How many people are still build vs waiting for new power


    Jun 14, 2017
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    I wonder how many other people felt that way about the rails or if it's just the power system.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I wonder how many other people felt that way about the rails or if it's just the power system.
    Rails were a massive improvement in capability. There were certain things that became much harder to accomplish under the new rail system as far as certain turret designs and docking scenarios, but those were niche uses that paled in comparison to the new possibilities opened up by rails. With power, on the other hand, the chamber system does provide a nice way to balance ship abilities and guarantee diversity, but the actual power system is in effect a sidegrade at best. It doesn't really open up too many possibilities the old one doesn't, and ultimately with the stabilizer mechanics as we see them now, it can feel nearly as clunky as the old power spaghetti and significantly more limiting. Essentially the one new thing it does is accommodate more powerful alpha weapons, and whether or not that's a good thing will depend significantly on what is done with weapons in the coming months.
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    Jun 14, 2017
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    Rails were a massive improvement in capability. There were certain things that became much harder to accomplish under the new rail system as far as certain turret designs and docking scenarios, but those were niche uses that paled in comparison to the new possibilities opened up by rails. With power, on the other hand, the chamber system does provide a nice way to balance ship abilities and guarantee diversity, but the actual power system is in effect a sidegrade. It doesn't really open up too many possibilities the old one doesn't, and ultimately with the stabilizer mechanics as we see them now, it can feel nearly as clunky as the old power spaghetti and significantly more limiting. Essentially the one new thing it does is accommodate more powerful alpha weapons, and whether or not that's a good thing will depend significantly on what is done with weapons in the coming months.
    At least there won't be anymore spaghetti monsters. What will happen with the jump drive system? Reactor chambers seem to make those possible antiques like the old reactors.
    Oct 8, 2016
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    I want to see how missile pulse will work once the power update happens.
    I guess missile pulse and missile beam will be a lot better now that they will have power storage.


    Jun 14, 2017
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    Son, have I got news for you.
    Oh right. Weapon and shield systems. Also reactors too, but that would result in very long spaghetti. Unless you were talking about something else?
    Mar 15, 2014
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    He means, I think, the spaghetti ships are even WORSE now than before. THIS HAS BEEN TESTED AND DOCUMENTED.

    Edit: since language is so difficult for a lot of noobiots and obliviots around here... "WORSE" = more of a problem than before, e.g. - a "worse" problem. E.g. - "The problem of OP spaghetti ships is _worse_ now than before". It does not refer to their perfomance being somehow impaired.
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    Jan 28, 2015
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    I wonder how many other people felt that way about the rails or if it's just the power system.
    I realy liked the old turret dockers because they were like a ball joint. That way you could make very compact designs.

    In the rails we do not have a ball joint a rail block that allows x-y-z movement at the same time. A turret rail block only has x-z movement.

    If we did have an x-y-z rail "turret"block then we could have also used our old turret designs. Simple add a raildocker to the bottom of the old turret and dock to the x-y-z rail turret block. That would have been way more user friendly. Having a choice rather then now do this often goes down a lot smoother.

    But I have to agree with Ithirahad rails expanded the StarMade universe. It really added new tools and new possibilities to StarMade. Rails was one of the good updates to StarMade. The forced removal of old turrets was not though. And extra x-y-z rails would offcourse have made rails even more able not just for turrets.

    old power spaghetti
    At least there won't be anymore spaghetti monsters

    Ithirahad is not talking about Spaghetti ships but about the current line based power 1.0. As opposed to the new chamber based power 2.0.

    Son, have I got news for you.
    The news:

    The Spaghetti ship is NOT about power but the drive for power might have given rise to it. A Spaghetti ship in power 2.0 simple has some power 2.0 chambers thrown in. Everything else stays the same.

    For a ship to overload you need to destroy 50% of the ships system blocks. The armor rating has no meaning. Only destroying 50% of the system blocks matters with the current in use Ship Health System.

    Players have long tried to shield system blocks from damage by in casing them in armor or other random none system blocks. Remember Joelbrisco

    Then came the cargo update. The weight of the ship now effected the thrusters power use. Advanced armor became a huge burden so people switched to using just hull or other light none system blocks.

