Read by Council Grid based logic computer system


    • gj biddles brilliant as usual

      Votes: 42 77.8%
    • no thats retarded like u

      Votes: 3 5.6%
    • im just saying no because i have too much time invested in my current logic circuits

      Votes: 1 1.9%
    • meh

      Votes: 8 14.8%

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    Mar 30, 2013
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    I suppose I haven't explained it too well. It would work just like a normal circuit but on a different plane. You independently bind any of the tiles in the grids to anything that accepts logic on the actual ship, and vice versa. You're just segregating the ANDs ORs delays and whatnot from being actual blocks on the ship. It's not that you bind something on the ship to the logic computer block itself, you do it to the tile(s) on the grid. You could have as many activation module type tiles in the grid as you'd like to bind to the hotbar, and connect them to actual buttons you'd install on the ship since we would also like to work with the programming you've done in astronaut mode.

    If I'm still missing something, I don't think I'll ever understand, haha.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    That would technically work, would make it a lot harder for people like me honestly, but it would work I think.

    The removal of a 3D area would actual cause some logic to be harder to build for people like me, since I use spaces and vertical space to separate groups. Would be good as a supplement to logic, but probably would never be a replacement.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    I didn't mean that the tiles would have to be right next to each other by "grid-based", I could see how that would be confusing. Just that the tiles would be aligned to a grid for organization purposes. You'd have lines connecting what you wanted, you could freely space stuff like a wiring diagram.

    Jun 28, 2013
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    The grid really does not seem to fit StarMade's style though. If anything a 2x2x2 or 3x3x3 (or some other multiple) of in-world blocks could be done to fit in to a single block, with one block defined to be an input to such a mess and another to be an output or so, that would fit better, could make the resultant block be a 'Function' block or something... That would be useful, easily optimizable, and fit in the Starmade world without allowing too much condensing.


    May 24, 2015
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    Has anybody ever heard of an old Play Station game called carnage heart. Basically you program the AI's of your mech army in a grid fashion just like BDLS said. Here is a link to the youtube vtideo that explains how it works: I can't think of any reason why you
    wouldn't be able to modify that system for use with logic blocks instead.

    How cool would it be if we could also use a grid system to program the AI? I think I'll start a new post with that suggestion.
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    Feb 8, 2015
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    I do not agree with this, as currently I use logic in 3d to seperate groups/parallel circuits and multiple circuits to figure out ship design features, such as where in a hallway the next blast door should be. Spatial orienting, if you will. Also, the difficulty of programming this seems pretty high.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    I do not agree with this, as currently I use logic in 3d to seperate groups/parallel circuits and multiple circuits to figure out ship design features, such as where in a hallway the next blast door should be. Spatial orienting, if you will. Also, the difficulty of programming this seems pretty high.
    I don't see how exactly this would be complicated to program. Also, post a pic of your logic setup so I can understand how triggering blast doors is complicated circuitry.

    The grid really does not seem to fit StarMade's style though.
    I for one do not like 'the style' of large, ugly, space-eating logic block circuits that perform small tasks. Why restrict the game design to adhere to more blockiness? To each their own, I suppose.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Instead of just a 2D grid, how about an instanced 3D space that pops up on a specialized fabricator block? Kind of like how shipyards are thought to be for building blueprints?

    Fabricator blocks make blank circuit board meta-items of varying capacity (the more of whatever resource is used for them, the larger the grid dimensions), and afterward they can be edited at the fabricator adding in logic blocks. Then those circuit boards can be accepted into a function block (maybe call it a logic controller instead because it would sound cooler?). Anything connected to or from the function block can be managed inside of the function block itself via a side menu and linked virtually.

    Would this be a suitable variant of BDLS' original idea in the OP? Logic meta items could allow for easy importing and exporting of logic systems as well. It would be cool to see competing standards between players and give a breather to the new players who can't into logic as well.
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    Mar 30, 2013
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    Sounds pretty good as well.

    Could also just have the ability to add pages/layers to the original idea.
    Aug 21, 2015
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    So, the other day I was wiring some logic to make a small speeder "turn on" when you hopped in the seat. The speeder was small, and I had to sacrifice a few things to place all the logic blocks I needed.

    Building and wiring logic for very small or very large projects can be messy and very constraining on design. What if there was a general purpose compute block for combinatorial logic?

    The idea bouncing around my head was to place a single block, skinned like a computer terminal. I could hit 'R' to enter the block like a ship core, only instead of a ship build mode, I would be in a "Compute-Space" where I could build logic. I could build as complicated logic as I'd like, using as much space for organization as I needed, and then designate one (or hopefully more!) blocks as 'Outputs'.

    When I exited compute space, I could c-v the compute block to what I wanted to actuate (maybe hitting 'c' on the compute block would cycle through different outputs?)

    This block would accomplish several things.
    1. Logic would be more compact, making it easier to integrate into small craft or organize large project
    2. You could potentially save precious block IDs. Some of today's logic blocks might only exist in Compute-Space. Compute-space blocks might not need blocks IDs, or have a different list of block IDs, or just be 2D tiles, etc. You could add as many new logic blocks as you'd like and not affect the world block ID count.
    3. Compute blocks could optimize logic calculations. When a user exits compute mode, the game creates a BooleanLogic object under the hood to call instead of simulating logic blocks.
    4. Provides a pathway for more complicated player automation. You could even add some higher-level logic or routines and let players write their own tiny programs or even AI
    Jun 10, 2015
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    I like it. I could put more logic into my smaller fighters without sacrificing space for much needed weapon modules and shield blocks.
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Thank you kiraen for the link, evidently I'm too much of a snob to search before I post. Figures my thread would be a rehash of some else's awesome idea. :p

    My concept's a little different (3d block-space, multiple c-v outputs), but the linked thread is excellent and certainly 90% of what's proposed here.

    Consider this thread a bump of BDLS most excellent idea. Maybe this time it will get a response.
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    Aug 21, 2015
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    Would it be possible to merge this thread with so we can discuss it all on one?
    I think that's a good Idea. I'm not sure the best way to summon a mod,l but I'll give it a shot.

    *draws pentacle*

    MrFURB, DukeofRealms, I beseech you, merge this thread with the one above, and you shall have anything I can offer, up to my first-born ship. Quid pro quo. deus ex machina, e pluribus unum. Amen.


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    I think that's a good Idea. I'm not sure the best way to summon a mod,l but I'll give it a shot.

    *draws pentacle*

    MrFURB, DukeofRealms, I beseech you, merge this thread with the one above, and you shall have anything I can offer, up to my first-born ship. Quid pro quo. deus ex machina, e pluribus unum. Amen.
    You'll have to ask the original author of that thread BDLS whether he wants to merge threads.