This smells an awful lot like computercraft, which i don't like because it removes logic from the game. As soon as you open that screen you won't be in starmade anymore; you'll be in LogicMade. Logic stops being a part of a ship, its just metadata attached to it, like the name of the entity. For me this is a huge drawback, i love building mechanical ships, and this means i'd be spending hours in LogicMade instead.
From what i can tell the plus-points boils down to three reasons:
- I want more logic on small builds
- This makes logic easier to represent/read
- It's realistic!
1. i think is a valid point, but there are going to be limits in a voxel game. When your entity is ~30 blocks it wont be able to do anything in combat terms anyway; it wont have the power to support weapons for breaking even a single block, so fuzzing over two or three blocks being needed for logic is pointless. Granted, i don't like building small/cosmetic stuff so i may just be biased here. Just saying, there WILL be limits to what you can do; 20 blocks wont make a difference for a combat build, and making a DDR machine on a fighter might just be a dumb idea to begin with.
2. I think a lot of the discussion has not addressed properly.
This block would accomplish several things.
- Logic would be more compact, making it easier to integrate into small craft or organize large project
- You could potentially save precious block IDs. Some of today's logic blocks might only exist in Compute-Space. Compute-space blocks might not need blocks IDs, or have a different list of block IDs, or just be 2D tiles, etc. You could add as many new logic blocks as you'd like and not affect the world block ID count.
- Compute blocks could optimize logic calculations. When a user exits compute mode, the game creates a BooleanLogic object under the hood to call instead of simulating logic blocks.
- Provides a pathway for more complicated player automation. You could even add some higher-level logic or routines and let players write their own tiny programs or even AI
1:When you make the same information more compact, you make it harder to read, not easier. Does allow you to fit more into the same space though.
2. So you want to remove the blocks from the game to have this computer thing instead? So me putting down an activator, linking that to doors so they open when i click it, and having the activator link to a not block that opens another door as an ultra simplistic airlock is now impossible without doing 10x the work? (Please dont comment on how shitty this airlock, its just an example of simple and easy logic work being made more complicated.)
This change will make a lot of everyday logic much more complicated than it currently is, and you can no longer see at a glance where the problems are. Have to go back and forth from menu in order to test anything instead of just pushing my button.
Adding more logic blocks i've always seen as pointless, and what would it do here? I would assume you could save certain pages and then use them inside other pages like calling a function; why would you need blocks at all? Just make your own flipflop and call that. More options for the sake of more options just confuses people who aren't familiar with it, and the ones that are don't need it.
3. I don't think logic blocks are that much of a power hog. Are there any logic builds that cause problems?
4. I don't even know what you're sugesting here. How would this be easier to achieve with 2D than the current blogic?
You shouldn't have to have this (from another thread):
This sums up my biggest issue with a lot of the arguments for this. I can make a bigger clusterfuck than this, it's easy! I can do it in 2D too. You cannot create a format that automatically makes logic neat and readable (If you can, collect your Nobels price instead of sitting here!) Making your logic readable is a skill in itself. Making this 2D won't change anything; you can allready make 2D logic, just dont go up!
To kind of hijack this, i think a lot of logic would be easier to keep track of if we had a way to view build mode similar to Dwarf Fortress: Seeing only a 2D plane that you can move up and down one block with 'q' and 'e'. This would also make it easier to interact with computers burried in system blocks :p
It sucks to take up a bunch of mass and be messy to do neat things with the current logic system.
I think you made a mistake in making this about two issues, because you can't take spaghetti monsters out of logic. I agree that it would be nice to have logic in smaller ships, but only up to a point. Again there's two issues here; cosmetic and combat value. Cosmetically, i'd say that i sympathize with what you want, but taking logic out of the game ruins a lot of the fun in building, for the sake of making some smaller builds viable. It won't make logic any easier, only harder. The entry level logic (button toggles light) becomes much more complicated and stops people getting started with logic.(You still need a physical button; you now have to link that button as input into your computer and link the output of the computer via a different interface to the light) Consider if we got tiny vehicles like mopeds we could drive around, but they weren't made with blocks; instead you open an interface and select engine, tires, color via dropdowns. You're not building a moped anymore, that's not a part of the game. To me this would do that to logic.
In terms of combat value i would love to see logic blocks (and cosmetic stuff) have 0 mass(or maybe 0.001), and not increase the number of modules needed in support systems.