There's your problem. With only ten stabilizers, fifteen of your reactor blocks are just dead mass. Either remove them, or add more until you have equal numbers of stabilizers and reactors. If you have more stabilizers than reactors, that's no problem apart from the obvious mass they add, but you have to have at least one stabilizer block per reactor my new reactor is thirty five (25 reactor/10 Stabilizer) 0.5 mass blocks, and produces only 2600
Thank you for providing meaningful feedback and numbers in your response. This is how we get things properly reviewed and potentially changed.For something to relate to: My drone's old reactor line was thirty one 0.1 mass blocks and produced 10,000 e/s, now my new reactor is thirty five (25 reactor/10 Stabilizer) 0.5 mass blocks, and produces only 2600 with a 2597e/s power MAINTENANCE. Not only is that 5.7x more mass and 4x less power, but now actually doing anything with the ship (such as firing the gun), will put into into comatose.
There's your problem. With only ten stabilizers, fifteen of your reactor blocks are just dead mass. Either remove them, or add more until you have equal numbers of stabilizers and reactors. If you have more stabilizers than reactors, that's no problem apart from the obvious mass they add, but you have to have at least one stabilizer block per reactor block.
My roughly comparable, 41 meter long, 620t mass test build has ~175 reactors and ~220 stabilizers, because not every single one was beyond "optimal" distance, has a big fat main gun, a few PD turrets, and Top Speed-3 and Turn Rate-3 at a TMR 0f 2.0, and on top of that Shield Capacity-1 because why not, and has no power issues at all.
And it's not a stick or dumbbell by any means.
Yes, you're right. I didn't consider smaller reactors since my case was already well over a hundred, but of course the number of stabilizers required gradually approaches the number of reactor blocks - for ten reactors, that's where stabilizers begin to be required, the ratio is 50% IIRC. I haven't tested much larger reactors to see whether the ratio goes over 100% at some point, the largest I have so far is around 1-2k, I smaller sizes reactors and stabilizers don't need to be equal, i think it's like this until around 100 reactor blocks
Yes, you're right. I didn't consider smaller reactors since my case was already well over a hundred, but of course the number of stabilizers required gradually approaches the number of reactor blocks - for ten reactors, that's where stabilizers begin to be required, the ratio is 50% IIRC. I haven't tested much larger reactors to see whether the ratio goes over 100% at some point, the largest I have so far is around 1-2k, I think.
Then use a bigger reactor, for chrissake. That ship I mentioned is 40x20x20ish, and has a reactor almost seven times as large as that. With stabilizers to match. In a compact, non-pencil form factor. It's maneuverable, it shoots, and it doesn't run out of juice. With space for crew, cargo and room to spare.I've been doing testing on small reactors for a few days now, anyways, here's a picture of some small reactors
[snip image]
any fighter or drone (sub 50m) using a reactor up to 3x3x3 will be completely and utterly useless
Then use a bigger reactor, for chrissake. That ship I mentioned is 40x20x20ish, and has a reactor almost seven times as large as that. With stabilizers to match. In a compact, non-pencil form factor. It's maneuverable, it shoots, and it doesn't run out of juice.
You simply cannot fit a bigger reactor within the ship, this drones is 32 meters long (34 including nose armor piece), the reactor is 9m long, and the stabilizer is 14m long. The required stabilizer distance is 10m.
I don't know, but if you look at Star Wars ships for example, an approximate rule of thumb that usually fits fairly well is that around 25% of ship volume is taken up by propulsive systems...Thanks for posting, 10 meters for a small drone is insane, thats 1/3rd of it's total length!!
For a larger ship the distances would be absurd... This just completly slaughtered the remained of my creative juices :,(
Who came up with this??????
Some of us want to build specific astatic designs. In the old system you can still make those functional. In the new systems this is much much harder. It puts a lot of pressure on creative freedom.Then use a bigger reactor, for chrissake. That ship I mentioned is 40x20x20ish, and has a reactor almost seven times as large as that. With stabilizers to match. In a compact, non-pencil form factor. It's maneuverable, it shoots, and it doesn't run out of juice. With space for crew, cargo and room to spare.