Oh the cheating isnt the concerning thing any more. I know quite a few faction cheated (*cough thryn :p) so that they dont need to mine mind numbingly for 10 hrs and lose a ship in 1 minute of lag and crash.Lynch mobs lynch people though, you'll be right morti
not every name survives being dragged through fields of shit though and thats just the truth
literally his first public response was to acknowledge blackmail docs and his intent to use them unfortunately. the exploits are just some kids cheating on a broken game w/e, many of us are guilty there and many of us grew out of it.
What concerns me is whether some of the doxxing/ whatnot in that google drive eventuated to anything since it drags my mates and myself through the shits. If those retarded plans hasnt been "excecuted" then the mob it shows zoro/ red being a bunch of school children while sitting on their "enemy's" gossip.
If blackmailing and doxxing did occur well then, time to seperate others in Vaygr from the bullshit of the 2 morons so we dont all get carpet banned.