Offline Ship Editor

    Aug 12, 2013
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    I see it, did not see it untill I was able to get that shot of the ship. It is so big, LOL.

    The base model is made by Coxxon He made the whole fleet. This is made from his high res high poly model.

    It is one of the best, and is almost 1:1.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Just a small update tonight. We\'re building a climbing wall this weekend and I had to work out where to put the holds. So, of course, I wrote a program to do it. :)

    What I did do was update OBJ exporting. It now includes texture mapping. vt\'s are output int he OBJ file and a PNG file is put into the same directory with the same name as the OBJ.

    I don\'t have a way of testing this, though. I just wrote it against the spec. If someone has belnder and it\'s utterly confused by it (like me) can you give it a go and let me know if it works?
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Ok, so here is the Heldtech Briggadier carrier, one of the most impressive ships next to the HeldTech Domoclese. The Briggadier is the size of one of the rear Engine ports... I tried to get a better shot, but the Carrier lags the crap out of the game next to the BSG, I have no idea why. The BSG is fine with alot of other ships...

    The carrier is acctually smaller than the hangers off the side of the ship... I guess that is a given when compaired to the Engine.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    .obj export isn\'t working. When i open it in blender, only about quarter of the ship is there.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    I don\'t see how that would be possible. It can turn a 3D model into a ship but converting 2D to 3D is very unlikely. Unless you mean to kinda paint a image onto the side of a ship.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    It could actually use a drawing feature, on a straight plane on \"something\", for the tool to draw a PNG image into blocks xD
    Jul 2, 2013
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    Anyway, is this gonna ever be less laggy with large ships? It freezes whenever loading my battleship. :(
    Jun 25, 2013
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    1) Reasonably soon I\'ll be adding something where you can paint an image on the side of something. I already did a tool for Minecraft to do that sort of thing, so I have most of the code to convert a true color image to a watered down subset. That would let you put the image of a ship your ship. (Insert Yo Dawg meme...)

    2) I did write a tool for Second Life where you gave it a black & white front view, size view and top view, and it \"carved\" out a shape that had those profiles. I\'m not sure that would be of use?

    What you are missing, I think, Trollerbobman, is realizing there are sites like Sci-Fi Meshes. They contain 3D models of many popular and unique ships. And, yes, this software will help you convert them to StarMade modles. You won\'t get the colors (yet), but you get a starting point.
    Aug 9, 2013
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    I\'ve been working at trying to get this running for a few hours now. The install/directories are all set up correctly but It seems like the jar is hanging. Hasn\'t actually started or shown any kind of UI but is still active in my task manager. Any ideas?
    Jun 25, 2013
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    [Lost a much longer post to a bad keystroke. Grr.]

    Core problem: more data requires more processing power. If I make this great for 500m long ships, people will start complaining about the performance for 1km long ships. If I work out that one, then 4km ships will suck. People will always push the tool to its limits. So, yes, I\'m working on making it better but, no, you will always be able to create a ship that makes it lag!
    The three tracks I\'m working on are...
    1) OpenGL. This will speed up rendering a lot. (You can check the work-in-progress by adding a -opengl to the command line.) Unfortunately it uses more memory. In order to solve the memory problem, I condense the entire ship to a single mesh. That blows my ability to calculate which block you have clicked on. So I\'m currently scratching my head over that.
    2) View Radius. This puts a horizon on things. It only draws blocks within a certain radius of the viewpoint. The OpenGL work uses a in-world viewpoint (like StarMade itself) so it would be easy there. But the classic rendering does not. So I either need to fix the OpenGL stuff, or else port the POV rendering to the classic view.
    3) Aggregating zoom. I thought of this last night. The core problem is the number of blocks. So say you zoom out to \"zoom 4\". This would take all blocks in a 4x4 cube and replace it with a single block. This would let you zoom out and still get the general shape of the ship. You could then move the view point, do large scale cutting, coloring, etc. And zoom in again when necessary.
    It isn\'t like one of these will solve all the problems. But if I can make progress on each of them, things should improve.
    Now, to be honest, the core core problem is that the only real interesting thing to do in StarMade right now is to blow the crap out of each other\'s ships. That\'s why everyone is fixated on humungous ships. If the game becomes more interesting, then there will be different design challenges. That will hopeful mitigate the current desire for editing huge ships!
    Jun 25, 2013
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    The official instructions are here. I need to edit the top of this thread to reflect that. You should just be able to run SMEdit.jar

    If you still have problems, run it from the command line or in a console. Error messages may be displayed there that give you a better idea.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    You\'re right. It wasn\'t when I posted the link. I still had the web page open. But when I did a refresh, up came the hacked version.

    SIlly people. Not patching holes for known exploits. Lets in one-trick kids and makes them feel self-important.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    If i wanted to use opengl, my batch file:

    java -Xms5024m -Xmx5048m -jar jo_sm.jar -opengl

    is this correct? Fails to run for me.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I can actually run it now, really awesome tool!

    Though the textures seem messed up for me, not sure if this is a known/intentional thing or not:

    They seem like they are many times smaller than they should be, and centered on the blocks\' faces.

    EDIT: Hmm not entirely centered, strange
    Aug 12, 2013
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    I have a shortcut to a page I use,

    They only hacked the main page. =]