Klawxx - Shipyard | W.I.P. News & Screenshots


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    Finished exterior detailing today! Systems are also in place. Just missing interior.

    EDIT: Just noticed some hard-to-see-out-of-place blocks near the vents. They already have been fixed =)
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Hello all.

    I would like to post some standards I will be using to classify and build ships. This is a personal view and has nothing to do with community, but nonetheless anyone can adopt it or give some feedback. I will continuously edit this "Reply" to keep it up to date, as I learn and improve my builds.

    Ship classification:
    1) Drone
    Role: Mining Support, Combat Support, Repair Support.
    Crew: Unmanned
    Dimensions: up to 50m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: No

    1) Fighter / Shuttle
    Role: Carrier Compliment, Planetary Landing, Dropship, Small Cargo Delivery.
    Crew: 1 - 2
    Dimensions: up to 50m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: Yes

    1) Corvette
    Role: Patrol Boat, Short-range Scout, Base Defense, Low-Risk Escort. Big Repairs.
    Crew: 2 - 5
    Dimensions: between 50m and 100m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: Yes

    2) Frigate
    Role: Exploration, Medium Escort, Light Assault, Small Transport, Mining Ship, Fleet Support, Logistics.
    Crew: 3 - 7
    Dimensions: between 75m and 150m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: No

    3) Cruiser
    Role: Deep-Space Exploration, Heavy Transport, Medium Assault, Fleet Backbone, Logistics.
    Crew: 5 - 20
    Dimensions: between 150m and 300m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: No

    4) Destroyer
    Role: Heavy Assault, Planetary Bombardment, Multi-Target Engagement.
    Crew: 10 - 50
    Dimensions: between 250m and 350m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: No

    5) Battleship
    Role: Mobile Outpost, Flagship, Assault Backbone.
    Crew: 25 - 100
    Dimensions: between 300m and 550m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: No

    6) Carrier
    Role: Mobile Command Center, Border Expansion, Flagship.
    Crew: 50 - 500
    Dimensions: between 350m and 750m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: No

    7) Dreadnought
    Role: Colony Ship, Flagship, Planet Destroyer.
    Crew: 100 - 2000
    Dimensions: between 500m and 1500m (longest axis)
    Planetary Landing: No
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    ...Do you think this is doable?

    Going for a 375m long 151m wide....

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    Reactions: DeepspaceMechanic
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Going for a 375m long 151m wide....
    I can already tell by those early sketches you've shown that it will be a marvelous StarMade replica (y)

    Gosh, the original shown in that StarCraft image is such an epic organic design... I would never dare to attempt to build something like that, but I have hope in you based on your past work. - Good luck!
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    I can already tell by those early sketches you've shown that it will be a marvelous StarMade replica (y)

    Gosh, the original shown in that StarCraft image is such an epic organic design... I would never dare to attempt to build something like that, but I have hope in you based on your past work. - Good luck!
    Wow, thanks!
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    A little More progress, busy day with kids, so wasn't able to do much.

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    Reactions: DeepspaceMechanic
    Jul 18, 2016
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    interesting hull designs.... very yellow.... i like what i see


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    interesting hull designs.... very yellow.... i like what i see
    Wish I had something more washed out, or even more goldish to work with... I will add some orange detailing and some cuts on the armor. Also, expect a lot of purple and blue crystals on the inside =)


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Things that have never been

    Hello. I will be posting here Things that have been put on hold or will be no longer worked on. Some are power 1.0 others are just shells or sketches. Let me know if you want to use them for something or just have some kind of feedback.


    01 ) "Project Iccarus":
    + Source: My Imagination
    + Link: OLD - Project Iccarus.zip
    + Description: This is a 280m long mobile siege (beam) gun. It was build from inside out (Interior First). I used it mainly to learn interior design. The interior was 95% complete and I was working on the outer hull, but then a logic update hit the game and all the rail doors stopped working. some time after, power 2.0 hit and made me ragequit the game for 1 year...


