Introduction thread!

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Hello, I'm AnthonyHJ and I used to be a videogame designer. Now I'm a writer, but I was once an actor. I'm definitely not a mad AI.

    I first heard of StarMade via a casting call for unpaid voice actors on what I think was some form of machinima. The project seems to have died after recording the pilot, but it got me looking into StarMade. Thanks to BundleStars, I have a full account now and I have been playing with my seven-year old Minecraft-obsessed daughter.

    My days are currently filled with a series of children's books and compiling ideas for MMO design which I will never get to use.


    Builder of Very Small Ships
    Apr 17, 2015
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    I noticed I hadn't posted in here just yet. Time to fix that.

    I'm Asvarduil - it's an old MMO handle, it doesn't mean anything - and I'm a nerd. I'm a programmer, a sci-fi enthusiast, and a games enthusiast. I am working on a game project of my own right now, a rewrite of one of the first games I ever put out (when I finish the improved rewrite, I may link it.)

    StarMade and I have a love-hate relationship. It's a great game - usually - but sometimes quite frustrating. Part of why I'm here is it's a game about building awesome spaceships and exploring space and - at least in my mind - colonizing worlds, and building empires.

    I want to build some really wacky ships. I've already created a drone based off of Oreo cookies and have some other aspirations including some more unique riffs on Star Trek well as troll ships built around the concept of mind-screwery. Pretty much I want to make this game do things that Schine et al see and go, 'holy crap this is legit?'

    I also champion fighters and very small ships as my primary way of playing. A lot of time goes to non-game things these days, so quick, interesting builds are the name of the game for me. I'd like show other people that Super Titan doesn't necessarily mean gigantic fun - fighters are cheap, so if you lose them, no big deal, and this game is a space shooter.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Yay, I'm not the only one using an old MMO handle as my StarMade name.
    Nov 12, 2015
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    I am Xanthos, I use the handle CCXanthos on forums as the name is mostly taken. (BTW Xanthos is also a nick, used to be my wizard in D&D)
    I was looking for a nice building game to play when after a few nights of prowling through the steam store I came across Starmade. For me the main challenge is to make something that can be operated with a purpose and that is one of the things I can do in this game. Needless to say I'm hooked. Currently working on a ship derived from WWII battleships (love the shape of those ships), strangely enough interior requirements start pushing the design into the Starwars wedge shaped corner.
    Good enough talk need to build :D
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    Oct 9, 2015
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    Hey! Spirion here. I go by the handle "Starwhip" nearly everywhere else, so if you see that name, it's probably me!
    I've come quite a ways since my first ship.
    The first step was this jumpship.
    Then came my first battle-worthy cruiser.
    I still use her on servers for pirate crushing.

    I hope to someday outclass that ship with the work-in-progress Akatora Battlecruiser, a ship based off of one of mine in a sci-fi roleplay I participated in.

    What I want to finish next, however, is this ship, the Dagger class. This image is slightly outdated, but it serves as a rough draft.

    Gameplay aside, I am a FIRST robotics member, programming officer on team 3410 LIFE. I'm an avid Kerbal Space Program player, finding this game through KSP's forum. Moments ago, I decided to go ahead and buy this incredible game. I've played more than the ten bucks' worth out of it already. I love to make renders in Blender3D, and hope to get some of my ships imported into the program to make some nice backgrounds. :)

    Hope to see y'all around!
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    Nov 12, 2015
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    Hey All,

    Name's SlowFuse, and I'm a new guy around the Starmade universe. Been going at it hard for the last week, and really enjoying the experience so far! Looking forward to getting more involved in the community and meeting more of you out there.

    I stream on Twitch and have met quite a few of the active community on there so far. Everyone's been tremendously helpful getting me started on my way. Big thanks to all of you who have tuned in and graced me with knowledge!

    Built my first ship last week and have moved onward toward my first station build. Starting fairly small ( first ship was frigate-sized) and working my way into larger scale builds, as my comfort with all the mechanics grows along.

    Stop by the stream over at and say "hi".

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    Nov 1, 2015
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    Hello, I'm Teddy (Tom IRL) and I just discovered Starmade in the past two months, I cannot stop playing, I may need help?! I've got so many ideas! I'm working on a sexy fighter at the moment and will post builds on here. Myself and some friends have just made our own server and started to play (I think i've zoomed ahead of them at the moment, I can't stoooooop)

    I am making server let's plays on my YT channel and just put up the first episode on our server.
    It was messing about a lot to start with and we couldn't land on planets so I've got a compilation of me getting frustrated in there, it's pretty funny (in hindsight)!!

