Devblog 2017 - 09 - 21

    Aug 3, 2016
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    >not hiding your power level
    >year 2017 of Our Lord
    it's just yet another hp pool
    It's not "yet another hp pool", it IS the ship's hp pool, or reactor hp pool more precisely. They switched one for the other. Go figure why.
    And it does seem to matter whether you're hit in the thrusters or the reactor.
    why even build chambers and shit then? just let us build whatever and allocate everything trough build points.
    But where's the fun in that? :^)
    It is done to make you actually consider what you're going to have on your ship 'cause you have to build the damn things, plus something to fill all this free space you could've used for interiors. Oh well...
    Also "The Autistic Artistic Vision™" I guess.

    They said 2-3 weeks and that was over 4 weeks ago!
    yet we all seem to know how its going to turn out
    You don't need to be a rocket surgeon to figure out certain things from what we already know.
    Partially you could blame Schine for doing fuckall instead of actually managing their game's community.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    > So tired of hearing speculation on something that in COMPLETELY intangible.

    it's right there, in the video and the detailed description, it's not rocket science to connect the dots. it's gonna play exactly as described. it doesn't even require imagination, logic or deductions, everything was spell out very clearly.
    Sep 19, 2015
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    Will there be a factory entry which can convert the old power blocks to the new blocktype?
    i hope you understand that on servers it was hard work to make all these blocks, i dont want to loose them as Dekoration!

    Thanks for making that Game.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    Will there be a factory entry which can convert the old power blocks to the new blocktype?
    i hope you understand that on servers it was hard work to make all these blocks, i dont want to loose them as Dekoration!

    Thanks for making that Game.
    So long as the new power blocks are priced right, selling the old ones and buying new ones (or the resources required to manufacture them) with that money should be just fine. We'll see, I guess.

    Edit: Of course, NPC shops don't always stock loads of most blocks, so there would be quite a bit of travelling to new shops to get the job done.
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    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I'm hoping that attempting to place old reactor blocks will instead slap down new ones for non-creative-mode players.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Wrong the new new "Doom cubes" are going to be "Banana ships", best turn rate in one axis. [That shape can turn real good the Y or Z axis.]

    Heres an example about i am saying:
    Hmm... you may be right. My own variation on that might prove to be a triple pod ship, a tri-pod for short. It would have all the weapons, chambers, etc., necessary for the ship, in a central ship looking pod. However one kilometer above and one kilometer below would be a black hull clad additional pod, one containing all the power and the other all the stabilizers. There would be nothing in between except the ship looking 'pod' in the middle. Being black those above and below pods would for the most part not be noticed, and many would think the small 'ship' in the middle is the whole thing, until they perhaps realize just how much power the thing actually has.
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    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I like where this power update is going. The only niggle I have is the forced inherited power for docked entities. For me it messes with my OCD unless there is some kind of black magic pseudo science reasoning behind it.

    Please at least have the capability of operating reactors on docked entities in the game, if not by default then by server config switch or switches.

    With a server config option to allow/deny reactors to operate on docked entities, we could have PVP servers that allow it for even more variety in universes.

    Perhaps a docked reactor configuration option for multi-tier control over either the docked entities or the primary vs docked entities or entity chains. Example;
    • DOCKED_REACTOR_ALLOW=true/false; how many entities in the chain from the primary entity can run
    • DOCKED_REACTOR_INHERITANCE_LIMIT=2; only docked entities up to value x can operate reactors. Good for ships & large turrets
    • DOCKED_REACTOR_ALLOW_FROM=3; perhaps the entity has to be x number entity in the chain before a reactor will work
    If this is not likely, the I would suggest applying logical reasoning to why we can't have operating reactors on docked entities to appease the OCD part of brains like mine.

    A reasoning like it's related to some kind of interference or dampening effect due to the close proximity of reactors that cancel the ability to start or operate 2 or more reactors simultaneously.

    Now if this is the case, you would expect to have a science around it to be able to counter such limitations. Or at least take advantage of them in some technological way like how a jammer can collapse a cloak. Or an interdictor collapses a warp field forcing you to drop out of warp.

