Nah the longer it takes the better i hope it takes foreever!I guess everyone is waiting almost eternity for this update to test.

To quote a game company like Blizzard: It is done when it is done.
Nah the longer it takes the better i hope it takes foreever!I guess everyone is waiting almost eternity for this update to test.
Heh, this is why you never even given an estimated time beyond "Soon". People take "We hope to get it in a couple of weeks" as a blood oath sworn over a first born that it will be here in exactly 14 days.It's taken longer then expected. We'll have a dev build you to as soon as possible. yourself a favor, go to starmade/data/config/blockbehaviourconfig.xml and open it up in notepad/wordpad/clariswerks/whatever. use the find/search function, and look for "<cannon>" Then read the scary numbers. Once you scroll a bit up, a bit down from there, you'll see some interesting lines about "reactor power." Particularly interesting is that all weapons systems need (groupsize*15energy)/second to reload, which is only that high while reloading. After it's "loaded" it drops to (groupsize*3)/second to "keep it charged"Yep, trying very hard to get my fighter fonctionning. Not enough power onboard to make all systems fonctionnal. I mean i cannot power a 40 blocks (2x 20) beam weapons...
got 20 power blocks and 5 stabilizers and only 500 power gen. 1 beam alone uses 880 power... 160 damage is somthing i think is "minimal" to break through armor. I need to fly, power the shields, the jammer...
i could do all that with the old power. had 26k regen. Now with 500 regen i feel a bit short.
This, pretty please.disconnect weapon range from sector size, or give us a second number to shrink them uniformly