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    1. Ixalite

      Light Switch

      The idea is simple. Add a line to the structure tab indicating the colors of lights on a ship, and an option to turn them off. Red alert? Red alert!
    2. Ixalite

      Bug AI Accuracy in multiplayer

      I run a multiplayer server, and I find that AI accuracy always resets to 100 no matter what the config file reads. How can I turn it down? Also: AI are unable still to use D1000 missiles. they fire them, but in completely random directions, sometimes hitting their own ship if a turret.
    3. Ixalite

      Bug Ships not remaining stable on multiplayer

      Version: 0.1421; build 20130303_194643 Ships and stations occasionally behave as though they are not being saved properly by the server, when sectors are despawned. Portions of them, but not always the entire thing, revert to previous states. This is most visible with large constructions, but...
    4. Ixalite

      Tectum Clementia

      The Tectum Clementia Hardcore server. Host: PingPerfect Modded Economy Custom Blocks Quests Rules: 1: Role-Play first. This is not a server for you to build an enormous cannon with engines. 2:OOC chat must be kept in double parentheses ((like this)). 3...
    5. Ixalite

      Engine Tweak

      I don't know if this has been suggested before, but what if the top speed of a ship scaled down as the number of engine blocks scaled up. That way, a small fighter could reach high speed, but a large capital ship would be limited.
    6. Ixalite

      AI not manuvering

      One of the things that was supposed to change in this release was the AI moving around more as they fight. I am not seeing this happen on my server, although other servers they work just fine.
    7. Ixalite

      AI scripting Suggestions

      I for one am sick of the pirate's only tactic being "Move to standoff range and fire". This may be practical (and easy to implement) but lacks pazazz. With the impending advent of scripted AI, I prepose a few new defaults. A. Fighters. Ships under as certain mass will default to the...
    8. Ixalite

      Hiigaran Ripoff ships

      On my server, there is an AI/Event faction Called Rendii. The look I settled on for them was to steal the ships straight from Homeworld 2. I did use SMEDIT to get the shapes and scale right, where the scale IS right anyway. (there is some debate about the fighters, but this is correct...
    9. Ixalite

      Tectum Clementia Ship Classification thread.

      (The following tiers and requirements apply to ALL SHIPS on the server) 1. Fighter, Shuttle: Fast moving small craft, designed to work in groups for patrol, intelligence gathering, utility work, or raiding. These can be built anywhere and do not require a yard. [I]Requirements: [1+ Crew]...
    10. Ixalite

      Config Options

      In the server config file there are many options. Some of them work, and some of them do not. Here are some things that I think should be in that file. 1. AI missile accuracy (different value from AI AMC accuracy) 2. AMC default damage, or an AMC damage multiplier. 3. Shield effectiveness...
    11. Ixalite

      D1000 AI aiming

      AI are ABLE to fire missiles of all sorts now, but their accuracy seems perminatly set to Zero. Is there some line in the Config file we can add to repair this?
    12. Ixalite

      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      This is a Roll-Play server, hosted on PingPerfect. Designed to be the next in an honored Line, from Eternia to Vivacitas, this server promises to be the next home for Starmade roll-play. Whitelist applications will be considered by myself, or one of the moderators, and will be sent the IP...
    13. Ixalite

      Ark class Sublight colony Vessel

      Launched thousands of years ago by a clearly desperate civilization, this relic is found still struggling through space, toward a destination long forgotten. What the exterior may once have looked like has long since been worn away, either through conflict, solar flares, or simple age. Now...
    14. Ixalite

      Shield Re-balancing

      In the interests of game balance, I find the total reliance on million-block shield arrays to be harmful. To that end, I have a three part proposal. 1: Have shields only begin to recharge after a ten second timer, that is reset every time they take a hit. this includes partial recharges, so...
    15. Ixalite

      Catalog bug in multiplayer

      When I load a ship from local (on NASS) the ship doesn't appear in my personal files section of the catalog.