Brainstorm This Events

    Jan 25, 2015
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    i'd like to see natural events, things that could happen in real life too.

    for example, event, an pirate fleet has entered your (claimed) system.
    defeat the fleet!
    2 endings:
    1: defeat, you weren't able to defeat the fleet and they claimed the sytem, wait for (insert time) and you can reclaim the system
    2: victory, you were able to kill the pirate fleet, you have been awarded with (insert money) and your facton has been rewarded with (insert faciton points)

    this is just one sort of event that i would like to see, events that can change gameplay and that have concequences.

    feel free to add your ideas to the brainstorm, but first be sure to check if they are already mentioned, check the spoiler for the most common.

    please, if you suggest, try to come with one that players can do something about (like optional with advantages if player joins in on event and wins) but other suggestion are also ok.

    okey so here are some of the suggestions:
    1. ..... has happened and buffed ..... (example: your pilot drunk coffee, maneuverability increased by 25%
    2. a traveling salesman has arrived in this system, visit him at (insert location) for exclusive cheap deals. be quick otherwise you will miss his great deals!
    3. ow no! a disturbment in the gravity of the star, made astroids spawn less often rare for (insert time) (system wide)
    4. kaboom! a huge convoy ship exploded, search the system and maybe you find some of its loot
    5. many more like 2,3,4 check my second post.
    6. kgggg kgggg mayday mayday, requesting immediate help. hostile enemies inbound mayday mayday kggghuuu transmission ended. fast go to (insert location) and defend the transport ship! endings: 1. defeat, you left the ship alone to be taken by the pirates. 2. defeat, you shoot a pirate down while you see the transport ship explode, get out of there, mission failed. 3. victory, thanks a lot guys, here (insert reward) for saving my life back there. 4. ow no! it's a trap the pirates had send a fake mayday and want to kill you!
    7. nebulas, giving any effect from buff to debuff
    8. Star birth and death
    9. Smugglers slinking off, thinking they are unwatched, to hidden bases on planets or in asteroids
    10. Very rare space/time rifts that open temporarily and open a doorway to an adjacent galaxy
    11. solar flares/storms with any effect
    12. trading events, cheaper sales, no sales, high demand for something, mission to deliver something etc.
    13. escorted neutral cargo, optional to attack for loot.
    14. bounty hunting
    15. This sector is hit by a solar flare! (Star systems only, sun damage in the sector even if it's not close to the sun)
    16. single marooned NPC guy free to recruit floating alone in space, ship wreck
    17. Incoming hostile signatures! All hands to battle stations! (pirate wave spawns)
    18. (daily) quests
    19. home is under attack (homebase/station/planet attacked by pirate wave)
    think that will do, that is all from page 1 :p
    warning! much text ahead!
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    Mar 11, 2015
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    • Wild asteroids appeared!
      The next two hours the mining bonus in this system is doubled.
    • A huge explosion has been detected at (insert sector coordinates)
      An huge overheating shipwreck spawned in that sector
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    Jan 25, 2015
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    • Wild asteroids appeared!
      The next two hours the mining bonus in this system is doubled.
    • A huge explosion has been detected at (insert sector coordinates)
      An huge overheating shipwreck spawned in that sector
    aaah, nice i just wanted to go post:
    okay, i see you guys want to think about this idea, allow me to give some event ideas.
    but you were too fast ahead of me :D

