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      Dev Blog : December 6th

      Yeah. This could be excellent. Now, I haven't yet taken a look at how this is configured, but Schine should definitely think about having custom factions be able to be confined to a single folder within the factions folder, so they can have custom configs for them specifically, with subfolders...
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      Logic Parser Block

      This definitely needs to happen at some point!
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      StarMade Development Direction

      I for one would be most pleased to hear another 'state-of-the-starmade' type dev blog that gives us a re-outline of whats coming with fresh timetables. Nothing ever goes as planned, everyone knows that. But having an idea of a direction we're heading in is very nice indeed.
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      Read by Council Cosmetic Logic Pipes

      You missed the part where this is optional - not a replacement at all. Just something to path the little glowing beams through in case you wanted to. Probably not a big issue in general for smaller ships anyway.
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      Ammunition as an Addition

      I personally love the idea of Ammo vs Energy weapons, and think that a distinction SHOULD exist between them... Also I like the idea of replacing the effect modules with different ammo types.. Ion bullets for shields, Penetrating Rounds, Homing Missiles, you get the idea.. But as much as I do...
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      Dev Blog : September 24th 2015

      Woo! Excited for this! Starmade is already incredibly engaging as far as ship building is concerned - combat is still semi clunky but its getting better, no doubt! An improved pirate / bobby AI system would probably change all that.. But man, does Starmade need some kind of survival / RP...
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      Starmade v0.194 - Shipyards

      Aaaaaah all the freaking out while we wait for this to actually enter our lives! :schema:
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      Starmade v0.194 - Shipyards

      Yep! But, this is an update I have been itching to get at for a long time now, so I ain't even mad :P Just anxious! Go server admins, go!
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      Starmade v0.194 - Shipyards

      I am most definitely itching to give this a serious go... Ugh been waiting for shipyards for forever and a day :) So ready! But alas, I will probably have to wait a day or so for servers and such to catch up, which is worth it I suppose :)
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      Dev Blog : August 9th 2015

      Death Respawn on ships is a must now! Battlestar Galactica base-ship dreams are nearing possibility... After that, we need the ability to use factories on ships. This is a must! Though I'd wager there's already an option to allow it, eh?
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      Make drop-down AI menu work again

      ...ooorrr a way to use wireless logic blocks to activate Bobby AI! Plz and thank you! Though this would be an acceptable interrim!
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      Recognized Regarding turrets (logic control)

      Bump for simply a logic block connected to a Bobby AI activates / deactivates the turret. Use wireless modules and inner ship remotes... win.
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      Rails: Fantastic! What's missing? SOUNDS!

      Here's my little toying with rails, and its tons of fun but yeah, you can tell especially from the actually ride that its kinda anticlimactic, you just sit there until you get there.. lol Don't get me wrong though, fun to use/build, no doubt ;) Starmade Rails Preview - Elevator proof of concept:
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      Rails: Fantastic! What's missing? SOUNDS!

      Okay so I'll be totally honest, first and foremost: Rails are amazing. Like, better than fabulous, better than I imagined, and I am ecstatic for what I can do with them! (I've made some seriously cool proof of concept transit systems already, so BAMF!) But the fact remains that there is one...
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      Doomsiders and Titansmashers Starmade Daemon (DTSD)

      Hopefully this project is not abandoned? I have been trying to get it to work but having some issues.. I posted in the issues section on github, as per requested..
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      Newly-spawned players should spawn with more items

      In my opinion, it would be better to allow servers a way to config giving players a completed (filled) blueprint they could choose to spawn right away instead of giving them more raw blocks. This would be much for friendly to new players as it does solve the issue of having an awful ship, and...
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      Am I the only one who can't find these new stations?

      Anyone else having this issue? I've done a full reinstall too, and still only finding old stations as described above by others.. HALP!
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      Star-Made Modding API?

      Hello bspkrs! Nice to see you around here :) Long time Minecrafter, Server Admin/Owner, and modpack maker here :) I never play without your ArmorStatusHUD amd StatusEffectHUD mods, so you are most welcome here!
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      What do you think of the planned galaxies?

      YEAH! This times a thousand or more! It would be fabulous to replace the procedural background with the 'galaxy map' background which shows galaxies at a distance, this would make it easier to navigate in game too without the map because (as long as distant galaxies looked different based on...
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      Warp Gates should allow Astronauts to warp

      The way gates work currently it doesn't put you right on the gate on the other side, this is likely to avoid potential collisions. I don't think this should be changed, but for man-gates we need it to be.. So, how about potentially a different computer / module altogether for man-gates that are...