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    1. RedDwarfIV

      What is going on with the forum?

      Something messed it up badly. I can't see the main board, and things keep changing.
    2. RedDwarfIV

      Bug Mirrored textures (computers)

      I was fitting my scoutship with computers, when I noticed that the front faces of them were mirrored. I tried turning them around 180*, and that put the texture the right way round. This wasn't a fix though, turning it again mirrored it again. This is not a problem with which way the core is...
    3. RedDwarfIV

      Buying stations

      If this has been posted before, I couldn't find it with the Forum Search or Google. The idea is pretty simple. Some way of purchasing stations in-game. Basically, I'd like to be able to create a massive stargate homebase station on my private server, then buy it into existence on a public...
    4. RedDwarfIV

      Earth Authority [Flotilla 27]

      Most of our fleet is currently undergoing refits with the new weapons we bought off the trading guild! Whilst this has slowed out fleet's expansion somewhat, we've still found the time, materials and the everlasting love to build the attack version of one of our classics! Canada class Attack...
    5. RedDwarfIV


      Post images of your ships having awesome fights here. This is EAMS Pteranodon fighting against three waves of pirates simultaneously, as I tested its new updated turrets' capabilities. Many CIWS turrets died to bring us this information.
    6. RedDwarfIV

      Obsolete ships

      Earlier today I decided that I needed to finish my Vesta class battlecarriers after several months not playing Starmade. On my return, I was surprised to discover that half my Siberia missile cruiser's weapons were telling me they were going to be removed in the next update and wouldn't lock-on...
    7. RedDwarfIV

      Summat I drew as fanart for a webcomic.

      Drew this for the "Concept Fanart of Future Terran Ship Designs" thread on the Outsider webcomic's forum.
    8. RedDwarfIV

      Turrets vs turrets

      At the moment, a turret will not fire at another turret unless it is fired on first. I have problems with this, which were made clear when I used /Initiate_wave to simulate pirate attacks on my faction base. My fleet of AI spacecraft quickly dispatched the pirate fleets I sent their way... but...
    9. RedDwarfIV

      Earth Authority Flotilla 27

      Hi! Recently, whilst running from a cosmic horror, our fleet attempted a dimension jump. Unfortunately, reality hurricanes do wierd things to DJDs, and instead of reaching Hyperspace, we kind of ended up here. We're still not sure where TGS48-535 went, and all our Dimension Jump Drives have...
    10. RedDwarfIV

      Camera shakes near larger ship

      (This affects both ships and attempted turrets) Earlier today I decided to start fitting turrets to my battlecruiser. I noticed that, once getting the turret near the ship, the camera started to shake wildly in the way it does when you are about to collide with the wrong side of a planet...
    11. RedDwarfIV

      Ceres class 'EAMS Aegis'

      I'm working on a webcomic and one of the spacecraft from it is the Earth Military Ceres class battlecruiser. My first attempt at building this failed when Starmade killed my character for no reason and the ship disappeared from existence. This was as far as I got with that: Anyway, so after...
    12. RedDwarfIV

      Unexplained loss of save.

      I was building a battlecruiser-sized spacecraft [it was 2000 mass last time I checked] on a private server, then looked away from my desktop to read a webpage on my laptop. By the time I looked back to me desktop, it had for some reason come up with the start menu screen. I thought 'wierd, but...