Logic is fun but putting in systems in smaller ships is at best awkward. In larger ships you have to hide tubes and things get weird far too often. To this end I propose an extra dimension, let's call is 'Logic Space'. How it works is in build mode you make a ship normally but when placing 'invisible' logic (that is logic you do not interact with) you can put it in an extra dimension, here's how I envision it:
So how whacked is this idea?
- In build mode you get to 'Logic Space' using a mapped toggle key.
- Logic Space is outside normal space but your core still exists as a reference, as well as any blocks that can be affected by logic. Not unlike the testing area for a shipyard but attached to your ship blueprint.
- In Logic Space you are not adding to the mass of your ship, or it's dimensions, the purpose is just to affect a normal space block.
- Here you do all your nasty wiring, hidden from sight in normal space.
- These blocks cannot be damaged or destroyed but their interface (normal space) blocks can be as per usual.
- If the ship is destroyed, so is everything in Logic Space *poof*
So how whacked is this idea?