    so mine:
    • a traveling salesman has arrived in this system, visit him at (insert location) for exlusive cheap deals. be quick otherwise you will miss his great deals! only people that are/arrive/fly through the system he is located in recieve the message. (insert amount) of salesman at once are allowed. (system event)
    • ow no! a disturbment in the gravity of the star made astroids rare for (insert time) (system event)
    • kaboom! a huge convoy ship exploded, search the system and maybe you find some of it's loot. (system event)
    • muhahahah! the pirates attacked the trade guild, and blocked off their trade routes. shops can not be used for (insert time) (system event)
    • krrrrrr hatch! not again! the factory broke down, our engineer is trying to fix it but t will take (insert time) (sector event)
    • hooray for (inser name) the great one! our here attacked the pirates, pirate waves will not occure for (insert time) (multiple systems event)
    • huuuhiiiihhuuuu! what was that? sir, i made a mistake and put anti-matter in our electric thrusters, our speed has been doubled for (insert time) (ship event)
    • you fool, you are fired! your ex-engineer had removed the "thru" of "thrusters" your speed has halved, no worries our reserve engineer has fixed it within (insert time) (ship event)
    • hiatchu! you and your crew catched the flu, you try to keep your ship on course but everytime you sneez you exedently move the the ship.
    • clotch! ugh houston you did not...... houston: "we have a problem, i spilled my muk of chocolatemilk over our radar" we can't rely on our radar for (insert time) (the indicaters will go all around and your minimap will spin alot) (ship event)
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    Jun 27, 2013
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    Big fan of events that you can choose to take part in that can have both positive and negative effects, including events like you first said in the OP where the value of the reward is influenced by your actions - failing can cause you problems. Of course entering an area can be the equivalent of choosing to take part in something.

    Strongly against any random events that apply debuffs (or even buffs tbh) to a ship. It could strongly skew combat or just be a massive PITA. What I guess I am trying to say is if I'm sat there building, if I keep getting lots of notifications ima lose it :p
    Mar 11, 2015
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    What I guess I am trying to say is if I'm sat there building, if I keep getting lots of notifications ima lose it :p
    I think the notifications should be on the upper right side, where the icons of Mails and so on are. If you have unread notifications, the icon should be blue, otherwise grey, same behaviour as the other icons have.
    Feb 8, 2015
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    I agree with iceman, no ship buffs/debuffs. However, I propose- #enter number of Pirate #enter ship name# are attacking the trade guild shop located at #insert sector here# if not eliminated, the shop is destroyed. It wouldn't be a huge concern if you are decently set up, but after a while, if shops keep getting destroyed, its gonna get uncomfortable for some players to buy things. Also, it would allow for a police force of players to just hunt down these events to gain credits and/or resources
    Jan 25, 2015
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    Big fan of events that you can choose to take part in that can have both positive and negative effects, including events like you first said in the OP where the value of the reward is influenced by your actions - failing can cause you problems. Of course entering an area can be the equivalent of choosing to take part in something.

    Strongly against any random events that apply debuffs (or even buffs tbh) to a ship. It could strongly skew combat or just be a massive PITA. What I guess I am trying to say is if I'm sat there building, if I keep getting lots of notifications ima lose it :p
    I agree with iceman, no ship buffs/debuffs. However, I propose- #enter number of Pirate #enter ship name# are attacking the trade guild shop located at #insert sector here# if not eliminated, the shop is destroyed. It wouldn't be a huge concern if you are decently set up, but after a while, if shops keep getting destroyed, its gonna get uncomfortable for some players to buy things. Also, it would allow for a police force of players to just hunt down these events to gain credits and/or resources
    now you guys say it, and i re-look at my suggestions for this suggestion, i must say 99% of them are random nothing to prevent events......
    lemme change my post, i agree with you guys somehow i went off the track i was on huh, lemme try again:

    hmmm, this is alot harder than the nothing to prevent events.....
    • so the trader isn't bad, such a event is just nice and hard to find.
    • neither is the convoy ship, but that is the last one i will add from the old list, the rest are poop so to say.
    • 3,2,1 go! we heared on our radio that there will be a race, its located at (insert location) and will start after (insert time) shall we race to try to win the race and get the reward? you know the one of (insert money) credits. (a step-in event, fly through every circle to finish)
    • kgggg kgggg mayday mayde, requesting imideate help. hostile enemies inbound mayday mayday kggghuuu transmission endded. fast go to (insert location) and defend the transport ship! endings:
    1. defeat, you left the ship alone to be taken by the pirates.
    2. defeat, you shoot a pirate down while you see the transport ship explode, get out of there mission failed.
    3. victory, thanks alot guys, here (insert reward) for saving my life back there.
    4. owno! it's a trap the pirates had send a fake mayday and want to kill you!

