Introduction thread!


    Nov 10, 2013
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    I am Me. What else is there really to say? But let me say some more anyways~

    I are CybaTao, I used to run a private Minecraft server (modded of course) in the past, but more or less got bored of that cause of the 1.7.2 update and Forge o -o

    I am more or less a greeter type of Player, as such I wander around around a lot and perk my ears when someone needs help with some of the basics (SIDESTORY; Back in the first MMO I ever played <Puzzle Pirates>, there was dedicated 'Greeters' with a special coloured name whom would spend their time helping those new to the game). Therefore, so long as a person knows how2computerBasics, I'm fine with going slow and explaining how it works ;p (/sex joke).

    That being said, I am Also; Dense. Slow. Stubborn. And have well defined Morales and ideas... ergo, arguments with me are very much akin to yelling at a wall. As well, Starmade being a Sandbox, I tend to disfavour things that would A) Limit choices, B) Only server to make things easier for a few players, C) Ideas taken directly from other games (not ships, just game/design concepts).

    And on a Final note; I refuse to "Respect because one is a Mod". Meaning; Unless there a reason for a mod to intervene (i.e. Breaking a rule), they are just normal players to me. And even if they intervene with a 'Reason', don't expect me to not question it if I don't happen to agree with your logic.

    This is a Community, Mods are a last resort. If it ends up that we need active moderation daily, then there is a community issue that needs dealing with, which can not be fixed on a "Moderator's" level.

    I am CyberTao, Also Known as CyberTails on some other sites. I Am Communist, Perfectionist, and have anxiety and self worth issues, And I play StarMade.
    -/Glory in the Stars


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    I'm a mod, I guess I should do one of these...

    Hello, I am fire219. I'm a 15 year old computer nerd stuck in the deep woods of the Southeastern US. As you can tell from the pretty green banner under my name, I am a moderator here on Starmade Dock. I tend to be one of the more favored mods, likely due to my friendly disposition. However, that will not get in the way of me doing my job, so don't Play With Fire™. Except actually playing Starmade, of course. ;)

    In the game, I tend to stay off servers, due to my poor excuse for internet. However, I do build ships and occasionally release them, though nowhere near the speed of some of the (far superior) shipbuilders around here. My ships tend to look fairly simple and pack a large amount of firepower.

    Outside of the game, I'm pretty much your average nerdy kid (glasses and all) who goes to school, and often shuns the Mother Star of our solar system for whole afternoons.

    So yea, that's me. See you around. :)
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    Aug 20, 2013
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    Mmm... Considering I didn't write one before and everyone else's is so fancy, I guess I'll try.

    I'm Cirdanoth, random bum.
    While physically quite young, at a "ripe" age of twenty-wun, my mind feels quite dusty at times...
    I tend not to take myself or what I say too seriously, and I advice others not to, either, however that may sound.
    Constantly bound, by the peril of appearing arrogant or hypocritical, I seek refuge in knowing that man is not perfect nor eternal. Enjoying the time given, one way or another. Open to experiences of all sort. Both history and future inspire and drive forth... Attempting to grasp the present while bowing my head in respect to all the times I failed, yet managed to waste away the time regardless, 't is my fate. In a lukewarm state, yet constantly reminded of feelings searing-hot like love, or icey cold, like hate... I enjoy the calm rain, which washes both away.

    If you seek conversation, soothing like an embrace or sharp like the edge of a blade, invite me, to cuddle or fight.
    I'll be yours, all through the starry night.

    (I bet you chuckled! :D)
    Mar 27, 2014
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    Hello people,

    Travelling is what keeps my nomadic soul alive, so i tend to do it as often as i can. When i cannot, well, i travel throught alternative universes, thanks to some good games. I was born in France but i consider myself as an earthling, nothing more or less.

    When i find one universe with a good potential for my unstable mind, i do my best to share it. That's why i often write game reports or articles about games i like, on a couple of french websites (JeuxOnLine and CanardPC mostly).

    I was reading the old website and forum, and now the new one is online i feel more appealed to participate.
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    Jun 21, 2013
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    I'm SlyHuntsman, although my name is Ashley :) I can't remember how I found StarMade, but I'm glad I did :D

    For those who haven't realised yet, some times I will be saying something and it won't make complete snese, it's long winded etc. but trust me, I know what I'm doing most of time xD
    (Except when SMEdit didn't work and CyberTao helped me work out that it had a strange way of finding the StarMade directory, thanks again Cyber!)
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    Jul 24, 2013
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    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Video Genius
    Hy guys,my name is Luke, most of you guys know me as Skylord,or tenk11kamikaza in game.

