Introduction thread!


    Apr 1, 2015
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    Hello there!
    My name is (not) Robo and I am from Germany (Not from Bavaria though). At the moment I am 18 years old and about to finish school.

    Although I enjoy building ships I didn't created anything I'd consider worth uploading so far. It was more than one year ago when I started playing StarMade but for no specific reason I stopped playing. Last year in September I started playing StarMade again and it's one of my favorite games (Maybe because I like Sci-Fi and ships).
    Sep 1, 2013
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    Greetings! I'm CrazedNaly, and I'm an idiot that has played the game from close to the beginning, does LP's of it but yet has never been active on the forums!

    Hi! You'll see me around soon enough
    Jun 1, 2015
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    Oh hai, i'm ChJees and love to build fairly domestic looking ships in Starmade. Still learning the ropes of what you can do and look forward to learning the equivalent of Minecraft Redstone in Starmade.

    I'll mostly be lurking in these forums.
    May 25, 2015
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    Greetings. I currently go by the title MoonCheese (and sometimes SpaceBonkle. Hence the pic.)
    I played this game a little in January, got bored/spooked and I've been playing again since April(?)
    I spend my time lurking these forums, absorbing building techniques on the Youtubes and mining on servers at 10 (or less!) fps.
    My achievements in building include a freighter based of a wooden clothes peg, the most godawful Y-wing you've ever seen and a CR-90 corvette that looks like a glorified hammer.

    SW: Republic Commando is best game.
    Is different genre though

    It's a pleasure to meet you all.
    Jun 3, 2015
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    Friends, my name is DNervix.

    I was drawn to this by the desire to move beyond the terrains of Minecraft and into the Stars, as sentient life does yearn for more than a meager existence bound to one world.

    My goal with this game is to make an empire that spans the stars, complete with planet eating ships and fleets under the command of a trade empire. An Empire of Commerce. I do hope to get may people to work towards this goal. To move forward together, into a tomorrow of the future!

    Together we will build our own nation, a sanctuary for all Starmadians, our own Utopia. Let us forge onward towards a new golden era for a grand new Empire.
    Jun 8, 2015
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    My name is Zadocfish. I usually play singleplayer, but I consider it training for multiplayer! I like making ships but I ain't good at it... I like making rather simplistic, cheap ships.
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    Dec 26, 2014
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    Hail fellow admirals, I am TitaniumFortress, creator of Void Fleetworks! Most of my ships are built around efficiency and firepower rather than aesthetic looks, but Im slowly getting into that. Hopefully I can share some of my designs with you and get to know you all!
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    Jul 31, 2015
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    Hello, my name is Blood Born Angel. I'm 19 and no-lifeing Starmade to become a better ship builder. I found the game browsing steam for something new like I always do. I've had my ups and downs with the game. For a while It was nearly unplayable for me but with recent updates I can load even the biggest of ships with relatively little lag.

    I got into the game because it reminded me of Minecraft, but I became more invested in it because of the actual purpose I felt with my builds. I'm still new. With maybe 200 hours clocked in on the game now, but I've been learning more and more and hoping to create some really cool ships to share with the community.

    I started small. My first finished build was a mining ship made out of Tekt so it would be as cheap as possible. It wasn't the scary planet crackers I see on some servers, just a ship big enough to quickly mine asteroids and I did my best to balance all the systems in it with my minimal knowledge of how they worked. I've been trying new things and every time the devs bring a new update I find my inspiration peaking to build something new, and thats why I love this game.

    I don't know what else to really say about myself, I'm kinda a solo player since I can't find a server I truly enjoy a lot. I mostly just want to build something bigger and better every day. I don't mind making billion dollar pieces of crap because I learn from the mistakes I made building them.

    I'm not a pvp player, but I can hold myself in a fair fight.
    I am a decent roleplayer, and all my builds tend to balance role-play, pvp, and aesthetic qualities. (As best as I can.)
    I'm obviously a builder, shipwright, engineer, whatever you want to call it.
    I've dabbled as a trader, and my basic survival skills are not to be written off. (Except for when planet lag is really bad.)

    Starmade is now one my all time favorite games, and while I'm here I hope to see many amazing things implemented and meet awesome people. ^~^
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    Hi I'm Zackey_TNT Possibly the most hated redshift player out there. (apart from maybe that one guy.....)

