Introduction thread!

    May 13, 2014
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    Greetings All, I'm Kornaga,Pretty new here, a friend introduced me to starmade and i think its great ! havent attempted to try a server yet just having fun building ships and beating up pirates hehe.
    Mar 4, 2014
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    I'm Zyphex. I've been playing the game for a few months, and I'm working on setting up a server for me and my friends. I've designed and built a few ships, including what I call a "multi-role" corvette, as well as built a few replica ships, though they require more work before I release them. My designs take inspiration from Halo and Star Wars, along with my own ideas. My current goal for the game, apart from getting my server up and running, is to design my own dreadnaught with an interior that goes beyond a small hanger, a few hallways, and a small bridge.


    Creative Director
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Probably about time I did one of these on the new site.

    Hey I'm Bench. I started playing StarMade about a year ago when I played on a couple different servers and built ships in my spare time. After a while I filmed and then uploaded a video showcasing the game, which gained some traction in the community to the point where it eventually was adopted as the current Official StarMade trailer. After the trailer I joined the Thunderdome Server to film games in anticipation for other videos, creating and flying the original CamBot during that time. Playing on there for a few months, my workload and circumstances changed where I couldn't play as much.

    After several months I returned to create the new trailer in anticipation for the launch to Steam and as the game had changed significantly since my first video. While preparing for the new trailer and waiting for updates I started doing showcase videos of player submitted ships, and still do as players continue to submit ships. I'm also the creator of Starmade Shipyards, a role-playing ship trading experience.

    While I'm not part of the staff here at StarMade I feel honoured that I get to have an input into a number of aspects of the game, and that I have the reputation I have around the community.

    In real life I'm 24, I live in Melbourne, Australia. I work as a visual effects and motion graphics artist for a digital media company, as well as freelancing. I design, I code, I edit and film, photograph and animate. In day-to-day life I work creating animations for marketing, commercials, online training etc. I design websites, brands, and promotional material, but there's so much more I get to do that it'd need a separate thread to cover it all. I met my boss through gaming, so everyone at work calls me Bench, in fact that's how I'm introduced to clients.

    I love what I do.
    Jul 12, 2013
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    Good day everyone. I am CW390.
    Let's see... where to begin?
    Well, I have never posted on the starmade forums. (both old and new site)
    I have only uploaded ships. (feel free to check them out) ;)
    This is my first forum post here.
    Anyway, I am a builder, first and foremost. I started out on minecraft.(and before MC, I played IncrediBots)
    When I found out about starmade, it was a dream come true. (literally)
    I loved building ships on MC, but I could never really fully enjoy them. Then I found this game! I was amazed that I could finally make a usable ship!
    So now I make Ships whenever I'm inspired. :)
    I like Scifi, cartoons, anime, space, science, physics, the internet, life, love, you...
    ...I like you, you read this post. :)

    So yea, I will mostly lurk the forums. Never to post again
    ...unless I find an interesting topic.
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    Mar 2, 2014
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    Hi, I'm Malacodor.
    I'm an old Minecraft veteran, and since StarMade is basically Minecraft 2.0 I simply have to play it.
    I'm not a big fan of copying stuff other people designed, so I try to develop a unique style by myself.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Hi, I'm Jimbob7595,
    I've been playing Starmade for about a year, but I've never really became active on the forums until now. I love building games where you can design your own vehicles and weapons so Starmade is a dream come true, especially with my equal love of all things Sci-fi. One day I'd like to set up on a popular server and build a successful faction, either as a leader or high ranking member, I just haven't had the time with my A-level exams. They're all finished this week!
    Jul 2, 2013
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    About Me:

    Currently 22 year-old Canadian, recently medically-released from the Canadian Forces (Navy). Physically male, but identify as female and in the process of transitioning to the proper gender through hormone treatment. I plan on studying sound design and learning to compose music, as I am very interested in working with and producing music/audio in the context of game development and films. My secondary interest in level-design has drawn me to games like Minecraft, which in turn introduced me to StarMade. Also, I REALLY like cats.

    Gaming Background:

    Been a gamer since I was 4. Mostly stick to PC games, but I still have a soft spot for Nintendo games. Some all-time favourite games and series include:

    • Metroid Series
    • Homeworld 1 + Cataclysm
    • Freelancer
    • Minecraft
    • Aliens vs. Predator Series
    • Half-Life Series
    • Portal Series
    • Pokemon Series
    • The Binding of Isaac


    Ideally I would like to become a valued member and contributor to this community. I tend to stick to a few games at a time and really become passionate about them.

    Here's a few things I hope I can accomplish during my stay:

    Grow my YouTube channel.
    I've always been interested in being able to record Let's Plays and similar styles of video, but I'm having a hard time finding the right games to do this. I do have difficulty being social (diagnosis of Asperger's plays a part in this, and led to my loss of career) so I'm hoping I can meet some people here who share a similar interest.

    Compose a fan-made soundtrack for StarMade.
    The lack of suitable ambiance in the game is a real killer when it comes to getting in the right state of mind to build something. I personally am very dependent on music and background sound to feel properly immersed in the game, which has a large impact on my interest to commit to a long project. I would like to be able to compose as complete of a high-quality soundtrack as I possibly can, as both practice for my future and as a huge fan of the game.

    Create/Submit content (Texture Packs, Mods, etc.)
    Though I have little knowledge of programming and graphic design, I would still like to be productive member of the community. I have in the past created small mods for Homeworld, and general visual tweaks for various games. I actually have a decent reputation in the Minecraft community for creating a popular Portal-themed texture pack named "Aperture Enrichment". My first project will be to create a similar themed pack for StarMade, for those looking to integrate a bit more science into their game.

