Community Build Initiative: Cargo Ship


    Official Source of Blame
    Oct 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Community Content - Silver 2

    Hi there! I am Jake Lancia, owner of the Trident Foundries shipbuilding corporation, and I am here to bring you a message:

    We at Trident Foundries challenge YOU to create a new small cargo ship for the masses! This will be a competition, with the entries judged on categories of Aesthetics and Functionality.

    So, the rules for the competition are as follows:
    • Ship entries should be uploaded to Starmade Community Content and linked in this thread.
    • The size of your entries should not exceed 65 blocks in any direction. This includes any docked entities.
    • Your entry has to be functional as a cargo ship, so it needs either internal cargo blocks or a docked cargo crate of some kind.
    • Weapons and turrets are allowed, but not necessary.
    • Interior is strongly encouraged.
    • Other systems are not required. Feel free to leave space for systems, though.
    • No modded blocks.
    • There is a time limit of four (4) weeks after this thread is created to submit your entries; this will be on the 23rd of April at 23:59/11:59pm UTC+1.
    • There is no limit on the amount of entries you can make; each entry will be judged on its own merits.
    • The top entries will be reviewed via video review.
    I will be opening up the Trident’s Corner discord so that contestants and others can discuss the entries, among other things. PM me for the link.

    If this competition goes well, we may consider running others as well.

    Good luck, and have fun!

    Last edited:
    Dec 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 11
    I would like to join the activity, but my ships are 69 to 96-block in length. No such luck.

    *A universal design adopted and outfitting completed:
    5 merchant/tramps with 5-colour
    2 tankers
    1 mail and passenger(Fast passenger vessel)
    1 tug
    1 flight trainer

    Jul 20, 2015
    Reaction score
    A little late to the party, but Started a whole new hull type and have it about halfway shaped out. Will put up some progress pics once I have something to report!
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    Reactions: Jake_Lancia
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I've finished a little ship for the contest here;

    I actually started the build and finished the general shape of the outer hull and first pass at systems and interior Monday, on a whim, before I saw this thread posted. It was going to be a private single-occupant civilian shuttle/cargo craft anyway, so I thought why not enter it. Wasn't happy with the original thruster shape, came up with the bi-layer "vent" ion thrusters last night. Biggest disappointment/gripe is that I couldnt figure out any rail landing gear that I liked that would fit the general hull and not require huge modifications to the underside and cargo space, so it gets plex door landing gear despite having a nice flip-down boarding ramp. Although, I could stand to take another pass at them. Would have to sacrifice cargo space...

    Way under the overall size limitation as 39m L x 37m W x 17m H, 287.9 mass with a 5.0 TMR unloaded. It's FAST.


    Official Source of Blame
    Oct 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Community Content - Silver 2
    I created a ship of my own that fits within the restrictions, based on older Trident aesthetics.
    For obvious reasons, I won't be judging it when the contest ends, but I thought it'd be a great little exercise in building my own stuff for a change; most Trident ships have been built by Plaz since 2013, and my own building (other than interiors) suffered for years.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Thinking Positive
    • Likeable Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    Here's one that would be fun for station docking.

    Type 48 Cargo Transport

    - 4 Detachable cargo pods; retrievable via pickup points (use the alternate cameras).
    - RP-style interior: command, crew quarters, engineering, airlocks. Ladder and staircase lead to lower deck/cargo pods.
    - USD compatible; station-side airlock doors open when ship is docked.
    - Engines power down when docked.
    Transport Gen1A.jpg
    Transport Gen1D.jpg Transport Gen1B.jpg Transport Gen1C.jpg Transport Collector.jpg Transport Docking.jpg