Well, now you know your issues, now you've gotta fix them. Have fun! I'd hate to fight one of those, I have nothing in that mass range except perhaps a Republic Frigate. At a skinny 149m, it's not packing a ton of turret power or forward firepower, but it's got 350-400k shields, not sure on that number precisely. The regen is up at 20K or better, I think. Dang I've gotta check now. But your Pathfinders are pretty thick and wide for their length, so they probably pack more power.
I wouldn't bet on that match, though, those RF cannons shred stations through one side and out the other, and the "micro-nuke" missile taking up the forward salon pod is definitely no joke. I've seen it tear another Frigate roughly in half, and that thing has no good place to trap a missile to use lots of damage.
My point is, it looks and sounds great, but til I try it PvP, it probably isn't. Keep working at it. You weren't going to get it right first time, not by a longshot.
Now I gotta find a server and kill somebody off to show that I got it right.