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    1. Lecic

      Arstotzkan Federation

      Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
    2. Lecic

      Stabilizer Poll

      I've seen some people disagreeing with the ratings numbers of the multitude of posts and suggestions calling for stabilizers to be removed or rebalanced. They think the lack of anonymity in ratings has driven some people to not vote or to give ratings they would not otherwise give. And to some...
    3. Lecic

      Remove Stabilizers

      Stabilizers are an unnecessary mechanic that only exists to force empty space in ships, something that would be much better suited for interior requiring crew. The power system can function perfectly fine without them, and they add nothing positive to the game. They encourage people to build...
    4. Lecic

      A Solution To Flying Spaghetti Monsters

      For those not aware, the current meta, in both power 1.0 and power 2.0, is kilometer wide ships made of "spaghetti strands" of power reactors or conduits with the rest of the systems spread widely in small segments, the majority of the ship's volume being composed of vacuum. Here's my proposal...
    5. Lecic

      Bring Back Weekly/Bi-Weekly Dev Blogs

      Anyone else miss the frequent dev blogs? I feel like Schine cut it short just because of a few whiners who didn't read and understand that new progress was being talked about. I have heard reasons from Schine stating that there "wasn't enough" being added to justify doing the blogs so...
    6. Lecic

      Community Content Reviews Suck

      There are some major problems with the CC reviews section that I would like to see addressed. 1. Content owners can whine and get almost any negative review removed for being "unconstructive." This is a major problem with CC reviews. Why are content owners allowed to get nearly any negative...
    7. Lecic

      Crew as a way to limit turret/drone spam, encourage warfare, and induce maintenance costs

      I have been doing some brainstorming on how crew could halt a growing meta which I believe is harmful for the game, while also encouraging warfare and expansion between factions without allowing factions to grow too rapidly. This suggestion has three main pillars. 1. Every Ship Needs A Pilot...
    8. Lecic


      I have made this thread before in the past. I have messaged developers about this multiple times. I wish I did not need to keep bringing this up. Docked hull needs to be fixed. THE PROBLEMS 1) Ignores momentum effects. 2) Allows simultaneous armor + shield tanking. THE SOLUTIONS 1) Ignores...
    9. Lecic

      Better Asteroid-Resource Matches

      Simply put, I think it would be a lot nicer if both resource colors on each asteroid were the same color instead of mismatched. A lot of them ARE matched already, which makes this choice all the more annoying. The current pattern. My proposed pattern.
    10. Lecic

      Bug Random Log Outs?

      I've been noticing recently that I am randomly being logged out during normal forum use. I'll be going through recent posts on threads I'm following, go to rate one, and get hit with a "YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN TO PERFORM THIS ACTION" error, despite having logged in a mere 5 minutes ago. It seems...
    11. Lecic

      Whatever happened to occlusion culling?

      We had it for a few updates, it broke and was disabled, and then it never came back. What happened?
    12. Lecic

      Some Final Words on the Power Thread

      Since the devs apparently felt it was fit to close a thread to responses before people could properly respond to their final points, I have been forced to make a new thread to drop the responses I spent far too much time on to just throw away. " Another day, another 5 pages to respond to...
    13. Lecic

      Multiple Invincible Stations

      This suggestion is assuming that an inverted FP config becomes the default in the future. This is running somewhat counter to what many people have suggested. I think people should be able to protect multiple stations with HB protection, at the cost of faction points. This is to encourage...
    14. Lecic

      Shootout Rail Speed Config Option?

      Is this a config option? I have not been able to find it. Can we please have a way to change the speed at which things are shot out by shoot out rails? We were originally told this would be coming within the next update or two after they were added, but it never happened.
    15. Lecic

      Read by Schine Give Consoles A Wedge Hitbox So We Can Sit At Them

      Decorative consoles are great. They just have one slight problem. Unlike wedges, you cannot sit at them, because they have the same hitbox as a full block. Until we get custom hitboxes for blocks with LOD, can I recommend giving consoles the same hitbox as a wedge so we can sit at them?
    16. Lecic

      RIP Wiki ;-;7
    17. Lecic

      Suggestion Get rid of the post speed limit in chat.

      There's no reason for it to even exist. All it does it get in the way when people are trying to communicate.
    18. Lecic

      Fleet AI is atrocious.

      Seriously. The fleet AI is somehow even worse that the normal flavor of AI. It moves the wrong way when you give it orders, it has trouble changing orders, and mining just flat out does not work.
    19. Lecic

      Missile HP in the configs for the newest release!

      Well, I'm sure you're asking if it works! The answer? Here's what happened when I set it to 100 and let a 1 C/C + 4 C/M flak PD turret loose on a missile (missile speed set to .001 for ease of testing).
    20. Lecic

      Weapon Tiers, A-F

      Agree with these? Disagree with these? Not enough tiers? Did I miss anything? Discuss.