
    1. davejos

      Leviathan Class Freighter 1.0

      Special Notes: This Ship was part of the Small Fleet Competition Shipyard Details Conmine Shipworx established 4016 by founder Dave Jos, the Conmine (Construction & Mining) Shipworx -CMS-, produce High Quality Ships and Ship Systems that excel on task-oriented functionality and design. All...
    2. davejos

      Katakan Class Defender 1.0

      Special Notes: nothing Shipyard Details Conmine Shipworx established 4016 by founder Dave Jos, the Conmine (Construction & Mining) Shipworx -CMS-, produce High Quality Ships and Ship Systems that excel on task-oriented functionality and design. All CMS Ships provide a full range of basic...
    3. davejos

      Erynia Class Interceptor 1.0

      Special Notes: nothing Shipyard Details Conmine Shipworx established 4016 by founder Dave Jos, the Conmine (Construction & Mining) Shipworx -CMS-, produce High Quality Ships and Ship Systems that excel on task-oriented functionality and design. All CMS Ships provide a full range of basic...
    4. davejos

      Baku Class Asteroid Cracker 1.0

      Special Notes: This Ship was part of the Small Fleet Competition Shipyard Details Conmine Shipworx established 4016 by founder Dave Jos, the Conmine (Construction & Mining) Shipworx -CMS-, produce High Quality Ships and Ship Systems that excel on task-oriented functionality and design. All...
    5. davejos

      Baku Class Constructor 1.0

      Special Notes: (Nothing) Shipyard Details Conmine Shipworx established 4016 by founder Dave Jos, the Conmine (Construction & Mining) Shipworx -CMS-, produce High Quality Ships and Ship Systems that excel on task-oriented functionality and design. All CMS Ships provide a full range of basic...
    6. FireG0dz

      Caldari Erosion Destroyer MkII 2016-07-30

      This ship, originally designed by Thadius Faran a reeeeally long time ago, was taken into the hands of Project Talon for a Full Refit. She now has systems updated with the latest technology, and is ready to see combat once again. Credits - Original Hull - Thadius Faran Drones - Crashmaster I...
    7. FireG0dz

      Project Talon (Refitting Older Ships)

      Greetings from Bephinus-Per Shipyards! Today I am introducing Project Talon. The purpose of this project is to take old ships (given to me by you) strip them of their components, and refit it with new technology. I've created 6 Plans for you to choose from, as listed here: Full Refit and...
    8. Nilden

      A-Wing Fighter 2016-07-26

      A-Wing Fighter Length : 16 Width : 15 Height : 8 No Shields Single Pilot Fighter with logic for the cockpit dome. Helps to align with the ship by pressing spacebar to get inside. No gravity on this small fighter. Fast, small, and cheap.
    9. Nilden

      Y-Wing Bomber 2016-07-26

      Y-Wing Bomber Length: 77 Width : 45 Height: 14 Shield 62,888 (recharge 5,692) The Y-Wing Bomber can only shoot one homing missile at a time and has some power failures but we put two missiles on it and a AMS turret on the top. With logic for the cockpit dome and landing gear, this is a hard...
    10. Nilden

      CR90 Corellian Corvette Combat Refit 2016-07-26

      Combat refit of the CR90 Corellian Corvette CR90 corvette v2 All credits to the Original. I did however make some modifications. Shields 200,000 Recharge 30,000 s/sec (from 60k and 800 recharge) Power 1.5M 500,000 e/sec On the bottom middle there is a logic elevator lift with a blast door...
    11. dannsair2

      Enforcer 1.0

      the enforcer is the first ship I feel proud of making so I descried to show it off here!
    12. SpokeN711

      ship damage change explained

      So i had this idea in my im sure to become infamous post yesterday that I DID FIX. But this seemed to me to be the best idea for the moment that could be considered and that is to change the way damage is dealt to blocks in the ship as a whole rather than individual blocks. Repairing ships is...
    13. Beliant

      Azteck_MK1 2016-07-23

      a medium ship made to small distances planet landing, as get out from mothership or space station nearby, can be used in rescue missions and researches too, a small storage, and stop effect! hope you enjoy it!!!
    14. SpokeN711

      This Is My Hello World - Starmade Edition- SUGGESTION AI interactions ship damage, fleet combat etc.

      Ok So......... Simplified to barebone :) GAMEPLAY- seamless transition from micro management screens when leader of a faction, to fast based fight or flight combat as is in the game today. Different styles of gameplay wants i/e faction management (trade/ economy, PR, and the like) and a higher...
    15. Black_Sun

      Jaguar_Class_Frigate 2016-07-20

      After a very long pause I decided to upload some ships I made. This is one of two ships i made a long time ago but did not upload. Both ships are completely revamped and updated with the newest features of starmade. The Jaguar class frigate is designed to be a heavy brawler. Its heavy armor and...
    16. Mci

      Winged Basilisk: Ouroboros 2016-07-16

      We here at MCI United believe that every ship needs not only functionality, but also needs a luxurious counterpart. The shipping industry believed that while TheQueen 's ship was functional and useful, it lacked some of the Pizzaz that made the ship a luxury must-have in shipping fleets. It is...
    17. Investigator 7

      FORCE Class B Support Vessel – Poulomb 1.0 07/2016

      For use in combat, not a deep space/exploration vessel. The secondary support vessel in the FORCE detachment of the larger Ezra faction. Primary function is to repair large ally vessels during or after combat. Please rate. Thank You.
    18. Assassino

      Draconian Superheavy Fighter 1.0

      So then, the next ship to be released for the Draconian Warfleet. This time this ship will be given a class, the class is the Arrow-Head, the reasson for this name is due to its sleek angular form, very useful for in atmosphere combat. Now then, onto the plan for the future ships. The plan is...
    19. A

      ARH Revenant Mk.II

      Heavy Rocket Ionizer 'Revenant' Arming: 4 lasers, 3 rocket guns (1х2pods+2х4pods) for 5 shots of 2 rockets Defence: 1,350к shields, basic armor Flight performance: top speed 180m/s, roll 13,2 s, loop 33,3 s, 360 axis 36,4 s. Mass 11,4к from 102к blocks