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    1. Meedean

      Ship Size vs. Turning Speed

      +1 This will make it a whole more tactical than it is now.
    2. Meedean

      Boarding improvement

      Add to this the ability to hack into the different modules and voila :)
    3. Meedean

      Wedge PlexDoor Block

      It would be nice to have a wedge block that acts as a PlexDoor. This would be very useful for angled ramp hatches.
    4. Meedean

      Navigator: Save coordinates as bookmark

      It would be nice to have a way to save a set of coordinates as a bookmark, or a history file for future reference. For instance when you've found that juicy asteroid while flying on your figther and want to come back to it on your salvager.
    5. Meedean

      Single Block Hatch?

      Yes! Either of these would work fine. Thx for the input/feedback
    6. Meedean

      Improvements for Build Mode

      +1 Undo would be awesome to have.
    7. Meedean

      Super Flat Block

      Yeah, you got it! :)
    8. Meedean

      Super Flat Block

      How about a super-flat block, just for aesthetics. It can have a lower value hull mass/hp, but it's a nice way to cover up all those engines/shields/thursters that peek out there and again... :)
    9. Meedean

      impossible to dock

      +1 I have the same problem. The docking area requirements are inpractical in the current build. Please fix. Thanks.
    10. Meedean

      Dissapearing Blocks When Deconstructing

      I have been able to repeat this bug (assuming it's not a feature) every time. When deconstructing a structure you've built, regardless of the block being removed, there is an odd chance that the block will not go back to your inventory, and thus completely dissapears. This is not so bad if...
    11. Meedean

      Single Block Hatch?

      Hello Starmade Devs, Great game you have here. Kudos on a job well done. Can you make it so your astronaut/spaceguy can fit through a single block? Additionally, a way to roll our bodies while floating through space would be awesome! Thanks for listening.
    12. Meedean

      How to Change Direction Of Docked Ship

      Plus ONE! I was going crazy looking for this option and refused to believe it\'s not possible, given all the flexibility this game has already. Sadly though, as indicated in this thread this is not currently an option, but I for one among the others who have posted here would love to see this...