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    1. Lozdy

      Lozdy's Shipyard

      Hey guys. Long time since last time I hung around here. I wanna show two special ship I quit working on (1st one march 2015 and 2nd one was october 2015). My old pc died so I quit playing for a while until now. I will be honest about both ships or shells if you'd like to call them. I have such...
    2. Lozdy

      Starmade registry not connecting to steam

      Hello. I am having troubles with connecting my account to steam. It's a limited account. So I press " main menu " on the starmade registry and proceed clicking on steam link. I then press "Authenticate with steam" and log in with my steam account. Now I am...
    3. Lozdy

      Rails and Plexdoors

      Question: Since rails can be used as doors, will plexdoors be forgotten eventually? I see no purpose of plexdoors after the latest patch.
    4. Lozdy

      Character behind or in a ship

      So I just thought randomly about this when I was looking at my ship: Say if you get overwhelmed by players in your big ship and you realise that your big ship is lost. Lets exit the core/commandchair, put the helmet on and run down to the lifeboats, a fighter or a shuttle of some sort but while...
    5. Lozdy

      Implemented A new block (Decoration)

      I came to think of a new block just for appearance and to make interior look better. Simply a block with a fan on each side of it with a spinning animation. Just to make things look more alive inside a ship or a station. Sorry if this has been suggested before.
    6. Lozdy

      WIndows + lights

      I got an idea while looking at my ship. Its short and simple! I want light to make my ship look active/alive so therefore I have to use yellow/white light boxes to do so but you cannot look through them sadly Q.Q Wouldn't it be cool if you were outside your ship you would see the yellow...
    7. Lozdy

      Ship size classification

      So I was thinking about the ship sizes about when you should call it a battleship, titan or a corvette. The ship classification should be dependent on how slow it moves. A ship with for an example y 5 | x 5 | z 5 could be a fighter and for an example y 1.1 x 1.1 z 1.1 could be a battlecruiser...
    8. Lozdy

      Weapons pointing towards

      I would like to see a big ship acctualy having guns pointing to the right or left instead of having them pointing forwards. Cause it is the fighter style to have frontmounted weapons and not a battleships job. Ofcourse are there some battleships with frontmounted weapons but it is just a thing...
    9. Lozdy

      Weird bug, messed up my ship

      Hello, I am sitting here with no clue what happend and here is how I can explain it. Logged on, waiting for everything to load, then I notice some strange things. Big chunks of the ship is deleted, random blocks(everything from ores and mineral thingys to docking items) placed in stacks all...
    10. Lozdy

      Blocks changing into other blocks

      Okay, so this has happend twice to me. I had 130000 power storage blocks. Now they're hardned gray hull out of nowhere. Other was shield blocks that changed into the slope gray hull. Not a big problem as I play on my own server with infinite materials, just to let you guys know.
    11. Lozdy

      Antimatter Cannons hitting ships own turrets

      First of all, not sure if this works as intended but it is annoying cause it limits your creativity! I got turrets on the middle of my ship, but when I try to shoot with the cannons I keep hitting my own turrets and destroys them. When you can shoot through the rest of your ship, why not the...