Recognized Premade Turrets

    Jun 12, 2015
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    I personally am terrible at designing weapon systems, Especially turrets, And there are probably more out there like me in this problem, I think the next patch to the game should come with a few turret blueprints for player use.
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    Jul 15, 2014
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    There's quite a few in the community content section, and on a few stations if you can manage to steal them.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Some default turret blueprints for new players to look at and tear apart wouldn't hurt at all, I approve of this!
    Jul 15, 2014
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    Wasn't shooting the idea down, just recommending a stop gap for now. I think having some wouldn't hurt. Could even sneak in a batch with the new factions ships. Something to bare in mind though is none of them will be as effective as what the player base (and potentially you) will make.
    Jun 12, 2015
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    Wasn't shooting the idea down, just recommending a stop gap for now. I think having some wouldn't hurt. Could even sneak in a batch with the new factions ships. Something to bare in mind though is none of them will be as effective as what the player base (and potentially you) will make.
    Yes but while the freedom to make your own ships is good, It means however that if you are inexperienced with weapon design then your ships will be shit in combat. It would be better in those cases for the player to just pull out a stock design.
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    Jul 27, 2014
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    And because of those designs you learn more...
    Jul 15, 2014
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    Yes but while the freedom to make your own ships is good, It means however that if you are inexperienced with weapon design then your ships will be shit in combat. It would be better in those cases for the player to just pull out a stock design.
    Again, not disagreeing. What we really need here as well is the game to more effectively teach the player how to make effective weapon designs, but that's verging on another issue.
    Jun 12, 2015
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    Again, not disagreeing. What we really need here as well is the game to more effectively teach the player how to make effective weapon designs, but that's verging on another issue.
    I Agree with that, And stock turrets that are functional for their task would do that perfectly because they could be examined and copied, Plus a player who is new to thegame would have a far easier time getting started as he could accumulate enough money then buy a basic ship a TG shipyard and fit it with stock turrets, Then he will have something useful.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    This is not a bad idea. As the faction system gets expanded and each faction has unique ships and weapons it would be a nice option if the turrets they AI used were also available separate from their ship. Personally I hope you can only buy tech from a faction from their basses if you are friendly to them. So any new player can buy trade guild tech but they would have to somehow increase their rep with say the scavengers before buying those ships and turrets... but that's for another topic.

    Yes turrets that are included on stock ships could be made available as stock blueprints.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    This would go great with the create docking. I really want to be able to spawn a blueprint and dock it to a ship in one command.
    Sep 1, 2015
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    I agree, I think this idea could be very good for the game overall. It would definitely be helpful for newer players.
    Aug 30, 2015
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    Right now it seem to me that most people that play starmade right now are what I would consider builders. But as the game gets factions, npcs, and content I think it will attract many people that are not builders. They will love space games and have short attention spans for building. My niece can build in minecraft for about 25 minutes before going into rage mode. She's not a builder, she's an adventure/explorer type.