    02) "Akira Heavy Cruiser":
    + Source: Star Trek TNG
    + Link: WIP - Akira MK-17.zip
    + Description: This is a 260m long, scaled down, version of the Akira Class Heavy Cruiser from Star Trek TNG. I built it to small for the purposes I had In mind, so I used it as a foundation from the next ship in this list. My "Rhea Cruiser".


    03) "Rhea Cruiser":
    + Source: My Imagination
    + Link: WIP - Rhea MK-25.zip
    + Description: This is a 260m long, Cruiser/ Light Carrier, loosely based on the Akira from Star Trek. I was finishing its interior, after the systems have been put in place, when the dreaded Power 2.0 hit the stable branch. I was very frustrated and lost it somewhere on my HD. Here is it's last iteration.


    04) "Caldari Ferox":
    + Source: Adapted from Eve Online
    + Link: WIP - Ferox MK-17.zip
    + Description: This was a real pity that made me cry for real... This shell was complete, but I LOST IT, due to the death of my HD... :mad: This is the last version of this ship I found lost on my email... After this one I started to back-up all my ships on google drive. This ship was 1:1 in scale! I obtained the base shelp from this thread: https://starmadedock.net/content/eve-battlecruisers-shells.3311/


    05) "Caldari Rokh":
    + Source: Adapted from Eve Online
    + Link: WIP - Rokh MK-9.zip
    + Description: My favorite ship from Eve when I started playing. I stopped it due to power 2.0 ragequit. I obtained the base shell from this thread: https://starmadedock.net/threads/smedit-conversion-database.292/

    06) Hammerfall Cruiser
    Finished / Delivered!

    07) "Protoss Carrier":
    + Source: Starcraft (Remastered Screenshot)
    + Link: WIP - Protoss Carrier MK-9.zip
    + Description: I was just working on this ship, but I believe its time for me to try my own designs. Sharing the project on its current state so it could help anyone who's trying to get this exquisite ship done.

    Let me know what you thinks of these. Have fun!
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    Reilly Reese

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    Rip the two put on hold Caldari baes.

    *Plays funeral music*
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    Yo, people!

    Been quite busy finishing the many interesting rooms of the Armageddon on the little time I had left. I've already hand drawn some of my own faction ships, but I couldn't left this unfinished. I expect to release it soon. At this moment it has ~95K mass and ~120 docked entities. All doors are rail based. It will be epic!

    Rooms to check out:
    • Barracks
    • Armory
    • Brig
    • Power Station
    • Engineering
    • Water Treatment
    • Hydroponics
    • Cathedral
    • Restaurant/Pub
    • Bridge
    • Computer (Core) Room
    • Unpressurized Hangar
    • Train Hub
    • Transporter Room
    • Medical Lab
    • Astrometrics
    • Legate's Quarters
    • Officer's Quarters
    • Medical section with:
      • 2x Surgery Rooms
      • Intensive Care
      • "Bacta-like" tank
    ...and much more!

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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    Hey guys!

    I've been thinking about what I want for my "Faction". The lore and which ships I think are the "must have".

    First, here's what I'm talking about regarding to classes/Sizes. The values are approximate and refer to the longest axis of the ships. I've posted some of the info before, but this sums it up:
    • Shuttle / Fighter - Up to 50 m
    • Corvette - From 50 to 75 m
    • Frigate - From 75 to 150 m
    • Cruiser - From 150 to 250 m
    • Destroyer - From 250 to 350 m
    • Carrier / Battleship - From 350 to 550 m
    • Dreadnought - Anything bigger than 550 m (Impractical, at least to this moment, IMO)