    But you know, Redshift died so now i'm trying to turn that around and try to be respectful these days.

    Based on GenXnova I enjoy heavy PVP and have been playing for 2 years starting in mid 2013.

    I started my early days with Blade Falcon but in late 2014 early 2015 I left the faction due to it's leader doing some things that were less then ideal.
    Moved on to GenXnova in mid 2015 after a break from the game I've been playing since.

    I mainly focus on larger ships and I am fascinated with war (world war two and the cold war are my favorites)

    I'm also the leader of a 26 player faction on GenXnova called Dread Syndicate, We have a post im sure you can find it.

    I also have a storage room in my house for salt it's quite full since i've joined the forums so give me a yell if ya need some salt.

    I am also a huge fan of Starwars and take interests in the clone wars area.
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    Jul 28, 2015
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    Hello everyone, I go by the pseudonym, Ben Ephla. As a hobby, I enjoy learning VFX, and when ever I get the chance I love to mix gaming with that hobby. Since everyone seems to be pretty in depth with their posts on this topic, I too thought I'd share my online journey thus far!

    I started learning my hobby online, and started creating videos ( not very good ones I might add ) for YouTube. In the beginning I made comedy videos, but sadly realised I wasn't that funny, and started creating small filming projects instead, but due to poor health ( do not worry, I'm not going to bore you with a sob story ) I switched again, and began creating game related content, that's when I decided to try my hand at cinematics ( but sadly, again, I wasn't very good ).

    I got pretty caught up in minecraf for a time, built for a couple servers , and even made a couple of cinematics for the main server I was a team member of! I used to be a frequent uploaded to planet mine craft, and had a lot of fun, but then some dramatic changes were made to the game, and I lost interest!

    I then decided to try my hand at modding, so I learned some basics in 3d modelling. I started a small skyrim project, called House Ephla, and uploaded my creations to the skyrim nexus, at this point I stopped making videos so I could learn how to use cinema 4d, mud box, and photoshop! After 6 months of making some basic mods, I became frustrated, as I couldn't grasp 3d work as quickly as I had learned 2d VFX stuff, this is when I started to record lets plays.

    I decided to play games, and use that as an excuse to create little graphics and visuals for the episodes I was uploading, each game was like a little project. I was then invited to join a gaming network so I not only played games and brushed up on my VFX, but I also got paid, everything was pretty sweet! Unfortunately I had/ have more health issues, so my uploading decreased dramatically and I, again lost interest in making videos.

    This brings us to where I am in my journey now, I saw a few people I am subscribed to uploading star made videos, and this got me excited, the same excitement I had towards minecraft back in the beginning! I had missed sharing builds, making videos, and getting involved with an online community so I decided to give star made a go, and I felt right at home! The community here is so welcoming and supportive and I hope to make some new friends while I'm here!

    Feel free to add me on Twitter, YouTube, or even just on the forum!
    Oct 31, 2014
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    I was drawn to this by the desire to move beyond the terrains of Minecraft and into the Stars, as sentient life does yearn for more than a meager existence bound to one world.
    You literally speak my mind with that sentence but in my case it goes beyond empires for I don't thirst for power but instead knowledge and the simple pleasure of exploring, discovering and seeing new places and points in the universe. When it comes to power the only power I need is the power of my starship (it needs to be very strong, durable and powerful to face anything the universe has to throw at it from gas giants to black holes).

    I started playing Starmade about a month ago when it felt like it started to enter a more polished state. I have given it a try before but it didn't keep my interest until now. Before Starmade I kept playing Minecraft and then Kerbal Space Program. I love the Newtonian physics in KSP but it doesn't satisfy my need of building unique practical looking Sci-Fi starships of my own design that I so desperetly want to fly.. trying to build anything Nostromo-esque for example is a nightmare and a headache! Minecraft on the other hand has just lost me because I'm not into this pure fantasy perpertual-ye-olde-medieval-dragon-times anymore and all in all, you can only do so much with stone, swords, bows and arrows until you realize that there's more to life than just that.

    Starmade seems to be where it's at currently for me. I have lots of experience from Minecraft of building bunker structures so building Turanic Raider inspired flying space bricks (darn good looking bricks at that!) is no sweat for me. My current ship is the biggest I've ever built and been enjoying it way more than anything I've built in either Minecraft or Kerbal Space Program! I'm most likely gonna post a few pictures of my ship and it's stats somewhere in this forum when I make the time for it.