    I love playing games and recording/editing them, and I'm just getting into the whole thing and could do with support and critique on the process.

    Have a look, who knows you might like me!
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Hello everyone,

    I am Dr. Whammy; veteran constructologist, destructologist and founder of the United Star Axis.

    I originally got in to StarMade as a form of rehabilitation. I had severed ties with Eve Online and was going through severe space simulation withdrawal (very messy). I've been building my own ship designs since windows 3.1 was out so a game that allows for this level of creativity is right up my alley.

    I tend to spend a lot of time in the single player environment, where I have unlimited resources and unrestricted build capability but recently, I've been spending more time in the multiplayer scene; mostly to see if I can survive it. To my surprise, I've been doing pretty well; all things considered.

    My play style is mostly constructive yet highly nomadic while my build style is a balance between aesthetics, efficiency and versatility. I build cities on planets, collect resources then gradually expand into space, while keeping everything modular and adaptable; simplifying repairs and maintaining the ability to pack up and relocate on short notice.

    If you're ever in the "Light vs Dark/Digital Wings Gaming" universe, feel free to stop by and say hello.
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    Nov 24, 2015
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    Hello ladies and gents. The name is Col. Kurtz. If you're old enough to remember Apocalypse Now (Heart of Darkness) then you know where the name is from. I got my start building Airships in Minecraft but got fed up with not being able to fly them. One day I was reminiscing over my old MC builds and thought about coming back to Starmade (I was playing 2 years ago but stopped). I had never built anything serious in Starmade before and thus decided to return and go hammer.

    If anyone is curious as to my style, I have a thread in the Shipyard. Feel free to leave any suggestions as I enjoy talking to other artists all the time. Thanks for your time
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    Jul 7, 2013
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    Vaʞᴆovʎa! Y aɥ ExoZєv, ʞoᴚaʞ Kaʟav-III, Yǝʀ 745 Æ.E. Yɥ ʟnpǝʀʎoʀ voѧv ax Ǝxovʎʟ, bot ᴨʀǝpєʀ ћnʜ aʞtєʀvæt "Ǝxo." YRȽ Yɥ abʟєvt, bot Y ᴚovʟʎᴆєʀ Mʎʟєʞu a vʎʟ ᴨєʀʟov ѧʜo єvyoʎʟ ʜєʞᴨǝvy ᴨєʀʟovʟ. Y ʞnu ΣʎPʎ avᴆ Pavtaʟǝ, avᴆ 1 ou ɥʎ pæuoʀєt aᴚtєuєtǝʟ ǝʟ ʞєʀvǝvy ћnʜ ʞoʀ ou ʟtoʀǝʟ, ɥǝᴆǝa, avᴆ yæɥʟ. (Ћʎʟ єʟ ʟᴨoᴚєv єv Kaʟavǝ, a ʞavyѧæy Yɥ ᴚʀǝætǝvy.)

    Greetings! I am Exozen, from Kasan-III, Year 745 A.E. I'm better known as Exonis, but prefer the nickname "Exo." IRL I'm nonexistent, but I consider myself a nice person who enjoys helping people. I love SciFi and Fantasy, and one of my favorite activities is learning the lore of stories, shows, and games. (This is spoken in Kasani, a langauge I'm creating.)

    I vaguely remember playing SM during an open alpha thing years ago; didn't hear about the game again until recently, when I saw it on steam. Currently I only play Creative SP, and I'm working on a big ship (the shell isn't finished, but it's already @ 250k+ blocks).

    Besides gaming, I enjoy drawing, writing, and digital painting; most of my work is for my WIP Story: Downfall: Chronicles. I take my inspiration from a lot of things, but I'm heavily inspired by LoTR, Star Wars (Specifically, the Clone Wars), and the Halo series.

    For Starmade, I hope to one day have a full fleet of ships for the different factions/races of my story. With maybe an end goal of building a 1:1 scale full replica of the Axiom from Wall-E. IRL I'd like to write and publish a novel, create a videogame, or make a Movie/Show based off my story (hopefully all 3).


