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    1. Rabblerouser

      Lower symmetry indicator opacity (or give the option to)

      This is something I've noticed a lot during my building, whenever I have two separate symmetries going on, they kinda blot out the actual thing that I'm building. In a building game this doesn't really make much sense. You should be able to see where the symmetry is, but the current opacity...
    2. Rabblerouser

      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      I\'m seeing two sides. \"A small ship shouldn\'t be able to take out a big ship.\" A very valid point, but the counter point is also true: \"A big ship should not be practically invincible.\" Personally, I\'m siding with what schema\'s done. While not perfectly balanced, at least it\'s a step...
    3. Rabblerouser

      A Starmade minigame! [mini-game name pending...]!

      This.. that\'s a stroke of genius
    4. Rabblerouser

      Fix blueprint spammers

      I guess that makes sense. Don\'t autoban/kick just in case the detection is off.
    5. Rabblerouser

      Fix blueprint spammers

      The fact that it can tell when you\'re cheating tells me this new feature could\'ve been further built upon, perhaps auto-kicking users that do that. Why it only just sends a message, I haven\'t the faintest clue. :(
    6. Rabblerouser

      Fix blueprint spammers

      Definitely gets my support. Some user named something like hanako was in NASS and I kept on and kept on seeing the error message. It was like split seconds between the message. I thought the reason was that I was trying to see if my ship could fit in a hole in another ship. >>
    7. Rabblerouser

      Astro Technobeam

      I kinda like this. Perhaps have it so when they\'re in groups, they have a bigger splash area. I definitely don\'t like having it heal all over the ship slowly. I like having to have SOME accuracy and not noobly just hitting anywhere on the ship It would sorta help with these people that...
    8. Rabblerouser

      Have an option to have reallocation of weapon points (speed, distance, etc.) affect ALL weapons conn

      I have a ship with a LOT of cannon 'rods'. I won't want to have to muddle with every single one if I want to change the stats on them. I feel this is a fairly straightforward request. Not much else to elaborate on, though feel free to comment if there is.
    9. Rabblerouser

      Plex storage and its importance in the economy.

      I\'m not so sure. I want to agree, but I\'d like to know how this would affect people starting out on the game first.
    10. Rabblerouser

      The suggestions forum seems to have gone downhill.

      Yogscast should\'ve never happened. Scott Manley should\'ve only happened. :( Seriously, though, a notice should be put up into the suggestion forum saying \"KEEP IN MIND, THIS IS AN EARLY ALPHA.\"
    11. Rabblerouser

      How do you class ships? (Corvette, Frigate, Cruiser, etc.)

      In NASS, I was hearing it was based off mass.
    12. Rabblerouser

      [This "Easter Egg" everyone's talking about...]

      I\'ve seen the hanging light in a shop on NASS, OP.
    13. Rabblerouser

      How do you class ships? (Corvette, Frigate, Cruiser, etc.)

      I'm just curious. What's a generally accepted guide to classifying ships? I'm told mine's a Corvette. :P
    14. Rabblerouser

      Have an option for servers to disable skins

      It seems EVERY TIME the server I'm in crashes, I return to some vanity-obsessed idiot uploading a skin.
    15. Rabblerouser

      Bug reporter stops at "Sending Report"

      I want to help squash bugs, but it seems the bug reporter is broken. Help?
    16. Rabblerouser

      Hello, awesome people!

      I came here from Scott Manley, a Kerbal Space Program YouTuber and EVE player. I saw voxel + space and.. I simply had to play. I have to say it's.. a rough start for me so far. I get the hang of the game, but the crashing's.. rampant. Hope to help you squash some bugs, though! What can I say...
    17. Rabblerouser

      Can't seem to send bug reports

      It gets to the point where it's sending it, but then just stops.. forever. It's like it zips it, but then derps when it should be sending.
    18. Rabblerouser

      3-minute timeout is TOO LONG

      I crashed, and now I can't seem to get into a server for going on 12 minutes now. Iffy timing issues aside, even 3 minutes is too long. In that time, somene could've hijacked the ship I've put an hour of work into. PLEASE shorten the timeout length to something more sane. Safe to say somewhere...
    19. Rabblerouser

      How to change your skin?

      At this point, I\'d just DON\'T use skins. SOmeone named Ashash joined a server I was on.. a 14kb skin. 14 KILOBYTES. Small, but it was enough to freeze the entire server.