    Here are a few screenshots of my work:

    All in all, I hope to make new friends, collaborate on projects and have a good time. Feel free to send a message if you're interested in playing StarMade/any other game with me.

    I hope this was sufficient for an introduction.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I am Admiral Piett.

    I am a passionate player, and a lectured man in many of taday's hot topics. I find starmade the best game ever, and I intend to help it out as much as i can. Currently I don't play on any servers, since I would like gameplay to polish before attempting any online play.

    My steam is Blackstorm.

    I am a medschool student, and whenever I am on the test period I shan't be ever found.
    I am a gamer, and I'll always play a game that is gooood.
    I love Homeworld, and i f anyone plays it online or the Complex mod, i am always up for a match.

    I aim to recreate all Homeworld ships into this game, and also someday make a faction of it maybe. I am inexperienced in
    ship building, but I will get better :B

    Over and out!
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    Jun 21, 2013
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    Hello everybody, I am Cudgeon Kurosaki!

    I am a dude that likes making big credits, big ships and big fun. But seriously, I mostly make fighters. I am a brony (or if you prefer, poison of the internet), archer, guns enthusiast, passable swordsman, traceur (parkourist), and hand-to-hand combatant. Weapons and martial arts are pretty much the only interesting things. I really am into Sci-Fi stuff, but I mostly don't watch because there are so many and it is hard to get interested in any single one, but at least I got obsessed with ponies. Oh, and I ramble. Did I mention that?

    I got here watching a Yogscast video, and stayed because, you guessed it, I like making space-y thingies. I plan on making some functional and cool looking fighters that can serve as a turning point in battles, which is kind of naive and ambitious.
    I am interested in participating in PVP, building fighters, and marveling at how everyone else makes bigger ships than my own.
    I am mostly inspired by Star Fox for my fighters, and have an obsession with improving my Arwing designs.
    My goal is to make a ships that at least somebody likes, share some of my knowledge of fighter ship building along the way, and learn some pointers on making bigger ships.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    My name is [REDACTED], or Guard.

    I've been around here and there for a while but never really stuck around much. With the recent updates bringing the combat to be more than just who has stronger shields or more AMCs piled together, I've returned! Hopefully for good this time, seeing as updates are happening more frequently now.

    Goals? Have fun, eventually run my own server (or maybe just throw myself into Mushroom Fleet if they'll let me), build things, fight things, fly a fighter around massive battles. I'm also hoping to be more active in forums, something I've really fallen out of doing.

    Oh yes, and unrelated to StarMade *pokes signature* a bunch of other stuff.
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    Jun 29, 2013
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    It's about time I posted on this thread.
    Hi, I'm Forge_Meiser and I've had Starmade for a couple of years now (literally since the old site). I'm not a big forum fan, but it kind of grows on you. I dream big and try to show it by building big. I came by the name when I had to change my GT on Xbox (if you're into that) from something to be laughed at (let's just say I didn't like a name that had the word sugar in it) to something a bit more serious. I was into forging in Halo 3 at the time, and the name sounded awesome. Since then, forging's gotten better, graphics have too, been looking into Minecraft and then I found Starmade in sandbox form. Immediately I was hooked, and now I'm here.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I am not dead. I am been playing for about a year. i am grammer. I am apples
    Edit: why he fuck am i listed as new member, FIX IT
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    Jun 21, 2013
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    Hello I'm Starlight Walker (also a potato wearing a mustache but that's not important) I've been playing star-made for over a year, but I'm new to the forums, I like, Renaissance fairs, that game with hiss-y explode-y thing-ys, star-made, deadly blades, kittens, and lots of other stuff. I love logic!
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    Apr 25, 2013
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    I originally wrote the following for my "about you" section on my profile, but apparently you're only allowed to make it 50 letters long. Dang it!


    A veteran Blockland and Starmade player, I have been playing Indie PC games now for nearly 5 years.
    I discovered Starmade in April 2013, and was among many other Blockland players to take up this game.

    My close Blockland-Starmade friends include

    During the great Yogscast invasion of the 2013 summer, I was hand-selected as a tester by the devs for my contributions to the community and my assistance towards dealing with the enourmous crowds of newcoming yogscast players.
    However, I later quit the tester team on May 22 2014, because I had other things I wanted to do with my time instead.

    I build only the highest-quality ships, all hand-made, no SMedit, sometimes spending many months working on a single project. Currently as of the 13th of July, I am 8 months in to the making of my powerful Yamato-esque Space Battleship Sunset.

    I am also an avid combat-issues-related fixing-activist. I do my relative best to help the devs know what the community really wants to see fixed in terms of content that's already in the game but has issues. I want us all to enjoy as playable a gamestate as possible, as early as possible, into the development of this game.
    Despite the fact that I am no longer an actual tester any more, I still report bugs regularly on the bugtracker, and try to help the dev team know absolutely everything that is having issues.

    I am also a member of Comr4de's Freelance-Mercenary faction known as the Arstotzkan Federation, formerly known on Blockland as ARES (Argos Rho Expeditionary Starfleet). We are known for our strong military record against the Galaxy Rangers, the Borg, and even the Debrisian Federal Navy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    G'day. Seems to be the stock introductory line for those of who reside in the land up above (screw you mediocrity). I'm KhevaKins and I don't do very much at all except game and work. In case you're confused about my nationality here's some quotes:

    Throw another PRAWN on the Barby. I don't know any Australian who says shrimp.
    Dingo ate my baby. Or so I would have you believe but maybe it didn't.
    Call that a knife, this is a bigger knife. Scary ain't it.

    Along time ago, way back when, I used to run the UNSC Fleetcom faction. After the faction broke down (as far as I can tell) because of server troubles I kind of stopped playing Starmade for the longest of times. I messed around with Space Engineers for a little but eventually saw the light and now I am back to play more Starmade instead.

    That is all.