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    1. Daniel L.

      Read by Schine Intergalactic wormholes, And player spawn relocation.

      Give every galaxy a massive wormhole that leads to another galaxy, It would be placed at the center of the galaxy. The wormholes would require players to fly directly into them rather than get sucked in, Meaning a faction could construct defenses around a wormhole to destroy any invaders...
    2. Daniel L.

      Read by Council Objects tinted by skybox.

      It would be interesting if the skybox would tint all objects within the system to whatever color the skybox is.
    3. Daniel L.

      Recognized Schine Server

      Starmade is dominated by hundreds of cheap low-power servers that few people use with the exception of a few servers that are so bursting with players that they are lagged to oblivion. I think schine should start a superserver more powerful than any other server and capable of holding all the...
    4. Daniel L.

      Implemented Maximum Mass limit.

      Gigantism needs to STOP! Too many players and factions going around in server cracking titans! Nothing can fight them toe to toe but another titan and thus building more is further encouraged! Rant is over now dont worry, What im suggesting is a maximum stable mass limit on ships, If you build...
    5. Daniel L.

      Read by Council Unique Skybox color for each galaxy

      Currently every system has its own colors which share little to no similarity with those of the adjacent systems, Nor are the transitions very smooth either. I propose that every galaxy when being generated randomly chooses a small set of colors and uses them for its systems, The separate...
    6. Daniel L.

      Recognized Premade Turrets

      I personally am terrible at designing weapon systems, Especially turrets, And there are probably more out there like me in this problem, I think the next patch to the game should come with a few turret blueprints for player use.
    7. Daniel L.

      Read by Schine Changes for planets

      CUBE SHAPE: Schema already tried cube shaped planets and decided they wouldnt work because they looked like this: Notice that there are no edges and corners to the planet making it look ugly, This could be fixed by adding Wedges, Corners, Heptas, And Tetras as well as slabs and diagonal gravity...
    8. Daniel L.

      Inherit weapons from docks

      Just what i said on the tin, I think that weapons should be usable as a separate docked entity that can be moved and replaced easily.
    9. Daniel L.

      Rejected large percentage of structure values to compose of compose of computers.

      it makes sense to me that starmade should have a critical hits system so that upon the destruction of a computer it will either detract a large percentage of structure value or even explode destroying everything around it and killing anyone near it, this would prove fatal for fighters by making...
    10. Daniel L.

      Core movement.

      Its really hard for me to build ships because really where do i start? i want the part that the player flies the ship from to be a side mounted cockpit per se, but what do i do about the core? the easiest way to build a ship is with the core at the center and build outwards, But i cant move the...
    11. Daniel L.

      Changes to weapon pairing.

      What i suggest here is that the current system of paring weapons with one slave and one effect should be replaced with 2 universal ports allowing you two sacrifice an effect to make a weapon with two slaves (Rapid fire shotgun anyone?) Instead of one, and it could also go in reverse. (How about...
    12. Daniel L.

      1block starter weapons

      The hand laser provided to players does about 10dps that's a lot for a tiny hand gun! considering that attempting to get that rate of fire with the smallest possible block based gun will inevitably nab you only about 1-3 dps! now i know that maybe its just a variable system and that the custom...
    13. Daniel L.

      Read by Schine Factions redesign.

      I think the current factions system needs an overhaul. What i had in mind is a sort of feudal layout (Which would actually make since the idea being a bunch of mini factions each controlling their own land and owing allegiance to a central ruler.) Here is my thoughts on this: Governments: A...
    14. Daniel L.

      Remove the ugly colored orbs around planets.

      As of now i dont see much use for them, And according to this old dev trailer they werent always a part of the game. It actually looks pretty darn cool without those orbs doesnt it? And it will look even better in the...
    15. Daniel L.

      Minimum weapon damage

      Small fighters so far as i've seen have such a weak weapons capacity that they are not even being worth the resources. I think that weapons should have a minimum damage amount, Which would be pretty good but not enough to kill a capital ship or any large vessel alone. this wouldnt be OP because...
    16. Daniel L.

      Recognized Galaxy Redesign and new types of Galaxy.

      It is very annoying to me how the galaxy's in starmade are layed out like grids and the stars in each galaxy are at least at the center extremely close to each other. A galaxy should be a lot larger and less dense, with plenty of empty systems between every star. also there should be more kinds...
    17. Daniel L.

      Improved object loading.

      I know the game prides itself upon the whole "no Loading screens" thing but it gets even more annoying when i jump to a planet and it sloooooooooowly pops into existence one chunk at a time, Same with stations and large ships. So my suggestion is that the game do two things: 1# Any objects that...
    18. Daniel L.

      Hardpoints and planet improvements.

      HARDPOINTS: A new kind of docking that basically merges the docked vessel with the mother craft. Good for making stations or modular weapon systems on ships. PLANET IMPROVEMENTS: You can make a planet load faster by instead of loading all the blocks instantly instead generate the planet from...
    19. Daniel L.

      Scale Damage pulse with effect.

      It seems unfair how no matter how big you build a ship if you use the pulse you will get a tiny bubble, I think the devs need to make the pulse size scale with the damage.
    20. Daniel L.

      Planets cant be damaged from space.

      If real ships can burn up in Atmo, Maybe cannons and missiles should be destroyed upon impact with an atmosphere. And beams should be reduced in damage. It should hopefully reduce flyby griefing, And make it require getting in point blank range to destroy a planet easily exposing the ship to...