Positive Review: Mikeland AUS Server

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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    but what I see is a post deliberately crafted as not to advertise or mindlessly reel off details to get people to join. It was intended as a positive review.
    The entire point of a positive review on a public forum is to advertise while reeling off details for why they should use whatever is being reviewed.

    Either that, or discredit a negative review. Which is exactly what this thread was made for.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    but what I see is a post deliberately crafted as not to advertise or mindlessly reel off details to get people to join. It was intended as a positive review. A post for people to read and make better informed decisions about whether this server is suited to them or not
    That itself is a form of advertising though. No one claimed you were desperate for players, nor is that the only reason people do PR campaigns.

    All publicity is advertisement to some degree, to make a post saying X is Y, you are encouraging persons to look into Y some more (People would need to know what is even being talking about). What you feel or think while writing something isn't always the same as the product that is read, and intents can vary wildly depending on who is reading it (For good or bad).


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
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    As it's been said, as long as you play fair, respect the admins and understand they have a job to do, and are aware and UPDATED on the server rules then you are going to have a good time here.

    My experiences have been great, understanding the server rules and doing my best to keep up to date on them certainly helps in getting along with the admins. Discounting the bugginess of rails at the moment (and the associated server load they can cause when done wrong), I get a stable ping, lots of active and bloodthirsty players, doubly so now than Monosoho players are coming to Mikelands. K10 does a good job keeping the server healthy, especially since the rails patch, and I can't really say the same for others.

    I have spent equal time on Mikelands and the Shattered Skies server, however due to dropping quality on the SS server as well as tight size limits on ships I'm only playing on Mikelands now. Would recommend it highly :)

    Since the "Negative Review" page was cleared up of derailing discussion, I would like to request this one be as well.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    due to dropping quality on the SS server as well as tight size limits on ships
    The quality is dropping in what way, exactly? Also, the ship size limits mean PvP is something you can actually do without crashing the damn server.

    EDIT- SS doesn't even have a "tight size limit" for ships! The only limit they have is "don't lag the server with it."
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    May 25, 2015
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    People say let it go, and move on, but it seems some are wishing to keep this alive for as long as possible, I mean the original review was posted almost a month ago, those responding have known about it all this time. The drama was done with. Why is it now coming back on the agenda via those claiming to be innocent when the supposedly and falsely claimed bad players in question have let it alone?
    Well this below was posted yesterday 24th May. I cant see how yesterday is almost a month ago.

    "For anyone who fancies a read, heres the link to the forum thread: https://www.sheen.id.au/vbulletin/s...ndocking-ships-from-docks-especially-new-ones
    SuperWookie, Yesterday at 12:02 PM"

    Mike has probably just had enough and therefor asked others to help. Fact of the matter is you guys are banned from Mikeland and have no where to play. This is not mikes problem....
    If there was another server for you to goto then I doubt there would even be this thread atm. Mike has no obligation to allow you to play on his servers. If you guys where smart enough then you would go start your own server instead of wasting time slandering other servers on forums.
    Sep 14, 2014
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    Well this below was posted yesterday 24th May. I cant see how yesterday is almost a month ago.
    Most of yesterdays posts on my thread were removed due to flaming, however that link was posted after Mikes late response to the review. The thread had been quiet for around 3 weeks, until Mike was either informed about it or came across it.
    May 25, 2015
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    Love the Mikelands Starmade server! I haven't had any problems with playing on this server and it's a lot better in how its run and worked in relation to several other Starmade servers I have played. I did inform myself of the Superwookie uprising and the general attitude he and his friends used to approach the subject was immature and un-warranted in my opinion. Back to the server I began playing occasionaly mid 2014 and have began recently to play more actively. There have only been like 5 bans on this server over its several years running and the vast majority of players obey and respect the rules set in place with the Superwookie uprising being an exception.
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    Sep 14, 2014
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    Love the Mikelands Starmade server! I haven't had any problems with playing on this server and it's a lot better in how its run and worked in relation to several other Starmade servers I have played. I did inform myself of the Superwookie uprising and the general attitude he and his friends used to approach the subject was immature and un-warranted in my opinion. Back to the server I began playing occasionaly mid 2014 and have began recently to play more actively. There have only been like 5 bans on this server over its several years running and the vast majority of players obey and respect the rules set in place with the Superwookie uprising being an exception.
    You make me sound like I held a slave revolt :D
    May 25, 2015
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    Think of it as a peasant uprising against the established authority for reasons of unrest or grievance which may just fuel change in Mikeland starmade - who knows :)
    Sep 14, 2014
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    Think of it as a peasant uprising against the established authority for reasons of unrest or grievance which may just fuel change in Mikeland starmade - who knows :)
    I'd very much like to see it fuel change in the way the server is administrated. Hopefully the OP and the Starmade admin look at the several unbias perspectives of the situation that have accumulated over several threads, and make an effort to amend what is clearly broken. I know that I for one will never be returning to the server, however it would still be good if something positive was to come of all this.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1432551956,1432551643][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh dear
    May 25, 2015
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    I'd very much like to see it fuel change in the way the server is administrated. Hopefully the OP and the Starmade admin look at the several unbias perspectives of the situation that have accumulated over several threads, and make an effort to amend what is clearly broken. I know that I for one will never be returning to the server, however it would still be good if something positive was to come of all this.
    So if K1own was removed and new rules and administrators were introduced you will still never go back to the server? What's the point of promoting change to not then experience it?? :(
    Jun 18, 2013
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    The entire point of a positive review on a public forum is to advertise while reeling off details for why they should use whatever is being reviewed.

