Mining bonus, server block limits and admins are all you have when it comes to setting limits in this game from those who try to push this game to its limit.
Fleet spammers are defeated by admins and server rules, set the rule to 3-5 ships per fleet
Titan builders are defeated by server config block limits and admins
Mining bonus creates abundance, thus building bigger is more achievable. if it was abit more scarce, players will have to defend multiple sectors to hold asteroid spawns.
On craftau we have a guy flying around in 7mil blocks (502k mass) he can pretty much disconnect anyone from the game by jumping on top of them. so we had to set a rule that titans can only be used for duel purposes and away from player bases. we then looked at what size the vast majority use and set 2million blocks the limit (cant be enforced by a config due to tue ceiling being 7mil) for normal ships.