    I think that's my 2 cents for now.

    However you proceed, you're doing great work guys.
    Mar 2, 2014
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    And also id love if we could determine which of the 3 "shades" the current armor blocks would be without having to pick between basic, standard, or advanced. Please! It will open up more customization because the shades are all very different, and I want to be able to pick how my ship looks without making it weaker/heavier. Hull colour shouldnt determine anything.
    I completely agree with this. Mixing different armor often looks rather bad.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Partially you could blame Schine for doing fuckall instead of actually managing their game's community.
    Considering how ridiculously small the Schine team is, I'd really rather they spend their time making the game instead of paying a community manager to babysit the kiddies who don't understand "things take time, and we know what we're doing better than you do, chill".
    Jan 25, 2014
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    What does this mean for the current effect modules? Will they be removed and replaced with chamber effects?

    Both shields and thrusters have a minimum power upkeep, and consume more power when in use. You're simply not able to fill your remaining ship's volume with thrusters or shields or you would run out of power regeneration and end up with a non functional, expensive ship (or station).
    So, is this to encourage interior building? If so, can we get more blocks with very little weight for interior decor? I really like the texture of the standard armors for interior walls, but they are more expensive to make than basic hull and weigh more. It'd be nice to have more options for walls without adding too much mass.
    Jun 17, 2015
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    You don't need to be a rocket surgeon to figure out certain things from what we already know.
    Partially you could blame Schine for doing fuckall instead of actually managing their game's community.
    Managing? I wouldn't want to deal with salty fucks who love whining about a game all day. Should schema waste his time trying to pacify people with words? I think its better he spend time on the game. We already have topics closed and posts deleted because people get into flame wars on NEWS POSTS. I think the number one thing needed around here is respect and level-headedness, not "managing".
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    Aug 3, 2016
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    I think y'all are forgetting that there are actually people Schine hired to work with community. Community managers.
    All I'm asking is that they do their damn work they're getting paid for. If all they do is fuck around and answer a question once a month you might as well fire them and use that money to hire more coders instead, which would actually benefit the development.
    Please stop your empty-headed white-knighting and start holding Schine accountable for their actions. It'll do them good in the long run.
    Jun 17, 2015
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    Please stop your empty-headed white-knighting and start holding Schine accountable for their actions. It'll do them good in the long run.
    This is the kind of shit that leads to flame wars. I've noticed that the community managers don't waste their time with angry irrational posts. It doesn't matter how right you feel, name calling and insulting people will get you zero. This is an indie game made from love and a vision. I don't think that schine or schema owe anyone anything, aside from a finished game.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    I don't think that schine or schema owe anyone anything, aside from a finished game.
    I paid for the game ages ago, and I don't even honestly feel they owe me a finished game at this point.

    I've gotten more hours of enjoyment out of Starmade already than I have most AAA titles that cost me 5x as much.
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    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Most of us are volunteers. Out of those that do get paid, all except schema are part-time. Everyone in Schine has and is currently doing volunteer work, much like our testers and moderators/administrators. Most of us have other jobs and families to support, spending large chunks of our free time here.

    I appreciate all the hard work my fellow Schine team members do. I couldn't expect anything more, sticking around with us through the highs and the lows. These people are the most dedicated group of individuals I've ever met.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    What does this mean for the current effect modules? Will they be removed and replaced with chamber effects?
    Effect modules will remain as tertiary effects for weapons. Their "passive effect" abilities will be either removed entirely if they're redundant (Ion effect, for instance, as that is equivalent to adding more shield modules and is actually better than more shield modules up until its cap) or they will be replaced with chamber effects.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I'm hoping I get some free time in the next few weeks to test out these new reactors. It's difficult to make judgements about meta until I've gotten my hands in it. It might be okay, or it might have some seriously wonky results.

    Also, the community is pretty bad these days. If you can't state an opinion in a mature and at least vaguely constructive manner, get out. I'm sick of reading your stuff.