Tectum Clementia Ship Classification thread.

    May 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    (The following tiers and requirements apply to ALL SHIPS on the server)

    1. Fighter, Shuttle: Fast moving small craft, designed to work in groups for patrol, intelligence gathering, utility work, or raiding. These can be built anywhere and do not require a yard.

    Requirements: [1+ Crew] [Bridge] [
    Aug 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Master Builder Bronze
    \"I think a modern example of the whole cost thing is when a b2 stealth bomber costs 2 billion dollars and a larger jumbo jet costs nowhere near that much, maybe a few million even though it weighs more. I think that the ship classification needs a separate classification system for ships built with armored hull and ships built with just normal hull, rather than grouping both together. When the outside of the ship is covered in armored hull, it gets slotted into the \"armored\" tiers and non armored ships get put in the \"unarmored\" tiers. Each category should have its own cost scale. The armored/unarmored cutoff probably would be if the ship\'s exterior hull is more than 25% hardened hull, it would be put into the armored category, and if it is less, than it is grouped into unarmored.\"

    Repeating my quote of myself, the cost of refitting a fighter with all armored hull will make its cost bracket eclipse much larger ships built with normal hull, so i think the classifications should differentiate between armored and non armored, giving two price brackets, one for hardened hull ships and one for non-hardened hull ships.