New Faction Modules

    Nov 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    After messing around with faction blocks for a while, I've been jumbling around a few ideas which would be nice to see in the game. I've read a number of previous suggestions, and took that into account when developing my own ideas.

    Bargain Faction Block

    Firstly, one of the problems with faction blocks is that they are very expensive. Many times this makes turrets and fighters quadruple in price. I understand that the block has a lot of health and is very durable, thus it should still exist for capital ships and stations. However, a new faction block, a 'Bargain Faction Block' which costs much less, but lacks the armor and health of the more expensive one, would be more useable on turrets or small fighters without making them cost an arm and a leg.

    Faction Rank Block
    Secondly, a new block called a 'Faction Rank Block' this is a station only block which can be linked to plex doors, storage chests, docking bays, turret docking ports, weapon consoles and the like. With this block you can select a rank(s) of the faction that owns the station, then the linked blocks can only be used and placed by people of that rank. This also means that people who are not that rank cannot place these blocks on the station. This allows for a multitude of uses. Only one Faction Rank Block may be placed on the station at a time. Anyone can modify/remove/destroy the block (to prevent complete lockout), so it is important to keep it protected.

    *Blocking off the station's faction/build block to high level personal

    *Private Bays

    *Personel quarters divided by rank

    *Personal storage bays

    *Restricting who can move or access turrets.

    *Preventing infiltrated spies from tampering with the base defenses by restricting access to essential areas and turrets.

    Faction Permission Block (addition)

    Allow the Faction Permission Block to be linked to plex doors, chests, etc to allow public access of such items.

    Give it an 'on' and 'off' switch somehow to prevent people from docking whenever they want, or an option to restrict it to a specific player entered into the station's system.

    Timed PlexDoor Closing Module

    Not faction related, but along the same lines as Faction Security. Basically it's a simple block that can be linked to plex doors. If the door is open for ____ seconds the module will automatically shut the plex door. This can also be added to ships. Also, because we all want star trek doors.

    That's all for now, feel free to chime in, I would like to see what input the community has!
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    I really like the last three ideas since it will allow factions to be more in depth with ranking systems. I hope to see theses added!