New! Player Shops!
We now have public docking at the Grand Crossroads (located at 20, 20, 20 and accessible via warp gate from Spawn). These are for player run shops ONLY. The currency to purchase things should be bronze, silver, or gold bars!
Instructions on setting up your storefront:
1. Get a kiosk and set it up. Kiosks can be purchased at the hub for a mere 1 bar. Instructions on how to set up your kiosk are included on the displays. Test it to ensure it works as intended, then stock it.
2. Build your kiosk ship however you'd like it to look as your store. Make sure it will fit nicely into one of the docking areas. Three sizes will be allowed: 15 wide, 25 wide, and 51 wide. If parking closer to the center courtyard area, it should be no longer than 30 blocks long though. Docks farther down can support longer storefronts. Example ships may be attached to your kiosk, so that other players can know what they are buying. However, do NOT attach a bunch of entities or turrets to your kiosk or it WILL be impounded. We need to keep the entity count in public sectors down to reduce lag and also bugs.
3. Park your kiosk store at 20, 20, 20, then check back periodically to restock and collect your profits!
Note: Blue docks are meant for utility ships, red for combat, and red/blue/green docks can be anything.
And here are a few more pictures of the area! I will continue to work on the courtyard area to make it look nice.
My priority was first parking.
If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to post. And, as always, thank you for playing on LvD!