    • something that should be addedd so this event could be possible:
    a station city full of npc people wandering around, doing their things and such, building and trading and expending, so that the city will Always change.
    then for the event: things like a city that is under attack, if you do not defend the city, it will mot likely be destroyed.
    because of the fact that cities could be destroyed by pirates, there would only be few cities around the whole galaxy.
    mini events could then also happen, like the president is BEING kidnapped, please save him! if you succeed, he will reward you, if you fail the president will be brought to a pirate station and a new event will be available, the president WAS kidnapped,they brought him to a station please save him! hmm, this brings many possibilities, too many, i'll extent the city ideaa to an extra thread :D


    Excalibur Fleetworks CEO
    Jul 24, 2014
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    aaah, nice i just wanted to go post:
    okay, i see you guys want to think about this idea, allow me to give some event ideas.
    but you were too fast ahead of me :D

    so mine:
    • a traveling salesman has arrived in this system, visit him at (insert location) for exlusive cheap deals. be quick otherwise you will miss his great deals! only people that are/arrive/fly through the system he is located in recieve the message. (insert amount) of salesman at once are allowed. (system event)
    • ow no! a disturbment in the gravity of the star made astroids rare for (insert time) (system event)
    • kaboom! a huge convoy ship exploded, search the system and maybe you find some of it's loot. (system event)
    • muhahahah! the pirates attacked the trade guild, and blocked off their trade routes. shops can not be used for (insert time) (system event)
    • krrrrrr hatch! not again! the factory broke down, our engineer is trying to fix it but t will take (insert time) (sector event)
    • hooray for (inser name) the great one! our here attacked the pirates, pirate waves will not occure for (insert time) (multiple systems event)
    • huuuhiiiihhuuuu! what was that? sir, i made a mistake and put anti-matter in our electric thrusters, our speed has been doubled for (insert time) (ship event)
    • you fool, you are fired! your ex-engineer had removed the "thru" of "thrusters" your speed has halved, no worries our reserve engineer has fixed it within (insert time) (ship event)
    • hiatchu! you and your crew catched the flu, you try to keep your ship on course but everytime you sneez you exedently move the the ship.
    • clotch! ugh houston you did not...... houston: "we have a problem, i spilled my muk of chocolatemilk over our radar" we can't rely on our radar for (insert time) (the indicaters will go all around and your minimap will spin alot) (ship event)
    Oh nooooo! Planetary seismic activity has caused a volcano to form!


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    I'm not against debuffs, and rebuffs. They are gonna make you be creative or stall fights, but its possible these only happen on the fringes.

    - Incoming Asteroid for headed for Planet (Will have to balance this one for when players are on)
    - Ion storm - Shield recharge slower or power slower, More likely around pulsars, quasars
    - Supernova, This is a hard one since it could destroy all that you built in a sector, but it should leave behind valuable building materials you can't get anywhere else.
    - Definitely need a jump inhibitor effect around certain areas maybe in nebulas

