How many people are still build vs waiting for new power


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    Sep 6, 2013
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    Not touching any systems. 3 refits for 7 different ships in a single year will be too much for my patience :\
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    Jun 21, 2013
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    I still build, also having to refit your ships is a thing that should be expected considering this game is still being developed so you will probobly have to refit in the future after this power change
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    Apr 26, 2017
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    Still building over here! Since I plan on a survival pvp server, building and having your stuff wrecked is the ideal cycle. Only way to keep playing is to keep building!
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    Jan 27, 2016
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    I'm still going, my ships are in all in the 1ok to 60K mass range, so a full system refit takes me all of an evening or two. Even without a maj0r change in power systems I'll rework the systems two or three times before I'm satisfied with the ship.

    The interesting part for me is pushing what I can do with detailing and creativity, and since there isn't going to be a major change to the detailing system I see no reason to stop :-p.

    And to be frank SM isn't quite there yet as a game you play with finished ships yet. It's getting there, and the potential this game has is staggering, but for now the fun part is the actual act of building. The only engrossing thing you can really do with those ships after they're done is bp/spawn in a copy and blow up someone else's ship and/or get blown up in return.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for watching ships blow each other up, but that alone doesn't make for a game I'm willing to spend 1400 hours on..... ;)
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    Part-Time Eldritch Abomination
    Mar 22, 2014
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    Haven't been building,
    a.) Because I've been rather busy IRL for the past several months, and
    b.) I, too, am waiting for the update.

    I don't know though. If I find the time, I might strip my old stuff down and possibly make some new hull-&-interior-only ships. Or keep waiting
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    Thanks for the answers. No wrong answers obviously.
    Seems in part the primary people who are still building seem to build by filling in a shell and those of use who build ships around systems aren't doing that much building.
    Dec 9, 2015
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    hmm i just started my long planned main project :-D
    Just a shell and maybee some parts of the interrior until they come around with the "final" systems that wont change that much
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    Jul 5, 2015
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    I don't actually know what to do.

    On one hand, I have an urge to build more than ever. I also know that I must build to keep refining my building skills and learn new building techniques and stuff. Building antd tinkering with stuff has always been one of my favorite pastimes in SM, as well as resource gathering and crafting stuff in Survival.

    On the other hand, the moment I get the game started and get ready to build, I end up faceplanting mentally and just seem to lose all interest in doing anything major. Instead, I just spend time aimlessly wandering about, staring at the stuff around me and feeling like I don't want to touch any of them. I end up edgy, frustrated and tired, even angry at myself, when I know I can't just throw myself of the proverbial cliff and just go with the flow.

    I've been also trying to tinker with the dev builds, trying to acclimatize myself with the intricacies of the new power system, even though the system itself is still very much in flux and could change drasticaly from one dev build to another. Even that has started to grow stale and uninteresting due to most changes into the system being less than visible at the moment.

    Also, knowing that most of what I have built so far will need to be extensively modified, or even totally scrapped due to the changes brought in by the new power systems doesn't really help in my situation. It feels like the game is forcing me to throw away stuff I've spent months tinkering with and actually using in-game, or alternatively making me spend more time pulling the stuff apart so it could be rebuilt in order to be functional in the new system. And I say functional, because the changes in the new system means that they will never be the same as in the old system. To be honest, I don't even know if they will end up being better or worse.
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    Jul 5, 2017
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    I would love to build, but i don't want to build on the old power system if it is getting scrapped. That leaves testing out the new power system, but my game crashes as soon as i do anything on the dev build. Not sure if it's a linux compatibility thing or what, so i'm in the middle of a full repair/reinstall right now in hopes that it will get me back ingame.

    99% complete. Moment of truth approaches.


    Master of Chimichangas and Star Trek Shells
    Dec 14, 2014
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    I still need to finish some stuff that might not move like my Nacelles... but other than that everything, including the rooms, is up in the air until power and systems are more stable.
    Mar 15, 2014
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    Still building on the old system, however I want, aesthetically, focusing on the shell without worrying about systems or shape or how I can exploit whatever lousy system Schine tries to force into us in the meantime.

    Eventually, I'm hoping they will come to their senses when enough of us tell at them, scrap this power overhaul farce thats now been over 7mo in the fail bin, and just.... Do away with systems entirely & use slider % dialogues. Let us focus on building htfever we want aesthetically instead of forcing their design mantras upon us..
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    Jan 1, 2015
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    I haven't touched the game since they decided effectively scrap everything and start over. I expect I will probably never do so again at this point. I have no interest in a simplistic building block game with the lack of strategic depth they are now aiming for.

    I still have fond memories of what was, so I check the forums every couple of weeks to see if the developers have changed direction. At this point however, I have little hope.
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    I've been in the dev build most nights. Fine tuning the reactor more interesting than it initially appeared.
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    Jun 23, 2013
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    I still Build actively, and after trying the dev build a bit im eagerly awaiting the power update.
    Sep 29, 2017
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    For now in Africa for some months. Internet sucks and I do not have a lot of free time for building off line. But I hope when I will be back, new power system will be alive :)
    Jul 30, 2017
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    I'm building a little bit - mostly adding bits onto my homebase station on LvD, sometimes messing around with a new ship design or two that I inevitably get frustrated with and give up on. Not all that active, though, and when I am on the server I'm generally mining or just flying around instead.

    I've been discouraged and demotivated lately, but it's not due to the power update since I haven't been expecting it to arrive for another year or so; it's more due to feeling like the current PvP meta makes all of the careful ship design work completely pointless and a waste of time, because pretty much anything that I actually build is just going to die pointlessly if it ever goes into combat and end up not being worth the effort of building.
    May 27, 2015
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    Mainly waiting,
    the power update wont be the last change but as someone who played since core beams where the only docking and
    weapons had sliders for ajusting.. i got tired of reworking..

    i would love to be able to get templates for core systems, arange them and then just warp a hull around it ..
    but without break off mechanics it looks like spaghetti will be the future..


    Nov 30, 2015
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    tried the dev builds - a horrible experience and the new systems made no sense to me. absolutely no intuitivity involved in whats been done. awful new UI elements too.

    this has caused me to lose the lust to build normally, as i know it will only be a matter of time until the new crap takes over. but thats me.