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    1. M

      Support Platform Ship

      A little project I'm working on here. The idea is to create a nice looking automated salvager with some additional support capabilities. Audio quality is a bit subpar due to a move. Let me know if you're having trouble hearing it. I am also looking to name this class of vessel. If you have a...
    2. M

      -M- Vortigern

      The latest addition in my long running attempts to make a decent looking green ship. I am happy to present the Vortigern! A heavy attack corvette designed to hunt down and destroy faster and more agile vessels while still giving larger vessels a run for their money. Download Link -M- Vortigern...
    3. M

      General EMP Questions

      I've been considering using EMP weapons for a while now, but still have a few logistical questions. 1. Is there a current "meta" for EMP weapons? Are they viable in PvP? PvE? 1b. are EMP weapons more effective on a turret or the main ship? 2. What is a most effective setup, an alpha weapon or...
    4. M

      MooseMade Data Suite

      MooseMade Data Suite No longer must you leave your top secret plans out for a rival faction to see! Now store your top secret plans in a safe and convenient way with the MooseMade Data Suite! Simply copy and paste into your station or ship and add a core with a docker on the rail located behind...
    5. M

      Logic Gatling gun vs Cannon/cannon

      Hey folks. I've been thinking about making a logic controlled Gatling gun using delay blocks to fire one shot after another. Or perhaps to alternate shots. Has anyone done any experiments on this? How does it hold up against a single cannon/cannon?
    6. M

      Large ship stats query

      I'm jumping back into starmade after about a year of absence and I'm trying to build a ship larger than most things I have build this far, somewhere between 100 to 200 meters long**. Being on a server with pvp I would like this ship to be competitive. So my question is, what are the stats of...
    7. M

      Has Armor been Buffed?

      Hey guys I've been away for the last few versions. I've noticed a couple of changes with armor and I just have a few questions before I delve into ship making again. 1. Are Shields still way better than armor? 2. Is armor actually useful now? 3. Is having 2-4 layers of adv hull on the front...
    8. M

      A Few Missile Changes

      Dumb missiles should be immune to point defense. They're tough enough to aim already and outmatched by every missile in the game. Might as well give them some sort of boost Missile/Cannon should be more powerful at 100%, currently the missile blocks do 1 damage each at 100%, on top of that...
    9. M

      Turret Design Advice?

      Long story short, every time I build turrets, they seem to get vaporized by missiles. Any general turret suggestions to make them a bit more durable? Should I even bother with small turrets and just have giant turrets on my ships? Also what's some good weapon combinations on turrets? Anything...
    10. M

      Advanced Fight Mode

      One of the biggest problems that I've noticed is that there's no way to tell if that single AMC shot coming towards you will do ten damage or ten thousand. On top of that we don't know if that shot will glance off your armor or punch from bow to stern. This also makes putting situational...
    11. M

      Share your Chairs!

      Now that we can officially sit (press 'o') I thought it would be appropriate to gather up some comfy chair pics! So post your iron thrones! Your Captain's chairs! Your seated swivel machines!
    12. M

      Burst-Shot slave effect

      Just spitballing an idea here. What if there was a weapon slave that made the master shoot in bursts, not a shotgun burst like missiles but a chaingun sort of burst one shot after another in quick succession. The slave would divide the damage done evenly over the amount of shots. The slave will...
    13. M

      Ditch the Minelayer

      ASSUMPTION : Mines are going to be a zero speed missile. You deploy them, they stand still, and the enemy runs into them. I assume the mines will have the same size/hitbox as a missile shot. UNKNOWNS : Additional weapon affects, and the lifespan of a mine. ----- The Minelayer is a weapon...
    14. M

      Pierce/Punch Difference

      Hello Community, Quick question; what is the difference between pierce and punch effects? I tried searching for an answer but apparently the effect was changed at some point and I can't get a solid answer. I've done some testing myself with a 300 damage cannon with 100% efficiency and couldn't...
    15. M

      Suggestion for Planned Beam Weapons

      Reference : ASSUMPTION I am assuming that beams will act as they do now. A constant beam of damage with 100% accuracy and instant travel. No reloads or travel times. I am also assuming that beams will have the same (or similiar) DPS as AMC...
    16. M

      Realistic Graphics Feedback

      I'm using the Dev build for my ships now, and I'm really liking the new 'realistic' graphics. That said I do have some feedback on them. While I am aware that Schema didn't make the graphics, I am not aware of who did, so this seems like the best place to put it. If someone could refer to me the...
    17. M

      New Faction Modules

      After messing around with faction blocks for a while, I've been jumbling around a few ideas which would be nice to see in the game. I've read a number of previous suggestions, and took that into account when developing my own ideas. Bargain Faction Block Firstly, one of the problems with...
    18. M

      How useful is range on AMCs?

      Whenever I'm tinkering with the weapon specifics, I tend to turn Range down to 5-10% in favor of faster reload rates and damage. My thinking is that after a certain point, you can't see the ship let alone aim and predict reliably. Even with 5-10% decent sized cannons leave the default render...
    19. M

      Moose Shipyards

      Welcome to Moose! Hello I'm Moose CEO of Moose Spaceyard Are tired of all those other evil corperations flushing you out in space? We here at Moose are a new kind of evil corperation, we know that the less people around, means less money for us! And the IRS and other bribable officials don't...