Hi there! I am Jake Lancia, owner of the Trident Foundries shipbuilding corporation, and I am here to bring you a message:
We at Trident Foundries challenge YOU to create a new small cargo ship for the masses! This will be a competition, with the entries judged on categories of Aesthetics and Functionality.
So, the rules for the competition are as follows:
- Ship entries should be uploaded to Starmade Community Content and linked in this thread.
- The size of your entries should not exceed 65 blocks in any direction. This includes any docked entities.
- Your entry has to be functional as a cargo ship, so it needs either internal cargo blocks or a docked cargo crate of some kind.
- Weapons and turrets are allowed, but not necessary.
- Interior is strongly encouraged.
- Other systems are not required. Feel free to leave space for systems, though.
- No modded blocks.
- There is a time limit of four (4) weeks after this thread is created to submit your entries; this will be on the 23rd of April at 23:59/11:59pm UTC+1.
- There is no limit on the amount of entries you can make; each entry will be judged on its own merits.
- The top entries will be reviewed via video review.
If this competition goes well, we may consider running others as well.
Good luck, and have fun!
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