    Either that, or discredit a negative review. Which is exactly what this thread was made for.
    I tried to state my version of events on the negative review, and those posts were deleted, so I made this positive review thread.

    If I'm not able to defend myself in a thread, I figured making a new thread with positive perspectives is all I could do. If anyone wants the full story, it's all on the Mikeland forums - warts and all - I don't delete posts.
    I'd very much like to see it fuel change in the way the server is administrated
    Yeah, nah. I already investigated and didn't see any wrongdoing by the Admins. The Admins were simply applying the policies I mandated - to keep the server enjoyable. And that means sometimes removing players.

    When your mate Rabid employed a hacker to try and compromise my server - that's when I stepped in and banned you all.

    I'm happy with the administration of the server, so no change will be forthcoming - not due to this incident, anyway.
    Sep 14, 2014
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    So if K1own was removed and new rules and administrators were introduced you will still never go back to the server? What's the point of promoting change to not then experience it?? :(
    Somehow I heavily doubt that he will be removed as a server admin lol :D At this point I don't feel as though I'd be welcomed back to the server regardless of what happens, and I believe I'd just be under constant surveillance anyhow. I've moved on to a new server and a new community now, Mikelands is no longer a part of my gaming life and most likely never will be again.
    May 25, 2015
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    Somehow I heavily doubt that he will be removed as a server admin lol :D At this point I don't feel as though I'd be welcomed back to the server regardless of what happens, and I believe I'd just be under constant surveillance anyhow. I've moved on to a new server and a new community now, Mikelands is no longer a part of my gaming life and most likely never will be again.
    I'll be honest I was mean't to post my initial reply on the POSITIVE review of Mikeland... Silly me :P But I do guess it's your choice although I'm certain if you and your friends were to stumble upon Mikeland again with the aim of a clean slate I as will many - if not all the others in the community would happily welcome you back!! :)
    Jan 25, 2015
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    As a broadly disinterested outsider this whole debacle seems to be a matter of six of one and half a dozen of the other (as my mother always used to say).

    Whether it was due to a glitch over which you had no control or not, attacking and destroying ships which it must have been fairly clear their owners believed to be safely docked at their home base is not a particularly nice or friendly thing to do SuperWookie. Starmade is still an alpha so of course it will have bugs, but exploiting them against other players is poor gamesmanship.

    That said, MikeSheen, you do come across as rather heavy handed and intolerant (including on your own forums).
    This is prior to any suggestion of attempts to hack into the server.
    As to the hack attempt itself, if Rabidbat did indeed ask a friend to try and hack your server, then of course you have every right to ban them (and possibly contemplate legal action, not sure how the law works down in Aus). Of course I have to say 'if Rabidbat did indeed' as I have nothing other than your word on that matter. Nonetheless, this sequence of events:
    When your mate Rabid employed a hacker to try and compromise my server - that's when I stepped in and banned you all.
    is not the one that appears to be backed up by the posts on your own forum. The sequence of events that is supported by your own forum appears to be that SuperWookie, Rabid and Shout3236 were banned prior to your discovery of the hack attempt. I must also say that, while it may indeed be the case that someone who is a apparently a relatively well known hacker (and evidently good at it) may have attempted, and failed, to hack into your server, and also neglected to cover his tracks, it does seem just a wee bit unlikely.
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    Oct 17, 2013
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    I put it to you wookie, than it its 2 years of operation 5 accounts have been banned 3 of which were you and your 2 buddies. Does that not then beg the question maybe it is YOU that should change? The administration banned you for wrong doing. They did their job. Get over it.
    Sep 14, 2014
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    Whether it was due to a glitch over which you had no control or not, attacking and destroying ships which it must have been fairly clear their owners believed to be safely docked at their home base is not a particularly nice or friendly thing to do SuperWookie. Starmade is still an alpha so of course it will have bugs, but exploiting them against other players is poor gamesmanship..
    I merely thought that the owner had been foolish and had forgotten to dock it. Besides, there is no such thing as nice or friendly in war, especially if they have been taunting in chat.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    You people keep throwing around "Only 5 people have been banned ever" like it is supposed to mean something. It doesn't. That is just telling me that only 5 people have been uppity enough to get banned, most people who have problems with the administration would leave quietly, because they know better to waste their time on such things.

    Food for thought anyways.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Seeing a bunch of new accounts post very similar reviews isn't particularly convincing, especially when those people are the same from that mikeland forum.

    Right now I'm a lot more convinced that wookie's story is closer to the truth, try to sway my opinion. I'd much rather believe that you run a nice server, since SM servers are always a good thing. Getting your side of the events would be nice, and I mean the full story. "it's not worth bothering" it actually is, not bothering is basically making me doubt that you have a valid story.
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    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
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    Is this an admin reviewing their own server? That does net some cheese points tbh.
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