Introducing The United Star Axis

    Jan 14, 2015
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    That booster ship is an epic concept! I really like how things are coming together. You are giving Skylord Luke a serious run for his money.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Aha!! File size was the issue.

    I hope you guys like it!

    100x test 2.gif
    That booster ship is an epic concept! I really like how things are coming together. You are giving Skylord Luke a serious run for his money.
    Thanks man, I don't know if I'm quite up to his caliber yet but for you to say something like that means a lot.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Finally, the GIF! Now we don't have to break out the torches and pitchforks.

    But they're still in the storage shed, just in case you get any ideas.......

    Anyway, neat torpedo vessel.

    I hope you get the chance to use it on a station or titan or some such (With a VIDEO, I hope. Hint, hint)
    Jan 14, 2015
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    The torpedoes look Epic.

    But for real. I think you are the one that can best design for that aspect ratio. SL typically builds long, slender vessels. Very beautiful. Yours are wider than they are tall, and have a retro sense of aesthetics that I still can't completely put my finger on as far as where their inspiration may come from. I just googled anime space ship to try and see if I could narrow down whereabouts this is remind me. Here are some.


    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    The torpedoes look Epic.

    But for real. I think you are the one that can best design for that aspect ratio. SL typically builds long, slender vessels. Very beautiful. Yours are wider than they are tall, and have a retro sense of aesthetics that I still can't completely put my finger on as far as where their inspiration may come from. I just googled anime space ship to try and see if I could narrow down whereabouts this is remind me. Here are some.

    That first ship is sweet but none of the others are.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Why does the second picture contain F-14s .... in SPACE???
    Did the artist squad take a coffee break during completion time???
    Or did creativity die?
    Hey, epic torpedoes though. Nice device.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Why does the second picture contain F-14s .... in SPACE???
    Did the artist squad take a coffee break during completion time???
    Or did creativity die?
    Hey, epic torpedoes though. Nice device.
    That, my friend, is from The Macross Saga; AKA RoboTech. That series was from way back in the 1980s when F-14s were THE top of the line military aircraft. Don't hate.

    I'm glad you guys like the torpedoes. I need to get into making videos soon; as they are a lot of fun to use. The weird thing is, this launcher KILLS the multi-player server I play on. My ping rose to quintuple digits, (22,000 at one point) just from having it in the universe. I guess there was something about cramming 102 cores and a spider web of logic pipes into a 21x21x11 space that offended the server. More testing is required.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    I think it's the docking mess going on. Maybe you should just make the entire BOX a detachable warhead, just throw the whole solid chunk at people when you get close. And pray they don't ram you.
    Nov 24, 2015
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    Why does the second picture contain F-14s .... in SPACE???
    Did the artist squad take a coffee break during completion time???
    Or did creativity die?
    Hey, epic torpedoes though. Nice device.
    It's heresy that you don't know what Macross is.......... :P
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    After months of preparation, it's finally ready... The crown jewel of my faction's operation.

    United Star Axis: Mobile Command System.

    Manufacturer: Nexus Corporation
    Type: Semi-mobile fleet command center and launch complex
    Combined mass: 160,000

    - 4 Internal docking bays
    - 4 External docking pylons
    - Shipyard (station mode only)
    - Manufacturing facilities (station mode only)
    - Medical facilities (respawn in station mode only)
    - Large interior player environment.
    - Full-efficiency jump drive.

    - High energy, regenerative shielding
    - 72 compact point defense turrets

    - 8 Guardian MK2 heavy missile turrets.
    - 2 High power ion cannons
    - 2 Medium yield plasma arc weapons (Mobile use only)

    Assigned spacecraft:
    - Axis Light mining ships
    Axis mini-miner.jpg Axis mini-miner2.jpg

    Axis MCS 1.jpg
    Axis MCS 2.jpg Axis MCS 3.jpg Axis MCS 4.jpg Axis MCS 5.jpg Axis MCS 6.jpg Axis MCS 7.jpg Axis MCS 8.jpg
    Jun 26, 2013
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    The station looks really great! the floor lighting in the hangar is awesome, but the basketball court is the real winner. The only thing I'd say is that the station would probably fit into your style better if you swapped the green for orange. Either way its pretty sweet.
    Kinda reminds me of the republic station in "Republic at War"
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Looks great. That park/fountain area is inspired, and I love the hangar wall and ceiling details.

    BUT, For all the great large features you've built in, up close things look a bit barren. The exterior hull could use a second pass for a bit more variation and the hangar floor needs work.

    Also, protip: if the numbers on the hangar floor are supposed to act like runways, you should label them according to their direction. So the one that points to galactic north is 36, and pointing to the east would be 09, south 18, and west 27.

    But that's not important, what I'm trying to say is, great work.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Thanks for the critique.

    Regarding "barren" features; I have a plan for the runway-like extensions but what would you recommend for the interior docking bay floor? Please be aware that the visible part of the central station body is actually a 150,000 mass mobile base. It docks around the yellow shipyard assembly with exactly 1 meter of clearance on all sides. There isn't much room left to do anything that won't adversely affect my ability to dock.

    Regarding landing bay/runway numbers; I originally took the bay directions into consideration but I decided that the numbers 1-4 would be simpler for all visitors (many of them children) to understand, since my base is essentially a ship, posing as a station; thus, there is no galactic north for me. My direction is subject to change at any time; especially when undocked.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    So, after a brief foray in the multi-player world, I've learned a few things about my little command system...
    Axis MCS 1.jpg

    1) While fun to visit and explore, it's a massive lag bomb in multi-player. In its original state it was actually worse than my planet bases. :confused:

    2) If I want to be nice, I can fit 8 light mining ships inside of it.
    Axis mini-miner.jpg

    3) If I want to be evil, I can fit 4 pathfinder sized frigates inside of it.

    100x Pathfider.jpg

    4) If I want to be really evil, I can mount some diabolical device(s) inside one or more of my docking bays. Like a death ray, a composite nuclear weapon, a monster turret, a world eating salvager, or a LOT of these...
    100x Launcher.jpg Unfortunately, this launcher also causes extreme lag.:(

    5) Cutting my point defense down from 72 turrets to 32 seems to have eliminated a lot of the aforementioned lag.

    6) Having the shipyard/anchor-station inside the Command System doesn't seem to cause lag unless docking or undocking and only for a second.
    Axis MCS 4.jpg

    Now all I have to do is find a server that can handle this thing.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Where... is... the... FAUNA!? I have SOMETHING I want to SHOW them!!! o_O

    From left to right: GAV-MK4 (Ground Assault Vehicle), Goliath (AKA Fatboy) assault armor, Mobile Gear type 2 (security detail), and Mobile Gear type 1 (space combat)


    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Today I experimented with a combination of a fleet "formation" with "carrier recall" to enhance my old 'close formation defensive fighters' methods.

    This method allows smaller craft to function in a way similar to carriers but with the fighters docked externally.
    When in the 'docked formation' the fighters share shields with the flagship like a true carrier. When launched, they function like any other fleet members. My set up turns all the rails into shoot-out rails when the fighters are launched, they turn to pickup rails at the push of a button. In theory, if the 'rail basic' docks are destroyed, you can quickly place another one and the pickup rails will still allow the fighters to dock. Launching again will require reconnection to the main ship's logic.

    So far so good.

    Formation Alt.jpg

    Close air support.jpg ASC Challanger.jpg