    Before I press "Post Reply" button. I'm 23 years old but I feel way older than that. I am a loner in real life, I've got no friends and I seek none. Money doesn't interest nor motivate me, all that matters to me is exploration of the universe but for that I need a starship and at this point in time the technology for that is just not there yet so you can imagine my frustration of my current exsistence and why I spend so much time behind my computer.
    Aug 7, 2015
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    Spose I should introduce myself, too.

    I'm Billazilla. My first video game was the original Space War, played back in '77 at my third time seeing Star Wars IV. My older brother stole a quarter from my drink money and put it in this big box thing with a TV screen on it. I was about to have a fit when he said, "Look at the screen, Bill!" and I did. Two little space-ship-y things were drifting across the screen slowly, one an arrow-point shape, the other kinda looked like the Enterprise from Star Trek. I was curious, but confused. "Wha-?" I started to speak, but then he pushed a button and one of the ships turned. Another button, and a little "pew" noise came out, and a single dot flew out of the arrow ship. Realization dawned on me then. He was controlling the space ship with the buttons! I had never seen anything like that before in my life, and to be sure, most of the world hadn't either. Video games were just being born back then. I didn't see Star Wars that day, as all my money went into that machine.

    38 years later, here I am, playing Starmade.

    My biggest draw to space construction started with a Gmod addon called SpaceBuild, and I would spend hours stapling Half-Life 2 assets together to create cool ships that could not only travel the (sparse and scientifically unsound) planets and safely visit hostile atmospheres, but also blast the crap outta anyone who cared to duel. I've also been following Minecraft since it was just a web browser plug-in, and while I love it, I've been in love with space and space travel since I was a wee li'l kid. Video games have been the best way to get my space-fix, and Starmade seems to be poised to fit the bill nicely! (get it ahahaha oh god I'm telling dadjokes)
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    Aug 9, 2013
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    Hi, I'm Topper.

    I joined a while back but didn't buy the game because my World of Warcraft addiction kicked in again.

    I recently purchased a Humble bundle when I noticed this game was included. I also noticed how much it has changed and how many more cool things have been added.

    Time to go find some beginner guides and launch myself towards the stars. :)
    Oct 19, 2015
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    Ahoy, I'm Kij421, newcomer to these parts. I'm 28 and from Texas, husband for 7 years, father for 1.5 years. I work in IT, but based on all the majority of the introductions I've seen in this thread, that should be no surprise.

    I've played StarMade for a total of 2 days, having purchased it on Sunday, so I'm still in the stage of building space bricks that go pew pew. I spent the weekend watching Skylord Luke's SkyAdventure series, Saber's ship reviews, and Drakkart's tutorials. Just based on those, I have the impression that the StarMade community is this amazing place of similarly minded creators who like spaceships. And that sounds awesome. Anyone have any tips on how to get plugged in and maybe find folks to teach me how to make all the things?
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    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Our illustrious UX Director and PR guy, Bench , has two excellent series if you'd like to watch them; the Logic and Rails tutorials. They're an excellent guide to learning some of the more complex parts of the game.

    Though I suppose you're probably looking for some help with easier stuff. My suggestion would be to download ships and tear 'em apart, figure out how they work. Or, most simply, just ask about the specific question you want answered.
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    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    hi im flyingdebris

    im new to starmade and i make ships and i have a server and i should totally be on staff here because im super trustful and im never a bad guy because my mom said that i was gonna be a great person and because my teacher said that lying is bad so you should totally let me be admin also i draw personaly my favrit program is microsoft paint because its really colorful and fun and also i like to have fun so im fun to play with on servers because you got this far and hopefully realized that I've been here for three years now, and this was a bullshit post because I never made one before. Cheers, -FD.
    Apr 26, 2015
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    hi im flyingdebris

    im new to starmade and i make ships and i have a server and i should totally be on staff here because im super trustful and im never a bad guy because my mom said that i was gonna be a great person and because my teacher said that lying is bad so you should totally let me be admin also i draw personaly my favrit program is microsoft paint because its really colorful and fun and also i like to have fun so im fun to play with on servers because you got this far and hopefully realized that I've been here for three years now, and this was a bullshit post because I never made one before. Cheers, -FD.
    I was gonna say... HAH