Introducing The United Star Axis

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Neat. Have you considered an overhead drone system? As in, a rail system on the roof that allows for the deployment of combat drones or storage of reserve drones for another vessel.

    Just from the two pictures, I can't see any system like that, and it seems like you've got a lot of space for something fun like that.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    That's a great idea. Also, how are you taking those craft into the hangar? Maybe use pickup rails, then (provided there are enough rail mass enhancers) you could have them always nicely slide right into place. Also, then you can have a sliding docked door.
    Just a random thought.
    Dangit I need a big, cool-looking station now. Real nice work on that, really awesome.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I might be able to fit a few drone squads in this thing. ...but that's not the true propose of this craft.

    I'm actually going to dock this to an anchor station; effectively putting a shipyard inside my Command System. Then I will build off of the station assembly with 2 sets of pylons; enough for 20 of the above pathfinder-class ships and several smaller vessels. This will be my forward command post to assist other players (especially newbies) toward the center of the galaxy.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    I understand the idea of other purposes.....but I just realized the potential for a neat home-defense system. It was a random, but neat idea.

    Plus, why not have more ships than the enemy expects?

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Agreed. The old shock and awe treatment always works.

    I was thinking of entering the contest but thought I'd get demolished by super builders like SkylordLuke. Maybe I should do it anyway. Just to leave my mark on the game.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Why not give it a go? I'm going to, and I've yet to submit a single ship to the CC...mostly because I've just never done it. I've got several nice recreations (If I do say so myself) and a couple of original designs that have been finished.

    That said, I lied to myself that I'd get around to participating in the Drone Wars competition...but I'll get around to it.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Star Axis fleet operations field report

    Our fleet conducted assaults against multiple local pirate installations. We encountered, heavy resistance but were able to eliminate all targets in the vicinity. 5 enemy stations were neutralized. All enemy reinforcements were eliminated.

    Damage report

    ASC Pathfinder - All systems normal
    ASC, Excelsior - All systems normal
    ASC Borealis - All systems normal
    ASC Adventurer - All systems normal
    ASC, Pegasus - All systems normal
    ASC Expedition - All systems normal
    ASC Trailblazer - Struck by enemy plasma weapons. Shields online. Armor integrity at 84%. Hull compromised; integrity at 94%. Damage to Ion cannon and long range scanner array. 3 injuries reported; Navigations officer in critical condition. Assistant navigator in stable condition. Commanding officer, treated, released and placed on administrative leave.

    Trailblazer Damaged.jpg
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    Poor boi from northern Hungary ^^
    Aug 31, 2015
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    Your fleet is ultra laggy, I have only 1 FPS lol

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I was looking through some old files today. I didn't realize how long I've been playing this game... Take a look at these never before seen oldies...
    My very first ship... :eek:

    Battleship Front2.jpg
    When I got my ass handed to me by pirate copies of the above ship. I built this to destroy them all.

    Powered Armor.jpg
    Old school power armor.

    First Axis fighter

    Starship Excalibur.jpg

    Yeah... I'm definitely remaking THIS one...

    Last edited:
    Apr 24, 2014
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    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets


    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Challenge accepted... ;)
    Mar 31, 2016
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    You're telling me that the "Mobile Command Center" is a spaceship??? Wow. Novel idea, although the ... ahh ... thruster cubes tacked on aftermarket may be necessary to move it anywhere. Or a decent jumpdrive.
    But yeah, you should put drone squads in there. It's perfect. It looks like your largest ship that goes in there wouldn't take up all the room - perhaps some very low-lying, space-efficient A-Wing style drones would work.
    Dangit now I'm gonna go build some. I've got the idea in my head already.
    Really nice work, can't wait to see it all come out.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    You're telling me that the "Mobile Command Center" is a spaceship??? Wow. Novel idea, although the ... ahh ... thruster cubes tacked on aftermarket may be necessary to move it anywhere. Or a decent jumpdrive.
    But yeah, you should put drone squads in there. It's perfect. It looks like your largest ship that goes in there wouldn't take up all the room - perhaps some very low-lying, space-efficient A-Wing style drones would work.
    Dangit now I'm gonna go build some. I've got the idea in my head already.
    Really nice work, can't wait to see it all come out.
    Time for my confession...