    I Started playing starmade 7 months ago,and i fell in love right away.
    Since then i built over 400 ships,the best ones (70 of them) are now avaiable for download,you can follow me on my youtube channel (Skylord Luke),where i post my updates on all kinds of ships.
    I am a dedicated starmade builder,and i plan to play this game until the internet is gone(sooo never i guess)

    I will be here every day to answer you questions and to recieve requests for builds. I am always happy to see them :)

    so thank you all for your time,and see you all somewhere in the starmade galaxy
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I'm Krazykat, been playing for a while, was Grand Commodore in UEF for a while, then it fell apart, now I build ships and am waiting on my faction to get set up. I helped develop some of the first 3-d maneuvering threads and tactics. I hope to see all of u ingame... being smeared by my missiles...
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    Top 4ce

    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    Hi, I'm Top 4ce. (aka Top Ace; Top Force; Top; Ace)

    I'm a busy 27 year old Mechanical Engineering student from El Paso Texas living in San Antonio. I love industrial design and space so this game is a natural fit for me. Started with Legos to RTS to Minecraft to here.

    I mostly a single player builder because I don't have the time to be dedicated to a server. However, I am active in the community, general chat, and support chat. My build style is mostly influenced by Homeworld.

    Other hobbies included motorcycle riding and restoration, bicycle riding, and models.

    Fly safe.
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    Reactions: MossyStone48
    Mar 13, 2014
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    I'm Elit3. I like stuff.

    I also like Starmade.

    I'm of age.

    I've eaten foods. Some taste nicer than others.

    Edit; #Hashtag First active member :3
    Last edited:
    Mar 13, 2014
    Reaction score
    Mmm... Considering I didn't write one before and everyone else's is so fancy, I guess I'll try.

    I'm Cirdanoth, random bum.
    While physically quite young, at a "ripe" age of twenty-wun, my mind feels quite dusty at times...
    I tend not to take myself or what I say too seriously, and I advice others not to, either, however that may sound.
    Constantly bound, by the peril of appearing arrogant or hypocritical, I seek refuge in knowing that man is not perfect nor eternal. Enjoying the time given, one way or another. Open to experiences of all sort. Both history and future inspire and drive forth... Attempting to grasp the present while bowing my head in respect to all the times I failed, yet managed to waste away the time regardless, 't is my fate. In a lukewarm state, yet constantly reminded of feelings searing-hot like love, or icey cold, like hate... I enjoy the calm rain, which washes both away.

    If you seek conversation, soothing like an embrace or sharp like the edge of a blade, invite me, to cuddle or fight.
    I'll be yours, all through the starry night.

    (I bet you chuckled! :D)
    Sounds kinky.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I am OmegaCybran.

    I am a StarMade ship builder and a dedicated gamer. I play all kinds of games but StarMade has a special place in my heart. I am starting to do youtube video's about StarMade and im open to all kinds of projects and ideas.
    I am about to do exams and im planning to study game designing.

    My greatest ship I have built so far is the Ragnarov. (Its the ship in my signature)
    Unfortunately its not usable in the curren build.
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    Aug 18, 2013
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    Hi all, I'm Ashura01, dedicated gamer and all around geek (as evidenced from my choice of avatar). I'm currently attending Humber College in their 3d animation program, and am also hoping to one day work in the video game industry.
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    Mar 20, 2014
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    Ohai everyone, I am Gamer_Z, also known as Grasmanek94.

    I'm 19 years old, a student and I study Applied Sciences (Physics, Maths, Electronics, Optics, Mechanics, Matlab Programming, Basic Chemistry, Measurement Technique, Thermodynamics, Atomic/Nuclear physics).

    I really like space games, I have played Homeworld 2 in the past, Evochron Mercenary, and a few older titles dating back from the very early computer gaming ages.
    I am more of a strategy gamer, like CNC (Red Alert 2, Red Alert 3) and Dark Reign 2, Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe, I also play many other games sometimes like SimCity, CitiesXL and Gta San Andreas.

    Some of my other games:
    Atomic Bomberman, Battlezone 2, Borderlands 2, GTA IV, Sniper Elite, Sniper Elite V2, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, F-22 Total Air War 2.0, Counter-Strike series, Joint Operations Escalation, Typhoon rising and Advanced Warfare 2.0, Need for Speed Underground 2, Killing Floor, Open Red Alert, S.W.A.T. 4 and 3, Trackmania Series, Spore.

    Now, not that long ago I found Star-Made.
    I immediately liked it!
    I am playing it for a few weeks now, and I hav already pre-purchased (and I don't really purchase that many games..., so, feel exceptional Star-Made, it's in my top#3 games ever)

    Not only did it attract me because it's a space like minecraft with actual moving blocks, but it has really big potential and a mature and powerful engine. I myself as a hobby did program extensively in C++ and C, also a basic level of Java. I also did script in a few scripting-languages like PAWN, PHP, HTML (if that's scripting.. at least not programming), basic JavaScript and some other unpopular languages. If it's something I hate it's lua, personal preference / just not my taste. BTW, I am also very good with computers in general, especially fixing them haha :p

    I am a popular figure in the GTA San Andreas Multiplayer world, I have had a few succesful servers but, meh, it got really boring as the developers are not really developing the mod anymore so it's like dead for me. I also have ran a few succesful (and some not-so-succesful) websites / communities.