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Vaʞᴆovʎa! Y aɥ ExoZєv, ʞoᴚaʞ Kaʟav-III, Yǝʀ 745 Æ.E. Yɥ ʟnpǝʀʎoʀ voѧv ax Ǝxovʎʟ, bot ᴨʀǝpєʀ ћnʜ aʞtєʀvæt "Ǝxo." YRȽ Yɥ abʟєvt, bot Y ᴚovʟʎᴆєʀ Mʎʟєʞu a vʎʟ ᴨєʀʟov ѧʜo єvyoʎʟ ʜєʞᴨǝvy ᴨєʀʟovʟ. Y ʞnu ΣʎPʎ avᴆ Pavtaʟǝ, avᴆ 1 ou ɥʎ pæuoʀєt aᴚtєuєtǝʟ ǝʟ ʞєʀvǝvy ћnʜ ʞoʀ ou ʟtoʀǝʟ, ɥǝᴆǝa, avᴆ yæɥʟ. (Ћʎʟ єʟ ʟᴨoᴚєv єv Kaʟavǝ, a ʞavyѧæy Yɥ ᴚʀǝætǝvy.)

    Greetings! I am Exozen, from Kasan-III, Year 745 A.E. I'm better known as Exonis, but prefer the nickname "Exo." IRL I'm nonexistent, but I consider myself a nice person who enjoys helping people. I love SciFi and Fantasy, and one of my favorite activities is learning the lore of stories, shows, and games. (This is spoken in Kasani, a langauge I'm creating.)

    I vaguely remember playing SM during an open alpha thing years ago; didn't hear about the game again until recently, when I saw it on steam. Currently I only play Creative SP, and I'm working on a big ship (the shell isn't finished, but it's already @ 250k+ blocks).

    Besides gaming, I enjoy drawing, writing, and digital painting; most of my work is for my WIP Story: Downfall: Chronicles. I take my inspiration from a lot of things, but I'm heavily inspired by LoTR, Star Wars (Specifically, the Clone Wars), and the Halo series.

    For Starmade, I hope to one day have a full fleet of ships for the different factions/races of my story. With maybe an end goal of building a 1:1 scale full replica of the Axiom from Wall-E. IRL I'd like to write and publish a novel, create a videogame, or make a Movie/Show based off my story (hopefully all 3).

    Welcome :D
    Jun 20, 2013
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    My name is IdiotPlaysGames, or better known around here as IPG, and better known in the real world as Dan. I've been playing Starmade for 3 years now (holy poop), and love this game as it is. I've been in and out of the community for a while, but that's really just due to me being a Junior in High School (or year 11 for you weird brits). I plan to be dedicated to staying active in the community from now until god knows when.

    The name, if your wondering, comes from my YouTube Channel, which has a lack of content that I've been meaning to revive, but really haven't. More to come on that note...

    Personally, I'm a huge fan of Star Wars, so look for me to be building things that are similar to Star Wars designs. Unfortunately, the StarMade gods aka :schema: haven't given me the power of building, so most of the time I play around with other people's builds until my game crashes :).

    If you've known me over the past couple of years, you will know that I like to be involved with factions and generally try to make things happen, so stay tuned in the faction sub-forum :D. As far as my faction history goes, I've been part of the Rebel Alliance, Cobalt Royalty, NFD (twice), and ran my own faction for a while called The New Galactic Empire. At one point I tried running for council...I got stomped. I might try running again and a couple terms or two, but we shall see.

    As for YouTube videos and such, my computer is awful (its a school computer), so they might be few and far between. I do however plan to possibly record some just general StarMade news on there, with a mix of comedy, because who doesn't like a good laugh.

    Thanks for reading my bio thingy, and I'll see you on the flip side.

    Dan "IPG"
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    Dec 28, 2015
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    Hello, It is I, Tiberio!

    I am 19 and very social!, Very friendly!

    I love Open world games like this and i'm looking forward to create majestic constructions in this game!
    Jan 1, 2016
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    Well let's see.. name.. yeah it's there on the left..

    I don't expect to be very active (you never know though) but I figure so long as I'm here I may as well say hi. Saw a screenshot or two with Starmade mentioned on another forum and curiosity got the best of me. I seem to enjoy building things and Starmade is way too close to a game idea I recently had not too long ago. It's proving to be a worthwhile and enjoyable past time. :)

    I'm somewhat tempted to start my own shipyard thread were I would lurk. I'm still very much a newbie but I'm crazy enough to have started 3 massive projects that I'm sure are far too large and complex for someone of my present skill but that's half the fun. :) I play exclusively single player as I have data limits.. bah.

