
    1. TheDerpGamerX

      CombatCam 1.0.2

      Description: Adds a tracking camera for missiles. To activate, fire a missile, then hold Right Control on your keyboard and the camera will follow the missile until it hits it's target. In the case of multiple missiles being fired, you can press Right Alt to switch between them while holding...
    2. B

      Camera/Display connection

      It's quite simple, Client-side only: Allow to connect a camera to a display. That display will change its screen side texture to render the viewport of the camera, with the lines effect and the text (if any) over it. to not impact performance players can chose the minimum distance from a screen...
    3. AngelSquad

      using a camera as a way to enter a shipcore

      I was fooling around with the BlockConfig file and i changed the camera to <Enterable>true</Enterable>, apparently this allows you to enter the ship like a second core, you can switch into flight mode and build mode, however you cant see any weapons you have installed and even though in build...
    4. Exozen

      Build Mode Camera Entity

      Build Blocks and Ship Cores should have an entity for the Build Mode camera to add Immersion to the game and more importantly, a way to counter Spying. These Cams would have a limited health pool, appear on Nav, be targetable by Turrets, and pass through friendly objects (but not enemy or...
    5. jstenholt

      Flight Mode Camera Suggestion

      In the future, when Starmade is a fledgeling, complete game I would make one suggestion for flight mode's camera: remove it. Plain and simple. All views should be through camera blocks, which will add heaps of immersion and depth to flying and combat. No more holding shift to zoom out behind...
    6. kiddan

      Planned Space Dust Should Be Camera-Relative!

      So, I had a neat idea- Wait... YOU DIDN'T READ THE TITLE!?! :eek: In all seriousness, though. If you're taking mid-motion screenshots of your ships and such, the space dust looks horrid. It would make more sense if the dust spawned around the player's camera location (being affected by...
    7. Shadow2Lead

      Beam, Computer & Camera Direction

      Specific situation: I am attempting to make a ship with beam broadside weapons and assumed I would need to have the beam computer controlling the beam blocks match the camera direction I was using when I controlled the beam. So for firing starboard facing beams, I placed a starboard facing...
    8. Comradecolonel

      Docked Entities and camera blocks

      I was working on my ship and thought up a cool way to put security cameras in the halls and rooms. I made a docked entity that is a core and a bunch of camera blocks. Turns out that docked entities ignore the direction the camera is facing and my idea is a no go. I assume this is a bug but I...
    9. FireG0dz

      Split Screen Cameras and camera displays

      I have an idea that involves cameras. One, there should be a split screen camera view. It's one of the most annoying things when I have to keep switching between cameras to get something done. What I propose is a small button in the lower right corner, by the hot bar, that allows you to split...
    10. FireG0dz

      Read by Council Blinder CPU + Module

      I have an idea that would go along with the current radar jam and cloaked modules. The blinder module would disable all cameras on surrounding hostile ships for a short period of time (based on how many modules are aboard) of course this computer and module would be VERY expensive, and it would...
    11. AJ1AJ1

      Read by Council The Invisible Intangible Camera

      A camera that is invisible and intangible like the pickup rail blocks. This would allow for cameras to be put on the outside of ships in any location without ruining the outside view.
    12. RODLON

      Read by Schine Set FOV per camera, and zoom

      There are situations where different FOV settings are more suitable than others. When in astronout mode you might want a high FOV setting to see around while in a long range combat ship you may want a lower setting to see where are you aiming/shoting from far away. That's just one example. The...
    13. Captainredfox

      Make freelook angles relative to the ship

      When pressing right shift to go into freelook, the camera angles are relative to the world. They should be relative to the ship's angles. I'm not good at explaining, so have some gifs: What it is now: What it should be:
    14. MewKay15

      A few things that can make gameplay more enjoyable

      These things may have been brought up before and maybe being implemented soon anyway, I just wanted to go over a few things I would look forward to. These are just things that would change the gameplay. From what I really want to see in game to what may be nice to add. 1. Virtual Horizon I know...