Server url = sm.lazygamerz.org:4242
Our Communty
Server site: sm.lazygamerz.org
Community Forums: lazygamerz.org
This server is brought to you by lazygamerz.org with over 5 years experience in sandbox games, and gaming community. We are providing this server with dedicated active administration that will be in game and available no less than 20 hours a day to answer questions, help players understand the game, and provide both sound advice and help with in game problems. Our StarMade server has now been running for over 24 months online and open to the public. So we are boasting a thriving in game economy and progressing faction base. We also boats a very diverse and tolerant multi cultural community with all walks of life and players from around the world.
We ask that all of our players please follow simple and standard server rules for sandbox and online games. (site link to rules for our server)
Server Software Support
Our software engineer is Levest28 and he can be reached by both the rewards site message system and the main forums if anyone has any question, comments or concerns about how our support software is ran.
We offer
-Automated Restarts every 4 hours starting at 12 midnight UTC -4:00
-Automated Server Backup every morning at the 4am restart.
-Permanent Archive of 1 backup per week
-Automated Crash Detection
-Vote Rewards 20m reward per day and 1% bonus per $1 donation
-Full banking system to deposit and withdraw credits and items
-Automated ship core requests (Receive a ship core any time, handy if stuck in space!)
-Automated kick requests (DC from game? Character Frozen? Request your own character to be kicked in order to log back in again!)
-Automated starter packs (Claim a starter pack on our site to receive a variety of blocks including all the things a new user needs! (Once per character))
-In game support player commands based on player vote support.(complete list on the main page of the rewards site GenXnova StarMade Server)
On Server Perks
Our community management leader is Bobbybighoof and he can be contacted by both the rewards site message system and the main forums if anyone has any questions or concerns about how our community works to provide both a progressive and fun in game; game play.
We offer
-Protected spawn with protected player shops around it
-PvP - Player verses player is allowed on server with assigned safe zones (protected sectors available with protected player shops and other support for those who do not want to take part in pvp)
-PvE - Player verses environment is active on the server with many server made pirates to kill and loot.
-RP - Role playing is supported on the server with a huge lore story and supported fan fiction in the works (site link to lore and fantic Role play is not enforced and is not required on the server.)
-10 km sector size
-2x default ship turning speed
-10x multiplier on all mining and 36 on faction owned systems.
-5 million starting credits
-Blueprints saves and uploads enabled (15 slots)
-Starter pack available to be claimed through automated site sm.lazygamerz.org
-300 km/h hour server speed with 600 reachable with overdrive.
Block Limits
These rules on blocks are updated as of October 1, 2015
-1,000,000 block limit on ships (Not including any docked turrets or ships)
-300,000 block limit on turrets on a ship with a max of 20 per ship.
-300,000 block limit on drones / fighters docked to a ship with a max of 20 per ship.
-3 million block limit on stations that have huge amounts of animated blocks showing, and 5 million on stations that do not have animated blocks showing.
Full block limits available HERE
Team Speak 3
Join us in StarMade today!
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