    TL;DR: I'm a applied sciences student, gamer and software programmer in one, who joined Star-Made because all the other shit got boring, ok let's continue:

    Now Star-Made has filled the void in my, gamer-heart? :p (Yeah my real heart is reserved for a special person, but don't worry Schema, there is a tiny place in it for you too hehe)

    Now, I am still exploring the things in Star Made so take it easy on me..
    I DO like jumping into the big ocean while still not being able to swim, so help me out fellow comrades!

    Also, note,

    I really hope Star-Made will become what I have in mind! It's full blown right now, but I imagine it will be the best game ever made in a few years if Schema will keep his passion :D I admire you Schema, and I admire this friendly community.

    (nope, not goodbye, I will be hanging around this forum, my new home)

    P.S. If you are looking for some code, just visit my Google Code Page:, if Star-Made ever creates plugin/script support in a language I like, I certainly will create open source scripts/plugins for it! :) (and the heck, don't worry, I will move to github :p)

    And... least but not last, if anyone wants to admire my last flagship:

    It's not the worst ship for my 4th creation, eh? :P

    You can download it from the star made registry/blueprints, under "Pirate Battleship from Homeworld 2 /modified/custom/not exact 1:1 copy" :)
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    Aug 16, 2013
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    Hello! I am Kondroid (also: Knuda)

    I come from the countryside of Ireland and play a lot of competitive FPS games.

    I have been here a long time BUT I've only recently ventured into chat and the forums. I scarcely show up but when I do I keep working on my titan and post pics in chat.
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    Feb 24, 2014
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    Heya! I'm Azurite (or "Cullen" if you want to be formal).

    I'm a 17 year-old dude, living the high life in Nashville, Tennessee. I used to only lurk around and occasionally chat but recently, I've started work on some texture packs and such and have become a pretty frequent face around here. I'm not as much a player as I am an artist (sounds pretty pretentious, I know).

    My favorite color is blue (duh). I'm a dog person (hatters gonna hat). I'd consider myself a reasonably nice and funny guy. In real life, I'm a wannabe hipster (coffee shops, thick-rimmed glasses, the whole deal) and an aspiring music producer, but I mostly stay inside, curl up in a blanket and intronetz my day away. Also going to college soon.

    So anyway, if you ever see me around, feel free to say hi. I won't bite. Take care, peace out Girl Scout, etc.

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    Sep 26, 2013
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    Heya! I'm Azurite (or "Cullen" if you want to be formal).

    I'm a 17 year-old dude, living the high life in Nashville, Tennessee. I used to only lurk around and occasionally chat but recently, I've started work on some texture packs and such and have become a pretty frequent face around here. I'm not as much a player as I am an artist (sounds pretty pretentious, I know).

    My favorite color is blue (duh). I'm a dog person (hatters gonna hat). I'd consider myself a reasonably nice and funny guy. In real life, I'm a wannabe hipster (coffee shops, thick-rimmed glasses, the whole deal) and an aspiring music producer, but I mostly stay inside, curl up in a blanket and intronetz my day away. Also going to college soon.

    So anyway, if you ever see me around, feel free to say hi. I won't bite. Take care, peace out Girl Scout, etc.

    Whoa, Nashville? That's where I go to school!
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    Aug 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Master Builder Bronze
    You can call me Ref.
    Username pronounced "referendum"

    I am a builder, 21 years old. IRL I'm Bree, but people online usually just use my screen-name. I've been playing for 7 months or so, built some things, working on building bigger as I get better at building. I'm an electrical engineer, and love my tech, both mechanical and electrical. I draw a little bit on the side, and I hope to continue producing more builds for the community to enjoy.

    I'm a little short-fused about certain things so don't egg me on. What I am easily offended by:
    -being stubborn about an opinion that causes undue distress and psychological damage to others on the internet. Your opinion NEVER holds more weight than another human being's life and well-being.
    -being a spammer
    -being prideful without demonstration of reason for your pride
    -nationalism (one step up from patriotism, a step away from xenophobia, and 2 steps away from fascism)

    If none of what you say falls into any of these categories, you can skip this.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I'm MineCatFTW, but most people call me Mine, or MineCat. I found StarMade almost a year (wow, that long?) ago, and I've been playing it avidly ever since. I enjoy building, though even after this long haven't made a ship I really like yet. I help run the Lazarus Imperium, and I joined right as it started, and I love this game's community. As you might guess from my username, I like cats, and green is my favorite color. I've been a bit of a lurker on the old site, but I've decided to try and be more active on this one, so you might see me around more now.
    Other things about me include these:
    I'm learning C# (it's taking a while)
    I dabble in other modding stuff, but don't really know that much
    I play many games other than StarMade including Civ 5 and War Thunder, FTL is also awesome

    So that's basically me, feel free to say hi if you see me around!
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Hi, I'm mindlord0013. Mostly known as 'mind' online, I'm currently studying to become a Primary School teacher in Australia.

    I've been playing for a while now; I used to lurk quite a bit - but have become a more active member of the community lately. Most of my ships are built under a fictional company known as "Orion Co", a multifasceted organization that aims for universal peace.

    On a side note, I never knew Ref was a female. I have always imagined her as a guy in my mind's eye.
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