    Ok! now onto the ship classes:
    • Workpod - Small shuttle sized vessel, unarmed, with 1 to 3 barreled Astrotech modules and some cargo hold for repair parts. possibly 1 or 2 seats, on the larger models.
    • Shuttle - Small transport for up to 3 people and their personal belongings. unarmed or at most just an anti-personnel machinegun. Possibly 1 teleporter for emergency situations.
    • Dropship - Fighter sized transport ship for up to 20 fully geared space marines. Must be somewhat armored for safe insertions into warzones.
    • Fighter - Air superiority small ship that could intercept bombers or other fighters. 1 or 2 seated. Featuring an Fast cannon for dogfight and a couple of missiles.
    • Bomber - Fighter sized ship that sacrifices speed and maneuverability for biffier missile launcher that could possible cause damage to corvettes or unsuspecting frigates. Vulnerable to fighters wings; Should be employed in groups to be effective.
    • Patrol Corvette - The Frigate's meager brother. Cheap vessel that should be employed where "space superiority" have already been attained. Border patrol vessel that's there just to call's for backup if somethings shows up on the long range sensors.
    • Light Escort - The fist combat capable vessel. Somewhat cheap, Frigate sized vessel, usually employed as point-defense to protect bigger ships from smaller vessels that could be too fast for their big turrets.
    • Exploration Vessel - Frigate sized ship fitted for long range exploratory trips. Featuring reduced firepower in favor of room for all sorts of labs and sensor grids. Big cargo holds for food and fuel storage, plus some additional storage space for recovered artifacts and relics.
    • Covert Ops - Frigate sized ship featuring state-of-the-art sensors and cloaking technology, which sadly leaves almost no room for defenses. Usually employed in information gathering deep into enemy territory.
    • Ion Frigate - Anti-capital ship built around a gun with the sole purpose of seriously damaging otherwise indestructible bigger vessels. These ships are extremely vulnerable while charging their main weapon.
    • Minning Ship - Frigate sized vessel that excels in resource collection and storing. Can be used in controlled sectors or with and escort wing in hostile territory.
    • Gunboat - Cruiser sized combat vessel featuring a main, forward pointing, gun and several turrets. The military fleet backbone. Employed in the fleet or sometimes sent by itself. Supposed to be tanky and able to hold their own.
    • Industrial ship - Mobile logistics platform that could be use to coordinate build or repair efforts. Contains all the facilities needed to assemble and transport space-stations or to repair capital ships. Usually ships with a small Workpod wing. Cruiser sized vessel.
    • Freighter - The workhorses of the fleet. Could transport attached, specialized, containers or directly on its monstrous holds. Cruiser sized and somewhat armored, but featuring only civilian-grade, point-defense, turrets.
    • Missile Destroyer - Larger and Less tanky than a Gunboat, but with enough firepower to destroy a station or small planet. Only employed in big operations, since its a lot more pricey than the standard gunboat. Should be accompanied by a small fleet escort or a couple of Gunboats for maximum effectiveness
    • Carrier - Force projection and mobile command center. Its the hearth and brain of the fleet. Extremely costly vessel that should be protected all the time. Transport wings of Fighters, Bombers and Dropships; usually also features several Worpods for fleet maintenance. Have big holds to store all the fleet food, medical and replacement parts. The bigger ones also have all sort of Shops and medical facilities for the shore leave of the fleet crew.
    • Battleship - The ultimate combat vessel. Armed to the teeth with all kinds of weapons. Usually Command the military incursions while the carrier stays at an safe distance. Thought to be nearly indestructible.
    • Dreadnought - I thought that a nomadic faction would sound cool so since it's recommended to have an Home-base I thought that maybe the station could be the dreadnought itself! Maybe it was so big and the fuel cost was so high that it was decided by the fleet command to left it with its engines off permanently. That sound cool and add some variety, while also minimizing the expected "Titan lag". ;)
    I will see if I can find something like the Ol' Ken Silvermann Build Engine to draw some 2D sketches of my ships. Maybe even Dia (for Linux) or even LucidChart itself... o_O


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    Hey folks.

    If you're like me and like to draw you ship sketckes on paper this could be useful to you:
    Its a Graph Paper sheet i made (and conveniently stored on my google docs) using this (WorksheetWorks) website which may be useful to plan ahead the dimensions of your ships. My biggest issue is correctly measuring and placing the core. This is the biggest reason why I took so long to actually start building the ships I have in mind.

    Just print and start sketching! Hope this can help more people =)


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    Hey Yo!
    The Armageddon is almost finished. Just missing some corridor deco's. It's Marvelous. Will release to the dock this week!

    Here's another teaser to its unique details. A shot from the docking clamp mechanism: