A Vaygr Officer's Testimony against the Vaygr Empire

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    Nov 30, 2015
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    Again, his responses are visible on this thread, check my responses to them for quotes.

    He had his oppurtunity to present his narrative, nobody believed him.
    Yeah, just as reliable as screenshots. Well done on improving your case, brick. how is lamp btw? You two still in love?

    Respond to the points properly, or not at all. I cant stand Zoro, you know that, you arent helping your case any.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    14th amendment covers the doxing that took place because it was between lecic, az and zoro. All of which are in the us. Also, in the united states of america, you can sue someone, and provided you have enough money, can usually win too.
    Pray to god you dont lose tho, that legal fee.


    If the doxxing allegation arent even proven at this point why is this thread even pinned in recruitment.

    This is now ridiculous and based off of the word of a single member and google doc images/ docs with as much credibility as pigs that can fly outside of a game of minecraft.
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    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    One admin pinning this post without before investigating it properly is enough. The doxxing allegations are damaging as is, and I couldnt care less what happens to Red or Zoro over it but since it drags other members of Vaygr, my mates through the mud I will step in to make sure the stuff is at least fair, accurate, and excludes those not responsible.

    What I do care about though is that the evidence of the dox is not made public (obviously it needs to be censored), but this thread is pinned as though it has already happened, and that everything is set in stone.

    I will get a text dox from zoro with his side of the story and give it to you over a PM if you do not mind. At the very least he needs to have a voice in this for it to be remotely fair, especially since the doxxing allegation srent even proven.
    No direct information/proof relating to doxing made is actually public, FROM MY KNOWLEDGE, if it is please let me know. (I havent even looked at the files, this is mostly Admin field stuff)
    Please do stand up if any non involved members get slack for this entire situation, they don't deserve it, I myself cant do much but re alliterate they are not involved as i am not involved in the "shit storm".
    You are welcome to be a voice go between in a privet conversation. Please i welcome it, i'd like for all of this to be sorted soon as possible. (What was publicly stated wasn't helping his case so if his more comfortable talking about this privately, with proof, that would be great)
    Sep 4, 2013
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    No direct information/proof relating to doxing made is actually public, FROM MY KNOWLEDGE, if it is please let me know. (I havent even looked at the files, this is mostly Admin field stuff)
    Please do stand up if any non involved members get slack for this entire situation, they don't deserve it, I myself cant do much but re alliterate they are not involved as i am not involved in the "shit storm".
    You are welcome to be a voice go between in a privet conversation. Please i welcome it, i'd like for all of this to be sorted soon as possible. (What was publicly stated wasn't helping his case so if his more comfortable talking about this privately, with proof, that would be great)

    I have no proof, but the LACK of proof and this thread getting pinned prior to the investigation being completed is ridiculous.

    Indigo Slimez

    Almighty Glorious Overlord
    Feb 13, 2016
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    sadly, this is entirely untrue. not trying to devalue your point, just make it clear what you have said is not a universal truth, and point out you may require a more perfect metaphor to clearly and genuinely pass your point along.
    There is official law from any civilised contry in the know world that states 'being friends with a criminal without having any knowledge that they are a criminal' is a crime
    The actions of vaygr effected people in real life, and indangered someone's legal standing with an NDA threat. These are serious. If the company you sign a NDA for is large enough, you could be in for a life-long sentence and millions of dollars in fees.

    This goes beyond the game itself, and now is outside of any moral justification. Vaygr's leadership have broken international law, and in doing so now risk being sent to prison, over a video game, there is no justification for that.
    im not justifying their actions, im not justifying anything, really. Just stating that the post should have been made about the people involved, rather than exclaiming that 'vaygr has done this (and by the way it was only some of vaygr)'
    I didn't say only IRL. I stated that its also online, its a IRL concept that has been very prominent online since the beginning. I also hate that it's a thing, but again, it can't be helped because it's all based on ones own opinion.

