Yeah, this was a 75% loss in work progress. Bummer.Same thing happend to me yesterday as well. Started building a ship for 2 hours, and I logged in the next day the entity file was missing and I had to start over. But thats not comparable to loosing a whole world.
I started saving a backup of my whole station every time I was finished for a day. So the ships I have in a world are all docked to this station.
Luckily, I recently made blueprints of all my ships and stations spawned nearby. My planetary bases/cities are all saved via templates so I can sprout an entire city in a matter of hours. I also tend to save my ship/station designs in increments and most of my ships have about 6-8. The lancer was only at step 2. The good news is that since the United Star Axis is more than 2 decades old (concept-wise), I've memorized all of the Lancer's general design layouts. This ship and all of its systems are in my head now, so all I have to do now is rebuild it and add details.
On a side note... One of the things I've always appreciated about the StarMade community is the flow of ideas and building methods between players. Even if whole designs aren't handed over in blueprint form, there is always something to be gained by exchanges like this. This is how we grow as builders and you've all helped me grow from my humble beginnings of building like this...
With that having been said; I agree with StarWars1981. It looks a LOT better with the slabs. Thanks for teaching an old dog some new tricks.

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