    Anyway.. enjoying the game so far.. I look forward to seeing how it develops.
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    Dec 8, 2015
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    I am Kilim. My favorite thing to do in starmade is make good 1-10k mass very combat effective ships. I am 21, from Stockholm, Sweden and currently studying Pharmacy.
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    Feb 16, 2016
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    Hello everyone, my name is Zeralas.

    I discovered StarMade about a week ago and have been putzing around in single player. I built my first legitimate ship three days ago after tinkering with crappy blobs, which turned out to be an utter failure anyways! So yesterday I modeled a ship after the TEC Stilat Corvette in Sins of a Solar Empire. It turned out to be extremely effective and aesthetically pleasing to boot! It has inspired me to start modeling more of my favorite designs from SoaSE in the future.

    I hope to join a multiplayer server for the social aspect and to find a shipwright mentor among the established factions. My interests are many, but I am decidedly a gamer, nerd, and geek. I love sci-fi and fantasy and have read, watched, and played many forms of entertainment in those categories.

    I'll be pleased to make your acquaintances.
    Apr 8, 2016
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    Hello! I own the game fo quite a big time now, but have never been able to play in a server due to extreme lag(something that doesn't happen in singleplayer). I also never liked to play alone in singleplayer so I never really learned much how the game works. Recently I have acquired a better GFX card, so I want to start playing in a server and designing some startships line style.

    Also, I am a HUGE space opera lover, I have big knowledge over Star Wars lore, 40k, Alien, and other space and sci-fi games and movies. I play Elite Dangerous, am planning n buying a Star Citizen ship(as soon as it gets really playable) and I also play Space Engineers and other things space. :D

    I am 25 years old from Ceará - Brazil and I am father to a babygirl. I also look like a bear, cuz I have the biggest manly beard. ._.

    Top 4ce

    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    Hello! I own the game fo quite a big time now, but have never been able to play in a server due to extreme lag(something that doesn't happen in singleplayer). I also never liked to play alone in singleplayer so I never really learned much how the game works. Recently I have acquired a better GFX card, so I want to start playing in a server and designing some startships line style.

    Also, I am a HUGE space opera lover, I have big knowledge over Star Wars lore, 40k, Alien, and other space and sci-fi games and movies. I play Elite Dangerous, am planning n buying a Star Citizen ship(as soon as it gets really playable) and I also play Space Engineers and other things space. :D

    I am 25 years old from Ceará - Brazil and I am father to a babygirl. I also look like a bear, cuz I have the biggest manly beard. ._.
    You had me at "biggest mantle beard..."

    Which I just now realize was at the end of the post...

    So you, um, had me at "HUGE space opera lover" I guess?
    Feb 16, 2016
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    Nice to join you guys! Name's NerdFreak cause I'm a weirdo :L Nah, I really like the aesthetic feel of this game which has brought me to love it (play for hours daily now, where has my life gone?) so I thought I'd take a dive into these forums :) We should gel pretty well.

    I am a bit of a procrastinator, well a 'serial procrastinator' but that doesn't stop me working six days a week! I tend to play StarMade in my free time, usually super-freakin' late at night {oh god my eyes hurt}. In-game I like exploring the universe and spreading my faction of havoc (The Legion) throughout the galaxies, indulging in any resources along the way. I occasionally spend my time reading up on the latest science and technologies which lately is causing me to have a lot of dreams about space travel. I dream a lot, quite crazy dreams too :P I read up on a lot of lore too, such as LOTR, Elder Scrolls and most of the games I play, it's really interesting to immerse yourself in another world for a while :)

    My favourite colour is like magenta, just somewhere around the purples but also maybe cyan. Like a mix of purple and cyan. It's cool okay? I want to find some cool people to play this game with and chat to about what we've created/conquered during our playtime. Nice to meet you guys, play fun; work hard! Peace and <3
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Nice to join you guys! Name's NerdFreak cause I'm a weirdo :L Nah, I really like the aesthetic feel of this game which has brought me to love it (play for hours daily now, where has my life gone?) so I thought I'd take a dive into these forums :) We should gel pretty well.


    I want to find some cool people to play this game with and chat to about what we've created/conquered during our playtime. Nice to meet you guys, play fun; work hard! Peace and <3
    You sound like you'd be a lot of fun to hang out with. I don't really have the time right now, but I'd love to hang out. Could I invite you to my Discord server? Or maybe to my YouTube channel or Twitter or something?