    I'll make this clear, Mods and Admin do not believe that the members of the faction hold any responsibility unless were DIRECTLY involved and knew of the ongoing, which was stated they did not. They are unfortunate to be in such a position and because of that I asked to have the post to be mirrored and posted on factions to make sure people knew what they would be getting into if they chose to join.
    Admin are going through Zoro's accounts to make sure nothing illegal was shared, such as personal information, any and all evidence of this is going to be taken to the authorities.
    There at this point is nothing else happening on SMD relating to this.
    We are happy to have all member stay and enjoy everything as they had been. If there is discrimination or harassment within the forums they can report it and we will do what we can.
    There are factions stated on here that have said they will take them on so they can continue their pvp side of the game. Thus far the community have no ill will and everyone has shown great compassion be it a small few with silly opinions who like to voice their hostility as loud as possible.
    This is pretty much exactly what I said/meant in more detail, I didn't once state that the majority of people were saying these things. A small number of people with loud voices tend to get more attention that the silent majority.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    It was stated whats public isn't EVERYTHING. (hinting)
    But without the evidence in the open this is literally a lynch mob. Simply saying "I have something, but not revealing what it is, but here have this one sided story" is a little bit hard to swallow when other mates I played with are paraded on the forum for target practice.

    Hopefully the results will be made public, thank you for dealing with me when you could have just make me disappear.


    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    But without the evidence in the open this is literally a lynch mob. Simply saying "I have something, but not revealing what it is, but here have this one sided story" is a little bit hard to swallow when other mates I played with are paraded on the forum for target practice.
    Its not up to me whats made public. Also keep in mind that releasing such information is also dangerous as it gives people the information to go find it all. Whats not public isn't public for a reason. Everything posted online stays online.


    Nov 30, 2015
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    There is official law from any civilised contry in the know world that states 'being friends with a criminal without having any knowledge that they are a criminal' is a crime
    exactly. doesnt stop it happening though. tried being a minority of any sort at any point?
    (i include punks, bikers and b-boys or any other culture that may be any form of minority in any human settlement on the world within that question).
    hell, a friend of mine spent 30 days in prison because a guy he USED to know was ACCUSED of a certain act. he was a well respected councillor working with the mental issues of the homeless. didnt stop the police. THAT is what you need to consider with your bad metaphor. just because something is law, does not mean it happens the way it should.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Its not up to me whats made public. Also keep in mind that releasing such information is also dangerous as it gives people the information to go find it all. Whats not public isn't public for a reason. Everything posted online stays online.
    I understand, but if it is possible to censor the private details then at the very least the members deserve to know what happened rather than red, myself and other members playing a game of ping pong, bouncing pointless conjecture around.


    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    I understand, but if it is possible to censor the private details then at the very least the members deserve to know what happened rather than red, myself and other members playing a game of ping pong, bouncing pointless conjecture around.
    Again, isn't public for a reason, there are many people on here with the knowledge and skills to sniff things down.
    Its also not up to me what is and isn't public and shared, again, this is mostly Admin field I don't even have access to any of it i know know what i have been told by admin.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Give me an hour to get home and dig through my imgur archives and I'll have your doxxing proof for you, morti.


    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    Give me an hour to get home and dig through my imgur archives and I'll have your doxxing proof for you, morti.
    Could you also PM them to Crusade, he wants everyones proof and recounts of anything relating.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Give me an hour to get home and dig through my imgur archives and I'll have your doxxing proof for you, morti.
    Okay, thanks.

    As long as I see proof I am happy.

    I will not defend the undefendable. He said to me the doxxing was not done by him, if he lies, well then....

    Issues ahead.

    Could you also PM them to Crusade, he wants everyones proof and recounts of anything relating.
    I reckon he gave everything to crusade already. He is probably giving it to me so that I would shut up :p


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Lynch mobs lynch people though, you'll be right morti
    not every name survives being dragged through fields of shit though and thats just the truth

    literally his first public response was to acknowledge blackmail docs and his intent to use them unfortunately. the exploits are just some kids cheating on a broken game w/e, many of us are guilty there and many of us grew out of it.

    Indigo Slimez

    Almighty Glorious Overlord
    Feb 13, 2016
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    exactly. doesnt stop it happening though. tried being a minority of any sort at any point?
    (i include punks, bikers and b-boys or any other culture that may be any form of minority in any human settlement on the world within that question).
    hell, a friend of mine spent 30 days in prison because a guy he USED to know was ACCUSED of a certain act. he was a well respected councillor working with the mental issues of the homeless. didnt stop the police. THAT is what you need to consider with your bad metaphor. just because something is law, does not mean it happens the way it should.
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