed out.
    This usually happens when only the "physical avatar" (ribexorig in log) is loaded and not the actual systems that reside in another sector.
    However, this only shows again: Building stations over multiple sectors causes a lot of problems. And when people try to do this, they get sometimes unexpected results.

    Also the recorded video (that was mentioned a few times) was being cut in different subscenes.
    Unfortunately the cuts always happened when a continuous recording would have been the proof. So we got into direct contact with him, resulting in above assumption, as we could not reproduce the described bug/exploit.
    So there is a "known way" this happens, but this requires mistakes while building the base, like extending a base over 3 sectors and cutting out one sector in the middle. (Improper moving/spawning of stations with help of admins may also result in issues)

    - Andy
    (in the future I would like to have a @ in front of my name in case it is used, so I can see this earlier and do not have to get called in by third parties.)
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