    Probably In this drive to lighten a ship someone had a brainwave. "or another way but i am sure my post will provoke a strong reaction of who ever came up with Spaghetti ships. " What if the best armor is not armor but empty space it self? Why protect yourself from getting hit if it is way better to not get hit at all!

    The open Spaghetti build structure prevents the attackers weapons from hitting the ship. There is simple more empty space then ship. In effect the weapons of the attacker have been turned into Radiation.


    As such Chamberd Power 2.0 will not fix Spaghetti ships. To fix Spaghetti ships we either need a new Ships Health System or some sort of zero weight high armor block without again going all Joelbrisco style. Though not getting hit at all seems still the best defense in any fight.

    And to be on topic :-p no I do not build currently. But then again I hardly ever build. I just steal what ever you build! So figure out power 2.0 for me and build some nice ships with it so I can come steal it soon in a server near you. Have a nice day.
    Aug 23, 2016
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    He means, I think, the spaghetti ships are even WORSE now than before. THIS HAS BEEN TESTED AND DOCUMENTED.
    Worse how? Tested in what reproducible experiment? Documented where?

    They were meta before, and they're meta now. You can't get any worse than meta.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Worse how? Tested in what reproducible experiment? Documented where?

    They were meta before, and they're meta now. You can't get any worse than meta.
    Tested in the repeated instances where spaghetti ships absolutely tore up non-spaghetti ships time and time again and how it's only gotten worse with time as players began finding new ways and new reasons to abuse it. You evidently refuse to acknowledge that spaghetti ships are insanely overpowered and will continue to be unless the devs stop listening to people who know nothing at all about spaghetti other than what they *wish* were true. COUGH FUCKING COUGH @most of you in suggestions that have never once designed a spaghetti ship or partaken in PVP with the likes of Zyrr kulbolen Az14el or otherwise. Hell, even me.

    They were meta before, and they're meta now. You can't get any worse than meta.
    Also what in the sam hell does this utterly nonsensical statement even mean
    Aug 23, 2016
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    Tested in the repeated instances where spaghetti ships absolutely tore up non-spaghetti ships time and time again and how it's only gotten worse with time as players began finding new ways and new reasons to abuse it.
    What reproducible experiment has been documented that shows spaghetti has been made worse by power 2.0 than it was under power 1.0?

    You evidently refuse to acknowledge that spaghetti ships are insanely overpowered and will continue to be unless the devs stop listening to people who know nothing at all about spaghetti other than what they *wish* were true.
    What a ridiculous inference. You couldn't be more wrong about me (others I can't speak for). If you'd ever bothered to pay any attention to any post I've written related to spaghetti you'd know that - including the one you just replied to.
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    Aug 23, 2016
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    I have literally no idea what your meme is supposed to mean.

    I assume you have no answer for my question.

    And if you want to claim that someone, who does acknowledge how insanely overpowered spaghetti is and who wants to see it gone, is someone who doesn't acknowledge that, well....I can't complete that sentence without breaking forum rules


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I really like to use a new system, but the latest devs are not final and unstable.

    Guess it's time to wait for changes until building again.
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    Mar 15, 2014
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    I have literally no idea what your meme is supposed to mean...
    I think he means you're being a confusing, argumentative, semantical, cranky c-word instead of just being straightforward. ;p maybe Willy Wonka would have worked better.

    Reading back. I can't even tell what you're arguing half the time.

    Point of the thread is: are you still building? If not, or if so, list the top 100 reasons you are pissed at Schine.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    I'm waiting for the build tools to work properly before building,..
    Oct 12, 2015
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    I am continuing to build in the current system and will likely do all I can to keep it around for as long as possible on LvD. I will also learn the new one but I'm not quite as enthusiastic about it as a whole despite some promise in some aspects.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I am continuing to build in the current system and will likely do all I can to keep it around for as long as possible on LvD.
    So, you're not going to be updating past 0.19x then.

    A lot of the old systems' features will no longer work, even on old-power-only ships. The old power system itself and thrusters (and weapons, maybe?) will still work, but only for comparison's sake and so people don't suddenly find their builds stick in some awkward spot where they can't be put into a shipyard for easy disassembly. Radar jammers, cloakers, passive effects, etc. will no longer work, it seems.