    I have NEVER built a proper space station. Any true stations I've built were merely anchors for my mobile bases. Every last one of my builds that looks even remotely like a station has been mobile. This is the true reason why I never entered the NPC station contest.

    11155078_10204893402107373_3431692773994989932_o.jpg This base? Mobile.

    Star Made Base 1.JPG The floating ship yard? So mobile in fact, that a fast moving pirate collided with it and knocked it out of orbit.

    hardlogic.jpg That big station in the back? Mobile like a mofo. I really need to bring that one back.

    11194522_10205667181651378_4755288831236891229_o.jpg The original Mobile Command System? You better believe that's mobile...

    Call me innovative or call me paranoid; I just like the tactical advantage that comes with being able to pack up your entire faction and move somewhere else when you outgrow your planet, war breaks out, you run out of minerals, etc.

    But I digress. You've all convinced me; on all three things.

    1) There WILL be drones in the new Command System.
    2) I AM entering the contest.
    3) There WILL be a transforming variant of that mech/ship...

    Thank you all for your inspiration and support. These are the little things in life that put a smile on my face.
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    Mar 31, 2016
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    Nice stuff there. Pre-wedge builds, eh?
    So ... you're gonna need all the delete filter options you can throw at them, plus some. And a few wedges.
    But dang, those builds look nice. Great work.
    Drones are just so useful. Distracting turrets, popping Isanths who show up at inopportune times, lagging you to pieces when you start clipping them out of an unfinished cruiser build because your build partner realized they were insufficient - jumpdrive officially replaced with the new, (unpro-) improved CLIPDRIVE - and also a little additional firepower when facing big ships. Can't wait to see it all.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Hehehehehehe, I've convinced you to add to server lag! Mission successful!

    Also, what happens if HB protection gets changed so that docking a mobile unit to a dummy station invalidates protection?
    Oh wait, I supposed I already answered that.....
    Drones. Preferably hooked to a logic-based launch system (So you use an enemy detector of some sort to launch the killing machines, even when you're not around to press "Murder")

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Hehehehehehe, I've convinced you to add to server lag! Mission successful!

    Also, what happens if HB protection gets changed so that docking a mobile unit to a dummy station invalidates protection?
    Oh wait, I supposed I already answered that.....
    Drones. Preferably hooked to a logic-based launch system (So you use an enemy detector of some sort to launch the killing machines, even when you're not around to press "Murder")
    Since the Command system is technically a ship, I can use the 'carrier recall' function for fighters, drones and even a few star-ships so drones can be used both offensively and defensively.

    As for home base protection; I'm not too concerned since this is only my "small" command system. It will be used as a forward command post and to assist allied players with supply, repair and reinforcements. Also, I'll be using it to test players' willingness to challenge my forces.

    They'll see this thing sitting there, covered in missile turrets, surrounded by giant orbital strike cannons, swarms of fighters and a fleet of ships then wonder if it's really worth their while to start a war with me; knowing that even more reinforcements are waiting back at my home base.

    This is going to be fun... (smiles evily)
    Mar 31, 2016
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    That's it. I'm entering the arms race and building something big. Dunno what yet, but it'll be big.
    Maybe original.
    Maybe a Death Star 4... but star-sized.
    Everything's looking good, I can't wait to see what you come up with next. But if I ever play on a server, I'm gonna need more firepower ...
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    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    I hereby demand a remake of the first and the two last ships from that post.

    Meet my demands...JUST DO IT!
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I hereby demand a remake of the first and the two last ships from that post.

    Meet my demands...JUST DO IT!
    I'm on the floor laughing my ass off as I read this...

    Since you put it that way... Hell yeah, I'll do it!