    I think it would be very beneficial if the game had premade turrets and possibly even good looking empty fighter shells in a place that new players could get to with little effort. My nephew enjoys filling empty ship shells.
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    Feb 22, 2015
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    I believe there are plans to have a few blueprints available at spawn. And then by increasing your reputation with the individual facts you will be able to 'unlock' more ships/blueprints. This actually makes a kind of sense. Run a few missions, upgrade your rep, then be able to buy the pulse-beam turret mkII and swap it out at a shipyard.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I imagine I will be discussing this with the others. New players need to be able to get into newb ships at the start and giving them the opportunity to place pre-built parts isn't a terrible idea. I think this can extend past just turrets too. Maybe a variety of simple templates.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I imagine I will be discussing this with the others. New players need to be able to get into newb ships at the start and giving them the opportunity to place pre-built parts isn't a terrible idea. I think this can extend past just turrets too. Maybe a variety of simple templates.
    Maybe something like an extension of build helper, where there is a "visual" of the built turret and youd place blocks in it? Might be a good way to bridge the "Learning to build a turret" and "Easy turret for beginners" ideas.
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    Oct 30, 2015
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    I disagree.
    Starmade will require a certain amount of build knowledge and 'protecting' a player from a learning experience does them no service. Let each player discover these new things in an organic way. Each little discovery can be very rewarding. Also, getting things for no effort tends to diminish that experience.
    Jun 12, 2015
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    I disagree.
    Starmade will require a certain amount of build knowledge and 'protecting' a player from a learning experience does them no service. Let each player discover these new things in an organic way. Each little discovery can be very rewarding. Also, getting things for no effort tends to diminish that experience.
    Really? The weapons systems used to be very simple and functional. Now they are so complicated that it is nearly impossible to build an effective system, The rails update followed by HP has made turrets literally useless as they keep getting stuck on themselves and their firepower isnt enough to break the armor bonus. Light weapons like cannons and beams are worthless now as they cant provide enough of a blast radius to take the structure points down any at all. I remember the day when i could build a decent ship with great weapons easily. Then easily put turrets on it and go out to blast pirates who back then would spawn in fleets very frequently, And once i'd had enough of killing isanths who would generally die quickly, I would take my ship design and give it to pirate access and then i would have to build a bigger ship. Now that was a fun game! But now??? I cant for the life of me find a weapon combination that is effective as they have all been suitably nerfed to do nothing at all. And pirates no longer spawn everywhere in nomadic fleets that would give a invigorating challenge to new players and farmed for resources by established players. And turrets are no longer effective as the majority of space that would have once been weapons are now fancy rail blocks, And the turrets always get stuck on each other too, I've seen many turrets completely halt in their movement and gimbal their weapons sideways! Just to hit the target! So yes starmade for me has gone downhill with its overwhelming complexity. Not to mention that the dodecahedron planets really in my opinion werent welcome. It used to be that you could hollow out the side of a disc planet and build a hanger, Plus the old planets WORKED they didnt lag me to hell like the current ones, They didnt crash my game, And they were far better made! The current worlds are entirely improvised! they are a core entity with plates docked on, Those plates even show up on the map as separate entity's. This game is in serious need of simplification IMO.


    Oct 30, 2015
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    Really? The weapons systems used to be very simple and functional. Now they are so complicated that it is nearly impossible to build an effective system, ...IMO.
    Well that was in no way a reply to what I said so I don't know why you bothered to quote me. Mostly your paragraph was a collection of rants about ways in which SM has been developing that you don't agree with.

    -If the game never changed it would neither degrade nor ever get better. Are you arguing for stagnation?

    -Is it your expectation that the very next update should fix every remaining glitch while improving game elements, adding new, fully tested, content that also maintains perfect game-balance? Sound kinda silly when I say it like that, but lets not forget; this is an Alpha game.

    I will be happy if, at the end of all this, when the game gets its full release, Schine has finally fixed and balanced the elements. Until then the board is going to keep changing under our feet. Try to stay on your sea-legs. ;)
    Jun 12, 2015
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    Well that was in no way a reply to what I said so I don't know why you bothered to quote me. Mostly your paragraph was a collection of rants about ways in which SM has been developing that you don't agree with.

    -If the game never changed it would neither degrade nor ever get better. Are you arguing for stagnation?

    -Is it your expectation that the very next update should fix every remaining glitch while improving game elements, adding new, fully tested, content that also maintains perfect game-balance? Sound kinda silly when I say it like that, but lets not forget; this is an Alpha game.

    I will be happy if, at the end of all this, when the game gets its full release, Schine has finally fixed and balanced the elements. Until then the board is going to keep changing under our feet. Try to stay on your sea-legs. ;)
    sorry i kinda got carried away. But what i was trying to say there was that in the complexities of the current game itis almost impossible to teach yourself how to build right. Premade designs wouldn't eliminate a desire to learn it would encourage it because the player will wonder "How does it do that?" and will take it apart to find out.