Single Block Hatch?

    Sep 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello Starmade Devs,

    Great game you have here. Kudos on a job well done.

    Can you make it so your astronaut/spaceguy can fit through a single block?

    Additionally, a way to roll our bodies while floating through space would be awesome!

    Thanks for listening.
    Aug 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
    • Top Forum Contributor
    If your hatch is in the floor/ship cockpit and you are having trouble aligning yourself you can use my method. I keep a gravity block in my inventory at all times, I throw it down. activate it then pick it back up. I can then easily jump into a 1 meter hatch. This is how I get into all my small fighters when they are rolled out of alignment.

    Currently you can align yourself to a ship by pressing space bar, this however doesn\'t alter your hitbox so you still cannot enter small hatches. The simplest solution would be to make the auto astronaught also align the hitbox.
    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    like often seen in other games. Well, those games are way more complex and has million-dollar titles, but ideas are free.

    I\'m sure everyone\'s seen Mercer automatically vault over small objects in Prototype, just because the program noticed you\'re heading that way, and that object will block your path.

    Or like in Tomb Raider, where Lara keeps changing between movement modes depending on where she is. (crouching down in tunnels, shuffling in narrow gaps, etc.)

    Of course something so complex would be next to impossible, but something way simpler will do fine.

    Imagine this;

    Your grotesque little monitor-headed freak of a character is floating in its usual ragdoll style towards a wall of blocks, that has a single 1x1 hole in it. You\'ll hit the wall and stop, as usual. Still holding down the movement key, you hit an action button, and the code runs a short check;

    -I want to go that way.

    -Is there an empty space beyond the wall in that direction?

    -Is there at least a 1x1 opening near me?

    If the returns are positive, Blue will float to the opening, turn, and push through.
    Sep 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Yes! Either of these would work fine. Thx for the input/feedback