Not Garbage Resource Mechanics

    Nov 14, 2014
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    One issue with crafting and item production is that it's just not very intuitive, for a couple of reasons. One is that none of the resources or factory types closely correspond to any real-world material or production process; the other is that all of the resources can be found in more or less equal abundance everywhere, and as such, all of them are used equally in crafting. Imagine if, in Minecraft, there were 8 kinds of stone, 8 metal ores and 8 diamond variants, which were the ONLY items in the game used to craft other items, and the crafting system consisted of 3 different types of crafting tables that all had the exact same UI but were used to make different types of items, with each type of crafting table being used to make items of a different complexity level rather than form or function, and you had to smelt ore twice in 2 different kinds of furnaces before you could do anything with it. You now have a very neat picture of what Starmade's resource mechanics are like.

    Minecraft, of course, does not do this. It makes you go out and look for different types of resources, some rarer than others and almost all only found in specific places or only obtainable from certain mobs. And each item has a function that closely approximates its real world function, or, in the case of fictional items, what you'd logically expect to be able to do with it. And the crafting is intuitive and makes sense. Even though what you build in Minecraft has little function beyond safety, storage and farming, it remains consistently popular because obtaining and crafting the items you need to build something isn't a tedious and nonsensical grind, and the fact that different resources are obtained in different ways and from different places makes the gameplay interesting.
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    Jan 31, 2015
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    Better resource distribution, including rarity, is something supposedly 'coming soon,' along with a general universe reboot (which might also include better planets).

    'Soon' probably means about six months after whenever the weapon reboot into the new power system happens. There may be some reason for optimism on this one; we know that the work on new planets was done about a year ago... so they are just... being held back... for... the whole universe reboot package... Hmm... Probably they should just release the new planets...

    I am cautiously optimistic on planets though. The work done on asteroids by the same developer was amazing. If planets will be improved as much as roids were, the game will definitely take a breath of new life.

    Not sure why tweaking resource distribution for rarity is being held off. Seems like it should be a relatively simple change to existing code, but who knows.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Not sure why tweaking resource distribution for rarity is being held off. Seems like it should be a relatively simple change to existing code, but who knows.
    Probably because it's not a 'change to existing code' at all. Having certain resources have different spawn chances in different areas means:
    • Defining some form of 'region' system. (Everything currently works on a galaxy -> system -> sector level.)
    • Generating the region blobs in a nice, organic-but-balanced fashion.
    • Generating and storing the spawn chances (or modifiers, if we're doing it that way) for each resource type in those regions. It might get a little more complicated if we want 'gradients' at the borders or something as well.
    • Looking up those per-region spawn chance values when populating an asteroid sector or generating a planet. Currently planet plates select resource pairs randomly, and asteroids have spawn chances based only on proximity to the sun.
    This is all new code, and that's strictly for the resource distribution - and likely missing all kinds of behind-the-scenes data storage and database format-related changes and interactions with other systems that I don't know about. This completely ignores other associated things like a new region scanning chamber/system and the associated UI functionalities, or changes to NPC factions to have their resource generation reflect the actual (theoretical) contents of the systems they hold. Never mind the fact that the region generation might need to work a bit differently than now if the structure of galaxies changes.

    All in all, might as well not poke this until the universe update.
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