Boarding improvement


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    So, one day, I was assulting a ship of considerable size, and, as I was doing so, I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it just be gee-golly-whiz swell if we could have boarding craft and a means to destroy a ship manually?"

    Then I realized, this game is still in alpha. But, before I got shot out of the sky, I saw a hole I had made, and I thought, "it'd be great if I could get in there." So, I came to the conclusion- We need better boarding craft!

    Phase 1- Portable explosives- can be placed anywhere, and detonated by a handheld device linked to it. (Does not ignore shields, but will still do damage to shields if they are up.)

    Phase 2- Boarding clamps- attach to blocks on enemy ship, and stay there until destroyed.

    Phase 3- More advanced weapons to repel boarders, *

    Phase 4- Personal gravity or less laggy in-ship movement*

    This would allow for more strategic and cooperative gameplay, and would give large factions the ability to capture others' ships, without ripping them to shreds.

    *has already probably been posted
    Sep 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Add to this the ability to hack into the different modules and voila :)


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    There\'s definitely plans along these lines in the future, probably during beta when Schema and friends are dumping lots of new content into the game and balancing things. Don\'t forget that Schema has said that modding will be an integral part of the game, so any features a good modder will want will be there as well.
    Sep 3, 2013
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    My formula for quick portible bomb. you need:

    1. A ship core

    2. a disintegration block

    activate a core. enter it in build mode and place the disintigrater on the front. goto flight mode and start some slight acceleration. exit the core and let the ship glide into the enemy hull and BOOM!

    as for crew invasion. the only thing atm preventing it is lack of localized gravity. that doesn\'t stop you from covertly invading stationary ships though :)

    And honestly I\'m not too keen on the idea overall. ship v ship combat is an interesting enough dynamic as it is. any attempt to otherwise make pvp about something other than ship vs ship would kinda detract from the overall gameplay imo. crew raiding just sounds like a cheap ploy to acquire resources you didn\'t work to obtain :)
    Aug 15, 2013
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    I would suggest to implement an gravity boarding weapon which applies the ship gravitation for you and teleports you to the targeted block (like a grappling hook)