    There is so many!
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    Aug 5, 2015
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    • Rare rapid terraforming genesis events, like in ST: Wrath of Khan.
    • Slow terraforming and interplanetary outpost set up by NPCs, see rovers unpacking, partially built geodomes going up on small distant planets
    • Star birth and death
    • NPC factions meeting at diplomatic stations to parlay treaties and end wars
    • Smugglers slinking off, thinking they are unwatched, to hidden bases on planets or in asteroids
    • Scientific survey ships, manned and unmanned, collecting data and samples
    • Very rare space/time rifts that open temporarily and open a doorway to an adjacent galaxy
    • Solar flares and storms with negative affects for anything in a system not protected by an atmosphere
    • Impacts on planets
    • Comets cycling in orbit
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    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    "Game master" routines:
    1. Your damaged ship is flying along when suddenly a chunk of blocks are replaced/repaired. (Emergency repairs completed ahead of schedule.)
    2. Your shields are down and pirates are hitting your blocks. Suddenly, a bunch of the pirates shut down and overheat. (Problems in their reactor cores caused an explosion, to give you a break.)
    3. Shields drop below 10% for the nth time in the last 10 minutes. The shields are suddenly boosted to 100%. (Rerouted shields through the engines!)
    4. One ship is attacking the systems of another ship, and the damaged ship is below 50% thrust, 50% energy production of the original blueprint. Suddenly, the attacking ship's weapon does 10x damage. (Critical Hit!)
    5. Ship is being attacked, shields are down, systems at 50% below blueprint norms. Suddenly, shields are back up and the jump drive is charged. (Emergency Escape!)

    "Trader" routines:
    1. Sell (quantity) of (block type) at trader station at (x, y, z). Receive extra (quantity) credits for the special delivery. (Bonus for trading.)
    2. Courier mission: go to trader station at (x, y, z). If you get there by x+10 minutes, you get (x*2 credits). If you get there late, but by x+15 minutes, you get (x credits). (Small courier package doesn't require cargo space.)
    3. Find a derelict in (x, y, z). Deliver the derelict core to trader station (x, y, z) for (x) (block type or credit reward). (Optional time limit?) (Rescue mission.)
    4. Random high and low prices to accommodate traders and freight captains.
    5. Enter random ship at (x, y, z) and fly to trader station at (x, y, z) for (x) (credit reward?) (time limit?) (rescue mission.)
    6. Deliver (x) thrusters/warp modules to trader ship for (x) (credit reward) (rescue mission).
    7. Deliver (x) weapon modules to trader station in (x, y, z) for (x) blocks/credit reward (gun running)

    "Scout" routines:
    1. Approach within 1 sector of a planet at (x,y,z) and remain stationary for 15 seconds. (Planetary survey scan)
    2. Approach within 1 sector of (x) asteroids at (x, y, z) and remain stationary for 15 seconds. (mining survey scan)
    3. Fly to (x, y, z) for (x) credit reward (basic survey scouting)
    4. Approach ship at (x, y, z) for (x) credit reward. (Police scan)
    5. Approach trader station at (x, y, z) and remain stationary for 15 seconds. (Cargo contraband scan)
    Jan 25, 2015
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    • Rare rapid terraforming genesis events, like in ST: Wrath of Khan.
    • Slow terraforming and interplanetary outpost set up by NPCs, see rovers unpacking, partially built geodomes going up on small distant planets
    • Star birth and death
    • NPC factions meeting at diplomatic stations to parlay treaties and end wars
    • Very rare space/time rifts that open temporarily and open a doorway to an adjacent galaxy
    for the first three:
    nice ideas but I think most of this will be impossible, it would mean planet information has to be loaded and generated and stuff like that, I think that would be server torture.

    NPC faction state updates would be kinda cool if there were factions xD

    for the very rare space/time rifts
    I'd call them wormholes, they can go both ways but after a certain amount of mass has passed through it would collapse :D

    star birth and death, idk if that is possible if you talk about physics, yes they can die and stuff but either time would go really fast or this game has to exist really long, besides the fixable physics problems, you also have this: everything is based on the stars the systems have a star as core and all belts circle around the star, if the star dies then the rings would... what? everything would spread? you'd have a planet going to another system or something, i think you get it :P
    Aug 5, 2015
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    but I think most of this will be impossible
    My own experiences in design, development, and the arts have taught me when at a brainstorming phase, especially if crowdsourcing or dealing with a focus group, it is rarely helpful for those in the sample group (i.e. us on the forum here) to assert what is or isn't possible.

    Instead, it helps to hear people invested in the content or experience to simply voice ideas and associations.

    So, if it were a magical, everything possible game engine, what events of any sort would you want to see that say to you "Space! SciFi! Galactic travels!"

    What events are missing when you compare StarMade to the books, movies, tv serials, illustrations, graphic novels, table top rpgs, and physical toys that stand out when you think of space-bound SciFi or Science Fantasy?

    A few more for me:

    • Historical break thru moments: primitive civilizations making major technological discoveries (first fire, first space launch, first weapon, first warp). Your presence as alien visitor changes the course of a society. Are you treated as a god? A demon?
    • Planetary destruction or devouring
    • Fabrication: factories and assembly lines
    • Planetary equivalents to spring in a desert: a rare bloom where a desert planet goes pink with flowers and growth for a short period, maybe a source of some rare bio resource
    • First contact with alien species sending ripples through galactic diplomacy
    • Political council convening in physical space for any reason
    • Stray distress signals from distant systems (treasure hunt, wild goose chase, mysterious, scary?)
    • Luxury pleasure cruisers touring distant sights
    • Galactic big game hunters tracking prey
    Jan 25, 2015
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    My own experiences in design, development, and the arts have taught me when at a brainstorming phase, especially if crowdsourcing or dealing with a focus group, it is rarely helpful for those in the sample group (i.e. us on the forum here) to assert what is or isn't possible.
    • Luxury pleasure cruisers touring distant sights
    nicely put, i guess i forgot the meaning of brainstorm this xD

    1 thing though, am I reading that suggestion really really wrong? pleasure cruisers......? I guess they would exist in future too yea... don't know if StarMade is up for that kind of content.... mod option? :p

    anyways, a wormhole going to a special high pvp&pve place? it can collapse like said before, so you could get stuck in the PVP&PVE universe fighting your ass off getting all kinds of awesome loot and lots of credits waiting for a new wormhole to appear..... or until you die!


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Events would be one area of the game where gating/tiers would be great.
    Aug 5, 2015
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    1 thing though, am I reading that suggestion really really wrong? pleasure cruisers......? I guess they would exist in future too yea... don't know if StarMade is up for that kind of content.... mod option? :p
    Sorry, that should have read "pleasure cruises" not "cruisers." Subtle, but important distinction!

    I was thinking something akin to the sightseeing cruise liner passenger ships, such as those featured prominently in Fifth Element, Wall-E, segments of The Hitchhiker's Guide novels, and some episodes of Dr. Who (such as the one in "The End of The World" where Lady Cassandra O'Brien was introduced).
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Sorry, that should have read "pleasure cruises" not "cruisers." Subtle, but important distinction!

    I was thinking something akin to the sightseeing cruise liner passenger ships, such as those featured prominently in Fifth Element, Wall-E, segments of The Hitchhiker's Guide novels, and some episodes of Dr. Who (such as the one in "The End of The World" where Lady Cassandra O'Brien was introduced).
    What about the Doctor Who Christmas episode with the space titanic :D
    Say, an event where the ships reactors have gone offline and its slowly drifting towards a star..... youll need a really large tractor beam (pull/stop beam) to save it.
    If not, the star eats it :D
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    Jul 21, 2013
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    What about the Doctor Who Christmas episode with the space titanic :D
    Say, an event where the ships reactors have gone offline and its slowly drifting towards a star..... youll need a really large tractor beam (pull/stop beam) to save it.
    If not, the star eats it :D
    Push works too, if you get in front of it.
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    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    Guess I'll add my own thoughts to this. Events should be categorized in 2 groups mainly.
    - Stellar events
    - NPC(pirate, TG, neutral, alien) events

    A 3rd group can be added when NPCs get worked on and crew positions are implemented:
    - Crew events.

    Some example stellar events:
    - This sector is hit by a solar flare! (Star systems only, sun damage in the sector even if it's not close to the sun)
    - This sector is suffering from an ion storm! (shield damage, all entities in sector count as jammed)
    - A gravitational anomaly in this sector is preventing you from using your jump drives! (cannot jump until exiting sector)
    - Our sensors have picked up a comet entering this system in sector [coords] (5x normal sized asteroid spawning somewhere at the edge of the system)
    - Quantum singularity detected in sector! Brace for warp! (jump at random direction - like a wormhole)

    Example NPC events:
    - Our sensors have picked up a distress beacon in sector [coordinates] (random event: TG tradestation being attacked by pirates, random decayed ship, pirate ambush, intact vessel with alien infestation on board, or single marooned NPC guy free to recruit floating alone in space)
    - Our sensors have picked up energy spikes resembling weapons fire in sector [coordinates]! (pirate wave vs Trading Guild wave battle in progress. You can join or wait for them to duke it out and salvage the losers)
    - Incoming hostile signatures! All hands to battle stations! (pirate wave spawns)
    - Station [coordinates] requesting immediate resupply of [block or material] (tradestation only, pays double for said block type)
    - Massive hostile signature detected in sector [coordinates]! (random large (20K+ mass) ship from server catalog spawns as pirate)
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    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    I think events would be a good addition to the game. It would allow variability in servers and give people more of a reason to build capable ships besides PVP. More PVE events would add more co-op opportunity as well.

    That said, I think there would need to be an adequate framework for these events to be created. There would need to be programmable AI and a rewards system in place. There would need to be a way to detect WHO takes part in the event as well. Also, I should note that I see "events" and "quests" as the same thing. A quest being more player initiated, events being more server initiated.

    So, toward this end, I have some suggestions on how this could be framed in such a way that everybody could make their own events/quests. There would need to be new blocks in the game to assist in creating these events. This would also allow these quests/events to be brought in using blueprints/admin loading. I think there should be layers of complexity to the process, to allow for more easily created simple events and for creating more complicated events that require LUA scripting. In-game blocks could be used for both simple and complex projects. The difference to this and and a full-fledged API is that it would involve in-game blocks and would not be a complete modding system and would have certain pre-set conditions and actions available without always requiring scripting. It would have a clear purpose, events. So, that said, here are some of the core components I believe would aid in a good event system. This is NOT a complete list of needed components, but it will give you an idea of what I'm imagining here.

    1. Make an admin block called an "event block" that can be placed onto an entity. It would have various abilities, such as detecting nearby players within a certain range and reporting that back to the script handling the event. This block would also have the ability to do certain, pre-set functions, such as spawning in pirates, or maybe loading a blueprint of a station into a certain sector, or it runs one or more admin commands to do various other things. This block would be accessible via a GUI when pressing R on it. Admins could make this only spawnable by admins or through admin loading of a blueprint with this block on it. It would use an "If/than/or" system with conditions and responses. For example, "If [player detected within 2 sectors], THEN [spawn one wave of pirates appropriate to the size ship the player is in]. " Another example, "If [player detected within 1 sector], THEN [mark player as active in event, "Defense of the Homeworld", visible to player and other players], AND THEN [activate event, "Defense of the Homeworld"] (The "Defense of the Homeworld" script would then handle things like spawning in entities, etc.)

    2. Players would need to be able to be set as having the status of doing a quest/event. Depending on the quest/event, this may or may not be visible to the player or to other players. This would be similar to how a player is taking place in a race in the game currently.

    3. Give windowing controls to the scripting/event. If someone wins an event, then perhaps a window pops up with a "Congratulations, you have won! You will now be given 20 million credits!" window. Upon closing the window, 20 million credits is deposited into their inventory.

    4. Give dynamic commands to the server. For example, a server might have a custom command set up for players who would like to take part in an event. Perhaps periodically the server initiates an event and players can type "/quest" to take part. The server teleports the player to coordinates. When a certain number of players are taking part, it spawns pirates in. Or perhaps it teleports the player into a room that has clues, and they have to press buttons in a specific order to get out. Or.. whatever is set up as the win/loss/abort condition.

    5. Add a "Quests" or "Events" window, similar to the faction menu, where players can see what quest(s)/event(s) they are currently taking part in.

    6. Give the ability to create scripting that handles the event as is present with Lua, but document it well. Give players a few tutorial events that demonstrates how the scripting works, so other players can learn from it and adapt their own events.

    7. Allow sectors to be marked as "event sectors" and disallow other players from entering them, either by moving or jumping in. Alternatively, also allow a private sector to be created for the event.

    So, with these tools available to the players, here's an example of an event, broken down.

    EXAMPLE # 1 - Quests:
    -The server periodically displays a message in general chat, "Type /quests to get a list of quests available on this server!"
    -The player types "/quests"
    - A pop-up window comes up and displays a list of various quests. If the player clicks on one, it displays the details and gives an "accept" and "back" button.
    - When the player presses the "accept" button, the player is set as active for that quest. This particular quest can only be completed by 1 person at a time. So it clears a sector of all spawned in entities, spawns in a blueprint of the quest, and marks the quest itself as not available to other players. (So if other players bring up their available quests, it simply does not show up as an option). It then gives the player the coordinates of the quest and tells them they have 20 minutes to complete it.
    - The player jumps over to the coordinates, and when they arrive, a message indicator pops up in the top-right, saying "A communication is incoming.." A few seconds later, a pop-up window comes up with the dialogue, "Who are you?! Why are you here!" The player can then select different dialogue options. If they select the wrong option, the base they are in front of turns hostile and starts attacking them.
    - If they select the right options, the dialogue box pops up, telling them to come inside the base and they collect a mysterious item.
    - If they select the wrong options and the base attacks them, perhaps they can still raid the base to steal the mysterious item.
    - Upon removing the items from the storage, the quest detects this using an event block and a message tells the player "Great, you got the item, please bring it back to Trader Joe at -4, 2, 1." Upon speaking to an NPC at a base in those coordinates, the player gets 10 million credits and a blueprint for a small fighter ship. If they stole the item, perhaps the NPC adds, "I never liked those guys anyhow." The quest is marked as completed, and the sector with the quest in it is cleared of all spawned in entities. "Congratulations, you have completed a quest." displays to the player.

    EXAMPLE # 2 - "Pirates are coming to gobble your turkey!" PVE faction event.
    - The server is set to perform an event once per day at a random time, within a certain time of day. Let's say, at some point within 2pm and 9pm EST, an event "Invade a faction" happens.
    - When initiated, the event looks at all the players online and chooses a random faction that has at least 2 players online.
    - The event spawns pirates two sectors away from a the faction home base, the size determined by the number of players in that faction online at the time, and directs the ships to move toward it.
    - The players in the targeted faction are marked as "active" in the event, whether online or not.
    - Each online faction member receives a message, "Pirates have found you, and they are going to gobble up all your turkey! Kill or be killed!"
    - The player's faction home is removed from being invulnerable.
    - The sector, in which the faction home is located, is marked as being an event sector and no other players other than those taking part in the event can travel there. If a player not taking part in the event tries to go there, they are turned away, similar to how ships are turned away when trying to leave a test sector. If trying to jump in, they will not be allowed to jump.
    - The event may allow allies of the faction to enter the system, or maybe not.
    - When the pirates arrive, they will either kill the base, be killed, or run away if time runs out. If in two hours, neither side is destroyed, the pirates are told to turn around and run from the station. After getting a sector away, they are despawned and a "draw" is declared. Or a "Win". The players online get a message, "You have successfully saved your turkey!" and they are given 1 million credits. Or perhaps a medium-sized ship is spawned in at their faction base and they see a message saying, "For your valiant efforts in defending your empire, I bestow a gift upon you."

    So, in conclusion, the important part here is to give the necessary tools necessary so that people can make interesting and varied events, using their own creativity. I believe a hard-coded solution, which only has a small handful events would not be customizable enough for a sandbox game of this nature.

    Thank you for your time. :)